Well-known member
It is impossible to reason with anti-abortion people.
Well Frank, it turns out that the problem is on your end. You are totally unreasonable and completely irrational. I now realize that you have no interest in discussing really any political issue nor do you have any desire to learn anything, so this post is more for other readers on the board, although I will extend to you the courtesy of addressing you directly.If not impossible...so close to impossible as to be indistinguishable.
You were asked to comment on the question: "Do you advocate for/support the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die."
The bottom line answer is that you fully support the killing of living humans as such for nothing more than someone else's convenience. You dishonestly state that you are against killing, but only as a virtue-signalling opportunity. You quickly then follow up with your "exception" ... that you try like hell to pretend is somehow not killing of living humans.

Frank, have you ever heard of the "special pleading" fallacy? You commit this fallacy often. Below is one example. You are trying to excuse your horrible stance by claiming that it is somehow outside the scope of consideration when it is always within the scope of consideration.
I personally hate the notion of killing anyone or anything ... So I do not like the idea of killing.
An exception I make is an abortion.
But I think a woman should have the right to make a choice about whether to [not kill a living human] in her own body.
Preventing a woman from being able to make such a choice [to kill a living human who has committed no crime and who has not expressed any desire to die] has the potential for a MUCH MORE CORRUPTING influence on our society...in my opinion.
An abortion falls under the category of killing a living human who has not committed any crime and who has not expressed any desire to die, ergo your answer should have been "Yes, I fully support the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die." But you lied instead. By the way, I think it's revealing that you righteously assert that women should have a say in keeping their fetuses alive, i.e. that they shouldn't be forced to kill the living humans they carry! Too funny!... and it is my opinion that a woman should have the right to [kill a living human] if she chooses...
I consistently pointed out this contradiction of yours, as have others, and you have never stopped EVADING by trying to change the original question, using wording that does not appear in the question. At the rate you're going, you'll have tried to work in the entire dictionary before summer arrives. For example:
Lie. You condone the killing of very young living humans for convenience purposes.
Neither "fetus" nor "person" are within the context of discussion, and you know this. Not only have I specified this on three occasions, but you have read the question more than a dozen times and you know what the wording is.C'mon! "Very young?" A fetus is not a person...it is a fetus.
Are they the "shittiest humans?" I know of many shitty humans who do other things that bother me just as much...and there are people who do things other than killing that I consider shittier than people who kill things.
First, thank you for being so above board and admitting up front that you find people who clearly reveal your contradictions and logical fallacies to be worse than people who actually kill living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die.(ASIDE: Among the shittiest of humans for me are people who change the wording of quotes during Internet discussions.

You have no room to bitch and cry and moan and snivel like you do. I simply add square brackets that show that I am replacing your incoherent and distractionary miswording with what you really mean within the context of discussion. Anyone who needs to know your exact wording can read it with a quick and easy click of the included quote button. The fact that you have to whine like a fucking two-year-old about your illogic being so clearly revealed, to the point that you declare it worse than the killing of living humans, is a clear indication of how people should view your little temper tantrums.
Would you allow yourself to be killed if someone else, say a woman for example, were to assert that your death would make her life more convenient? Would you respect her right to make that choice herself?
I want to thank you for so aptly revealing your hypocrisy. This is another case of special pleading, but in this case, you are the benefactor of your special pleading. You are against the killing of living humans ... if none of those living humans are you. However, if you are assumed to not be included, then you fully support the killing of living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die.No, I would not. So what is your point about what I actually said?
You have a JesusAI-level hangup about the word "believe" and thus you insist on redefining it. Sorry. You have your beliefs, and they are your operating assumptions that you do not know. Deal with it.I do not do "believing"
I never did. The word "abortion" never appears in the question I asked you. i.e. "Do you advocate for/support the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die."but if you are asking my opinion about abortion,
Your problem is that you tipped your king the moment you began to EVADE. You had backed yourself into a corner, could not answer the questions, so you "declared" the questions to be stupid and insulting, ... and you did not answer them, thinking you were somehow fooling someone. I'd be interested to know who you believe is that stupid that he would be fooled by that little stunt. Did you think I would somehow not see right through it?
Your job in our discussion is to answer the questions posed to you and my job is to answer the questions you pose to me. That's how it works. It is not your job to determine which questions I am to ask you. You just aren't sufficiently forthright to acknowledge your own fuck-ups and you think that if you hide under the covers that the monster can't see you.
I think you have fallen off the edge here, Mann. Your question is an insult.

Unless I am mistaken, we are done on this topic. It appears to be impossible to reason with living-human-killers who think even something so menial as one's convenience is a valid reason to summarily kill another living human, and that it doesn't measure up to altering wording to be classified as "shitty." If this is not the poster child for "impossible" ... it's so close to impossible as to be indistinguishable.