The Question that Makes Cowards out of Leftists

Since we are debating, the debate is not over, now is it?
When someone loses a contest, he cannot change the outcome by continuing after the winner has left with the prize. Nonetheless, you may continue.

This is a legal, not a scientific debate.
No. Leave it to Concart to aspire to new levels of underachievement ... and to overachieve in that regard!

You foolishly opted to quibble the semantics of words. You lost. We're done.


** a fetus is not a living human
** 1. The global medical community recognizes that if there is a heartbeat, there is life. All medical professionals first check for a pulse in non-responsive patients.
** 2. The human DNA closes out any and all debate on whether the fetus is human.
Ring Announcer:
** Your referee has called an end to this contest at 1:13 of the first round. Your winner by technical knockout, in the red corner, I-B-DaMann
When someone loses a contest, he cannot change the outcome by continuing after the winner has left with the prize. Nonetheless, you may continue.

No. Leave it to Concart to aspire to new levels of underachievement ... and to overachieve in that regard!

You foolishly opted to quibble the semantics of words. You lost. We're done.

It's so cute when you speak to your imaginary audience, as if they are hanging on your every word. Self declared victories are funny. Sorry, but you are far below my weight class, pal. You are swimming in kiddie pool. Your positions lack any nuance or critical thought. They are visceral, and your lame attempt at winning the debate with a visceral argument is readily apparent by the little pictures you posted. I do not accept that conception bestows full legal rights on an embryo at the expense of the person carrying it. I'd have this discussion with you, but you are a neanderthal who comes here with a wooden club and declares yourself king of the hill, and then uses your many socks as support. It's lame, it's weak, it's transparent, and it proves you have absolutely no ability to honestly debate any topic. You are dismissed, little man.
It's so cute when you speak to your imaginary audience, as if they are hanging on your every word.
It's so cute that you wander oblivious to the world around you. You have all the clues any rational adult would need to be aware that many people read my posts, but you are just a little too slow on the uptake. It is really cute, however.

Self declared victories are funny.
Sorry, you walked right into that one. You didn't even give me a chance to try to talk you out of it.

I do not accept that conception bestows full legal rights on an embryo
Could I convince you to slow down long enough to think about this one first, before you walk headfirst into another one-and-done? I am willing to work with you.

You need a do-over on your statement. You changed my wording and made your response irrelevant in the process. All that's going to get you is a point deduction from the referee. I will write out the question for you and please pay attention to the wording:

Do you support the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die?

Notice the absence of the words "conception," "abortion," "person," "fetus," "being," ... and any other word that simply isn't in the question.

Please answer this question that I am asking, and please refrain from answering any question that I am not asking. Thank you in advance.

I'd have this discussion with you, but you are a neanderthal who comes here with a wooden club and declares yourself king of the hill,
Wow! You really want to get out of answering this question, I can tell. You're doing a great job of blaming me for your EVASION. Just relax and take a deep breath. You can do it ... you only have to answer it once.

and then uses your many socks as support.
Are you Terry's sock? Are you under the impression that this somehow helps you EVADE the question? Remind me at some point in the future to ask you what you believe I would be able to accomplish with socks that I somehow cannot successfully accomplish under this single, solitary avatar?

It's lame, it's weak, it's transparent, and it proves ...
... that you are a total dumbass. Just answer the question and we can move the football downfield.
It's so cute that you wander oblivious to the world around you. You have all the clues any rational adult would need to be aware that many people read my posts, but you are just a little too slow on the uptake. It is really cute, however.

Sorry, you walked right into that one. You didn't even give me a chance to try to talk you out of it.

Could I convince you to slow down long enough to think about this one first, before you walk headfirst into another one-and-done? I am willing to work with you.

You need a do-over on your statement. You changed my wording and made your response irrelevant in the process. All that's going to get you is a point deduction from the referee. I will write out the question for you and please pay attention to the wording:

Do you support the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die?

Notice the absence of the words "conception," "abortion," "person," "fetus," "being," ... and any other word that simply isn't in the question.

Please answer this question that I am asking, and please refrain from answering any question that I am not asking. Thank you in advance.

Wow! You really want to get out of answering this question, I can tell. You're doing a great job of blaming me for your EVASION. Just relax and take a deep breath. You can do it ... you only have to answer it once.

Are you Terry's sock? Are you under the impression that this somehow helps you EVADE the question? Remind me at some point in the future to ask you what you believe I would be able to accomplish with socks that I somehow cannot successfully accomplish under this single, solitary avatar?

... that you are a total dumbass. Just answer the question and we can move the football downfield.

The answer is no. You might have noticed that answer previously if you could read. But alas, that was too much to expect. My bad.
The answer is no. You might have noticed that answer previously if you could read. But alas, that was too much to expect. My bad.
Now you're just pouting and being dishonest. You can't handle losing so you cry like a fucking baby.

Yes, you answered "no" previously, but you were pulling an AProudLefty maneuver by qualifying your answer so as to be able to later say that you were answering "no" to a different question, that you weren't answering "no" to the question I was asking. You were somehow expecting to get fetuses excluded from consideration as not being living humans. When I bitch-slapped your grammar-school logic errors, you began kicking and screaming like a newborn.

I don't know why you are here on JPP. You're a shitty person who doesn't want to discuss anything. You just want to attack others who disagree with the political positions you have had reamed into you by the people who bend you over furniture. You are very stupid and undereducated. I will gladly rake you over the coals anytime you wish. You've got nothing to stand on.

Now you're just pouting and being dishonest. You can't handle losing so you cry like a fucking baby.

Yes, you answered "no" previously, but you were pulling an AProudLefty maneuver by qualifying your answer so as to be able to later say that you were answering "no" to a different question, that you weren't answering "no" to the question I was asking. You were somehow expecting to get fetuses excluded from consideration as not being living humans. When I bitch-slapped your grammar-school logic errors, you began kicking and screaming like a newborn.

I don't know why you are here on JPP. You're a shitty person who doesn't want to discuss anything. You just want to attack others who disagree with the political positions you have had reamed into you by the people who bend you over furniture. You are very stupid and undereducated. I will gladly rake you over the coals anytime you wish. You've got nothing to stand on.


I thought you were done playing 'babble like an idiot'. Guess not.
I thought you were done playing 'babble like an idiot'. Guess not.
Anytime you want to bring it on, please do not hesitate to do so.

So, now that you have claimed to have answered "no" to my question, do support the idea of a woman having the right to kill a living human simply on the grounds that it will make her life more convenient?
Anytime you want to bring it on, please do not hesitate to do so.

So, now that you have claimed to have answered "no" to my question, do support the idea of a woman having the right to kill a living human simply on the grounds that it will make her life more convenient?
A zygote is not a "living human", dumbass. You're the silly schizo who doesn't know the NRA has gun free zones for their leaders.
Anytime you want to bring it on, please do not hesitate to do so.

So, now that you have claimed to have answered "no" to my question, do support the idea of a woman having the right to kill a living human simply on the grounds that it will make her life more convenient?

No. Any other questions?
A zygote is not a "living human", dumbass.
Terry, you're "spiritually journeying" again and you should wait until you're in the bathroom to do that.

If there's no heartbeat yet then sure, you could argue that it's not yet alive. Are you claiming that its human DNA is actually of some other species? I wouldn't put it past you.

Once there is a heartbeat, you have no more wiggle room. It's a living human, just like you are, and just as intellectually dynamic!
Do you support the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die?
The answer is no.
So, now that you have claimed to have answered "no" to my question, do support the idea of a woman having the right to kill a living human simply on the grounds that it will make her life more convenient?
No. Any other questions?
Sure, do you support abortions being legal?
Yes. Next?
You are not rational. Your previous answers were not sincere and not genuine.

Conclusion: you are a shitty person who advocates the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die.

... and no, I have no further questions.
You are not rational. Your previous answers were not sincere and not genuine.

Conclusion: you are a shitty person who advocates the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime and who have not expressed any desire to die.

... and no, I have no further questions.

Quite the debater you are. Ask three questions claim the answers are inconsistent and end the discussion. Mad skills bro!
Why you are playing tic tac toe to my chess:

The answers are incompatible only if I accept your definition of a ‘living human’. I do not. You lose.

End thread.
Terry, you're "spiritually journeying" again and you should wait until you're in the bathroom to do that.

If there's no heartbeat yet then sure, you could argue that it's not yet alive. Are you claiming that its human DNA is actually of some other species? I wouldn't put it past you.

Once there is a heartbeat, you have no more wiggle room. It's a living human, just like you are, and just as intellectually dynamic!
I just had a thought after you said the words "Once there is a heartbeat, you have no more wiggle room".

I thought of how a person plants a tomato seed, expecting it to develop into a full grown tomato plant. At first, a person puts a seed into a bit of soil and provides the right conditions for it to germinate. At the moment of germination, the seed then begins working at developing into a full grown tomato plant. Is the plant living? Presumably yes, but there's no way to check and know for sure as the plant is still beneath the soil... IOW, it could be argued that the plant isn't living ("I keep checking up on the plant but all I see is a bit of soil")... BUUUUUT once the plant surfaces from beneath the soil and a green stem is detectable, then there's no more wiggle room. The plant is definitely living and is definitely developing into a full grown tomato plant. There's no way to plausibly deny it.

With a human, the same reasoning applies. A man and a woman have sex with each other (providing the right conditions for fertilization). At the moment of fertilization, the zygote then begins working at developing into a full grown human. Is the zygote living? Presumably yes, but there's no way to check and know for sure as there's no detectable heartbeat... IOW, it could be argued that the zygote isn't living... BUUUUUT once the zygote becomes an embryo/fetus and a heartbeat is detectable, then there's no more wiggle room. [It has now "popped up above the soil"]. The embryo/fetus is definitely living and is definitely developing into a full grown living human. There's no way to plausibly deny it.
I just had a thought after you said the words "Once there is a heartbeat, you have no more wiggle room".

I thought of how a person plants a tomato seed, expecting it to develop into a full grown tomato plant. At first, a person puts a seed into a bit of soil and provides the right conditions for it to germinate. At the moment of germination, the seed then begins working at developing into a full grown tomato plant. Is the plant living? Presumably yes, but there's no way to check and know for sure as the plant is still beneath the soil... IOW, it could be argued that the plant isn't living ("I keep checking up on the plant but all I see is a bit of soil")... BUUUUUT once the plant surfaces from beneath the soil and a green stem is detectable, then there's no more wiggle room. The plant is definitely living and is definitely developing into a full grown tomato plant. There's no way to plausibly deny it.

With a human, the same reasoning applies. A man and a woman have sex with each other (providing the right conditions for fertilization). At the moment of fertilization, the zygote then begins working at developing into a full grown human. Is the zygote living? Presumably yes, but there's no way to check and know for sure as there's no detectable heartbeat... IOW, it could be argued that the zygote isn't living... BUUUUUT once the zygote becomes an embryo/fetus and a heartbeat is detectable, then there's no more wiggle room. [It has now "popped up above the soil"]. The embryo/fetus is definitely living and is definitely developing into a full grown living human. There's no way to plausibly deny it.

I love how you have these little conversations with yourself, Sybil. Very illuminating.

For one thing, your personality almost seems normal. Kudos. :thup:
I love how you have these little conversations with yourself, Sybil.
I'm just checking in, Terry. How's this whole "socks" thing working out for you? You seem to have a great deal of emotional equity invested in that strategy so I'm pulling for you. Good luck.

By the way, is there anything I can do to help?