The Rich vs. Poor Pay Gap In America; When will the people say "enough is enough"..

Why is that; because you fancy yourself as some form of constitutional scholar? We're the non-corrupt when they voted Obamascare as Constitutional use of the tax code?


Did you read this before or after you posted it. I sure hope not because this gibberish is impenetrable. This post makes absolutely no sense as written. Perhaps you can edit it and then we will be able to comment on it's content but as written all we can say is that it appears you never got beyond 4th Grade!
Yes I can see how you think it is unfair for people to make choices free of coercion. What a horrible construct for people to live under.

Much better the state direct people's affairs. We saw it work perfectly......

Wait I will come up with one..

give me a second.....

I will have to get back to you on a communist system that was successful

Brilliant this must be what you call "smart"! I guess you have nothing but more "communism" a word you have never defined.
Here is an interesting question. When a businessman gives money to the mob, are they bribing them or paying protection money?

It is the latter.

The same could be said about politicians who say "gee, I would hate for some regulation to come tear down your bidness"

All of which shows you know nothing about the sources of regulation and who pays lobbyists for regulations. Who wanted seat belts in cars and when and why did they becomes mandatory. Who lobbied state legislatures for seat belt laws. Who demands electrical codes in houses and who lobbied to get building codes implemented? You right wingers are such fools. You want us to believe that government is just some out of control demon. Nothing could be further from the truth.
It doesnt take a constitutional scholar to know that money is not speech. It just takes knowing english.

Of course every fucking moron should know that money, (just like a gun), is an inanimate object not capable of being anything all by itself except a tool. A gun can’t kill and money can’t talk without the physical direction of humanoids. Guns don’t kill, people kill with guns. Money doesn’t talk, people talk with money especially when they buy a political voice. As long as politicians claim to be a voice of the people campaign contributions will be free speech.

Here’s an idea. How about we make a law that says everybody that doesn’t think campaign contributions are free speech is prohibited from donating to/bribing a politician and everybody that thinks campaign contributions are free speech can contribute all the free speech they want. Thastaway everybody gets to promote their principles.
You right wingers are such fools. You want us to believe that government is just some out of control demon. Nothing could be further from the truth.

17 trillion $ of national debt and rising. More than 100 trillion $ in future unfunded liabilities for socialist programs. 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers and the rest of the world combined has ONE. No other country on earth has military troops in120 other countries. No other country has enough Admirals and Generals to supply military leadership to the rest of the world and still have more than enough left over for themselves. We have a government that writes laws compiling thousands of pages that nobody reads before they vote on them and nobody understands when they go into effect. We have politicians that commandeer loot from the national treasury to build bridges to nowhere and study the testicles of toads. We have a government that furloughs government workers and pays them for doing nothing while they double dip and collect unemployment benefits while on furlough. We have politicians that write laws then exempt themselves from the laws they write. We have politicians that take an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, then as soon as they can violate the Constitution.

And you think “out of control government” can’t be further from the truth? Where in the fuck Have you been Goober????
Claiming that corporations run the Government is a brain dead strawman for dimwitted clueless asshats.

One needs hip waders to get through the fascinating bullshit being uttered on this thread that continues to defy logic and reason while never touching on what the true ailment and cause of growing income/wealth gap in this nation is; a lack of jobs thanks to the irresponsible buffoonery of Democrats and this painfully inept President.

As jobs continue to disappear under a whithering mountain of debt and deficits combined with pushes to increase the welfare State to accommodate the unemployed, the moronic Marxist class envy rhetoric and caustic partisan divisiveness of the dimwitted occupant of the White House grows louder.

This leaderless nation is beginning to sound like a 3rd world South American nation with Hugo Chavez at its helm, assisted by union thugs, declaring that the economic malaise is not his fault, but the fault of those that actually make the economy work. The only solution, therefore, is to destroy the engine of capitalism and supplant it with Government controls because we all know that BIG Government run by caring leftists know best what is good foe the sheeple.

Yes, you really are THAT stupid.

Yes because the thousands of lobbyists in Washington and on Capital Hill who are on $50,000 dollar a month retainers are being paid by corporations to sit around with their fingers up their butts not to actually influence legislation or the people who create it. You must be dumber than a mule to even post this ignorant tripe. You really expect people to believe the shit you are spewing here? Really. There are currently over 12,000 lobbyists and corporations last year spent over $3 Billion dollars on lobbyists. Boeing spent over $12 million. And only a fool would believe all this money has just been thrown away. And that is what you are claiming. You really need to get a another vocation because the work you are doing here is really quite pitiful and error filled.

Our founders weren't fearful of Corporations, they were afraid of dullards like you having the ability to vote.

That's because at the time the founders wrote the Constitution corporations did not exist in the form they do today and the founders wrote a Constitution that was designed to protect the majority of the founders property in slaves above all else. But you're probably as ignorant of the history of corporations as you are of everything else you opine on here. In other words, the Constitution is a document written for the rich, by the rich. But people who know so little about the way the world works and especially the U.S. government, are mostly ignorant of the history of who did what or why the did it!
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17 trillion $ of national debt and rising. More than 100 trillion $ in future unfunded liabilities for socialist programs. 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers and the rest of the world combined has ONE. No other country on earth has military troops in120 other countries. No other country has enough Admirals and Generals to supply military leadership to the rest of the world and still have more than enough left over for themselves. We have a government that writes laws compiling thousands of pages that nobody reads before they vote on them and nobody understands when they go into effect. We have politicians that commandeer loot from the national treasury to build bridges to nowhere and study the testicles of toads. We have a government that furloughs government workers and pays them for doing nothing while they double dip and collect unemployment benefits while on furlough. We have politicians that write laws then exempt themselves from the laws they write. We have politicians that take an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, then as soon as they can violate the Constitution.

And you think “out of control government” can’t be further from the truth? Where in the fuck Have you been Goober????

Not one thing you have said here shows government is out of control, I would say it is being nearly completely controlled it is just not being controlled in the way or by the people who you would like to see it controlled but someone is controlling it very well, how else would you account for all those military contracts for unnecessary military hardware. Those expenditures are a result of the work of the military industrial complex first identified by Dwight Eisenhower. When you get you head out of your ass far enough to see that the government is indeed controlled then you might have a chance at changing it. But as long as you think that it is just out of control there is nothing to change is there?
Yes because the thousands of lobbyists in Washington and on Capital Hill who are on $50,000 dollar a month retainers are being paid by corporations to sit around with their fingers up their butts not to actually influence legislation or the people who create it. You must be dumber than a mule to even post this ignorant tripe. You really expect people to believe the shit you are spewing here? Really. There are currently over 12,000 lobbyists and corporations last year spent over $3 Billion dollars on lobbyists. Boeing spent over $12 million. And only a fool would believe all this money has just been thrown away. And that is what you are claiming. You really need to get a another vocation because the work you are doing here is really quite pitiful and error filled.

That's because at the time the founders wrote the Constitution corporations did not exist in the form they do today and the founders wrote a Constitution that was designed to protect the majority of the founders property in slaves above all else. But you're probably as ignorant of the history of corporations as you are of everything else you opine on here. In other words, the Constitution is a document written for the rich, by the rich. But people who know so little about the way the world works and especially the U.S. government, are mostly ignorant of the history of who did what or why the did it!

A vast number of those lobbyists are also from local and State Governments.

Also, because you are a low information Democrat, corporations have been around long before the Constitution was created. I'm amused that you think you are not ignorant making the dimwitted claims you make and that I must be for being factually correct. It is comedic and ironic.

We agree that lobbying is currently a big business for states and large companies, so let's pretend that you, Dantes, actually have a brain and dive into the matter.

Why do you think there are so many lobbyists on Capital Hill trying to influence our political representatives?
I'm going to let you believe whatever you want to believe. It's obvious you're impervious to facts and reality.

Toodles dimwit.

I invite you to tell me which facts and realities im impervious to. It seems you just keep repeating the same slogans over and over, and calling people names when they present you with compelling arguments.
Your first sentence is a bogus premise and therefore the rest of your screed is not worth answering. Capitalism in and of itself cannot be corrupt. People can be corrupt.

This is your response? And you want to debate me. You must think I am srtupid to waste a minute debating someone who can barely write a sentence and rarely makes a comment that doesn't include some kind of irrational stream of four letter words or the word communism or the word C...t. I wouldn't waste my time. You can't write even write a short paragraph. You call a 5-7 word sentence a paragraph. It's quite incomprehensible that you would even want to debate me you could do it any time here and you don't. So stop generating those insipid automatic PMs it isn't happening, I don't debate right wing stooges in back allies. Here or nowhere!
In other words engaging someone your own age!

Wrong again dimwit; in other words engaging tiny brained leftists like you. Now are you going to answer my question above, or are you afraid of proving what dimwitted arrogant little twit you really are?

Why do you think there are so many lobbyists on Capitol Hill trying to influence our politicians?
I invite you to tell me which facts and realities im impervious to. It seems you just keep repeating the same slogans over and over, and calling people names when they present you with compelling arguments.

You really are THAT stupid.

Carry on; dimwits like you are a constant reminder of why one can never engage idiots. Because it will lead to a never ending circle of stupidity where the idiot attempts to drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.

Dude, you have no facts; only this weird warped pretend world you have constructed to perpetuate an incredibly distorted view of the world and how it works. The sad irony is you desperately seek it out.
You really are THAT stupid.

Carry on; dimwits like you are a constant reminder of why one can never engage idiots. Because it will lead to a never ending circle of stupidity where the idiot attempts to drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.

Dude, you have no facts; only this weird warped pretend world you have constructed to perpetuate an incredibly distorted view of the world and how it works. The sad irony is you desperately seek it out.

What am i pretending?
Of course every fucking moron should know that money, (just like a gun), is an inanimate object not capable of being anything all by itself except a tool. A gun can’t kill and money can’t talk without the physical direction of humanoids. Guns don’t kill, people kill with guns. Money doesn’t talk, people talk with money especially when they buy a political voice. As long as politicians claim to be a voice of the people campaign contributions will be free speech.

Here’s an idea. How about we make a law that says everybody that doesn’t think campaign contributions are free speech is prohibited from donating to/bribing a politician and everybody that thinks campaign contributions are free speech can contribute all the free speech they want. Thastaway everybody gets to promote their principles.

So is money a gun or speech?
Carry on; dimwits like you are a constant reminder of why one can never engage idiots. Because it will lead to a never ending circle of stupidity where the idiot attempts to drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.

Sounds remarkably like what conservatives do all the time simply because they have nothing new to say except bland repetitions of everything they have already said a millions times.
Sounds remarkably like what conservatives do all the time simply because they have nothing new to say except bland repetitions of everything they have already said a millions times.

Coming from someone with the intelligence of an ant, that is quite the fabrication.

You can't handle the truth which is why your preference is to mindlessly parrot the idiot talking points you have been fed. You're an ideologue who thinks getting up in the morning is a major accomplishment with the economic intelligence of a sewer rat.

Read the Constitution and get back to me when you grow at least half a brain. You're tired leftist canards are not a substitute for thinking.