The Redhead


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Remember me telling you guys about that chick at work?

She asked me out a few evenings ago. My response?

I turned her down. :thup:
Jesus would have wanted you to live a little. That's why he blessed you with bodily urges. You my friend, are going to have one wicked ass midlifer. Brace yourself.
I'm telling you from the perspective of somebody who has been there, you are going to regret this. Don't be a fool turning down the girl who had you so "smitten" before just because you believe she plans on nailing ya...
I'm telling you from the perspective of somebody who has been there, you are going to regret this. Don't be a fool turning down the girl who had you so "smitten" before just because you believe she plans on nailing ya...

I liked her when I thought she was a good girl. I'm not attracted to dirty chicks, Damo. They turn me off. I'm not even attracted to her anymore.
You probaby don't even know anything about her, although you're probably wacked off to the thought of entering her 10 or 20 times since you met her.

You're probably off on the sex thing anyway. In normal people world, we do something called "flirting", which is usually playful.
You probaby don't even know anything about her, although you're probably wacked off to the thought of entering her 10 or 20 times since you met her.

You're probably off on the sex thing anyway. In normal people world, we do something called "flirting", which is usually playful.

No, I'm by no means misinterpreting anything.

But I have long suspected you are all talk, Watermark. :) You're probably a fat kid (250+ lbs) who can't get any, so you make up stories to live out your fantasy life on the internet.