The reluctant vaccinated in the NWO

Hello Dutch Uncle,

Such a government has to grow like a tree. It can't be forced without bloodshed; example: the American Civil War.

A powerful central government did not grow like a tree in the USA. It had to be imposed by those who saw the need. Those who objected had to be convinced with the Bill of Rights.

The same thing should be done internationally.

Except I don't think you would get a majority of nations agreeing to the 2nd Amendment. That is outdated. A powerful central government would ensure that no nation needs to defend itself from another nation. A world defense force would have to be formed, but there would be no need to quickly form an army for nations to defend themselves. The armies of all nations should be dissolved. Soldiers would instead be needed in the world defense forces.

The 2nd was one of the things our Constitution got wrong, which has never been corrected. It should be.

There should be no right to own a gun. It should be a licensed privilege reserved for those who demonstrate enough responsibility to be trusted with one. We have had enough of the disastrous results of allowing irresponsible idiots to have guns. People who live in rural settings have more need of one than people who live in suburban settings. A gun in the home is more likely to result in an accidental shooting, suicide or a tragic domestic dispute than it is to be used in defense of the home from intruders.

The Constitution said we would have no standing army. The purpose of the 2nd was to be able to quickly form an army if needed.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

A powerful central government did not grow like a tree in the USA. It had to be imposed by those who saw the need. Those who objected had to be convinced with the Bill of Rights.

The same thing should be done internationally.

Except I don't think you would get a majority of nations agreeing to the 2nd Amendment. That is outdated. A powerful central government would ensure that no nation needs to defend itself from another nation. A world defense force would have to be formed, but there would be no need to quickly form an army for nations to defend themselves. The armies of all nations should be dissolved. Soldiers would instead be needed in the world defense forces.

The 2nd was one of the things our Constitution got wrong, which has never been corrected. It should be.

There should be no right to own a gun. It should be a licensed privilege reserved for those who demonstrate enough responsibility to be trusted with one. We have had enough of the disastrous results of allowing irresponsible idiots to have guns. People who live in rural settings have more need of one than people who live in suburban settings.

The Constitution said we would have no standing army. The purpose of the 2nd was to be able to quickly form an army if needed.
Disagreed, but interesting that you favor violence over persuasion.

So be it. Let there be blood.
Hello Dutch,

She's a nut who poisoned 80 people through negligence at the 2017 county fair.
In 2017, 80 people who attended a Garfield County fair became ill from food poisoning after eating pork sliders from a temporary location set up by Shooters Grill and Smokehouse 1776. They did not have the required permits to operate the temporary location, and the Garfield County health department determined that the outbreak was caused by unsafe food handling at the event.

Yeah, I read about that. She is a sick woman who made a lot of other people sick. She runs a bar based on the concept of mixing guns with alcohol. What could possibly go wrong?
Hello Dutch,

Disagreed, but interesting that you favor violence over persuasion.

So be it. Let there be blood.

Interesting you get that out of my post.

Totally incorrect.

You could try to quote to back up that outrageous claim, but since it isn't there you'll have to explain how you inferred such a thing that was not even said.
Hello Dutch,

Yeah, I read about that. She is a sick woman who made a lot of other people sick. She runs a bar based on the concept of mixing guns with alcohol. What could possibly go wrong?

Less Qless Coloradoans?

Support Evolution!

Hello Dutch,

Interesting you get that out of my post.

Totally incorrect.

You could try to quote to back up that outrageous claim, but since it isn't there you'll have to explain how you inferred such a thing that was not even said.
It makes it easy when you post it:

Hello Dutch Uncle,

A powerful central government did not grow like a tree in the USA. It had to be imposed by those who saw the need. Those who objected had to be convinced with the Bill of Rights.

The same thing should be done internationally.

Except I don't think you would get a majority of nations agreeing to the 2nd Amendment. That is outdated. A powerful central government would ensure that no nation needs to defend itself from another nation. A world defense force would have to be formed, but there would be no need to quickly form an army for nations to defend themselves. The armies of all nations should be dissolved. Soldiers would instead be needed in the world defense forces.

The 2nd was one of the things our Constitution got wrong, which has never been corrected. It should be.

There should be no right to own a gun. It should be a licensed privilege reserved for those who demonstrate enough responsibility to be trusted with one. We have had enough of the disastrous results of allowing irresponsible idiots to have guns. People who live in rural settings have more need of one than people who live in suburban settings. A gun in the home is more likely to result in an accidental shooting, suicide or a tragic domestic dispute than it is to be used in defense of the home from intruders.

The Constitution said we would have no standing army. The purpose of the 2nd was to be able to quickly form an army if needed.
2% of the American population died due to the War of Northern Aggression.

What percent will die in your global War of Imposition?
I know I tested positive for the antibodies before getting the vaccine. That’s how vaccines function. You get the antibodies from vaccination.
So basically you’re saying I don’t know if the vaccine provides immunity.
The vaccine does provide immunity. The more antibodies, the more the immunity. At present, with two doses, you should be protected from death or serious illness, but not a few days of illness. Your choice.

Viruses evolve which is why 1) there is no "Cold" vaccine, although the mRNA tech may change that and 2) why a new Flu shot is available each year....and even that only prevents the top 3 flu viruses predicted to be prevalent.

What are you afraid of in the vaccine? Nanobots? You'll become Jewish? Start voting Democrat? What?
Hello Dutch,

It makes it easy when you post it:

2% of the American population died due to the War of Northern Aggression.

What percent will die in your global War of Imposition?

I was wondering how you got violence out of my academic post. You own the extrapolation. I am under no obligation to entertain it.

Mine is an argument of logic not force. "To establish or apply as compulsory; levy." A peaceful solution for the good of all.
Hello Dutch,

The vaccine does provide immunity. The more antibodies, the more the immunity.

Viruses evolve which is why 1) there is no "Cold" vaccine, although the mRNA tech may change that and 2) why a new Flu shot is available each year....and even that only prevents the top 3 flu viruses predicted to be prevalent.

What are you afraid of in the vaccine? Nanobots? You'll become Jewish? Start voting Democrat? What?

The more people who vote Democrat, the better it is for our nation and the world.

Democracy is the best way.
Hello Dutch,

I was wondering how you got violence out of my academic post. You own the extrapolation. I am under no obligation to entertain it.

Mine is an argument of logic not force. "To establish or apply as compulsory; levy." A peaceful solution for the good of all.
You mentioned the American Civil War and imposing your beliefs onto others in the same paragraph.

I pointed out that persuasion is better and you have consistently pushed forcing people to submit. How can you not understand that will result in violence?