The Reckoning we Need to Ensure a "More Perfect Union"

Everything you say about me is a lie. Your assumptions because we disagree politically have ruined your ability to listen and even attempt to understand my perspective.

Politics don't have to be partisan. Left v Right is partisan not simply political.

I completely understand secession, slavery, and the Confederacy. It is not complicated. Again, your assumptions are incorrect.

When you make a claim of no personal insults after calling me racist.
My original post included a story about Germany after the Holocaust and my thoughts.
I found this to be very powerful to me. Personally, this is a great example of how to move forward. I just hope it isn't too late. Unfortunately, the backlash to this thought process will be strong. It will be seen as divisive and a sign of weakness.

Let's Hope our "More Perfect Union" continues to be attainable. Those ideals truly make this the greatest country.

Your response was disrespectful, partisan, and a distraction to a thought-provoking story.

Racism. Your racism is NOT the path to a more perfect Union. Indeed, there is no Union right now, thanks to the Democrats.

You never wanted or were capable of a conversation. You did achieve your goal of hijacking a thread with distraction and insults.
Congratulations Troll
In internet slang, a troll is a person who posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others' perception.*Wikipedia

I am done with you.
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