The right defined.

Can you elaborate on that with some examples of how that is? I mean, I can easily produce examples of the Left being, variously, Fascist, Communist, Socialist, Authoritarian, and in general dictatorial. Could you give us some examples of how the Right is "neo-fascist?"

Go read my thread about 911 and Democratic Party backing the president on 911

History makes it clear the Republican Party is now owned by nations who hate America
The right hates our government and hates our country, and if they got their wish on how this country would be , we would be the second coming of Nazism. They are simply the enemy of this country. You don't try to change them you dispose of them.

My only disagreement is I don't think they hate our country I think they hate minorities I think they hate lgbtq I think they hate blacks I think they hate Hispanics and I think they hate Asians. The saving Grace to all of this is the right wingers are going to their grave fast and the new immigrants are in the process of displacing them
I think that, to understand what's happened to American politics, you need to go right back to McCarthyism and the banning of normal democracy (yes, I'm not an American, but we saw some very distinguished political refugees over here). The result has been the racialising of politics and the paralysis of normal working-class reactions, so you have lots of very discontented 'white' working people who, instead of fighting for their own interests, find themselves believing they somehow had wonderful privileges which are now threatened by other working people with other shades of skin. The result would seem to be an extremely muddled version of fascism, designed to do nothing useful for anyone other than a minority of employers by 'defending' an imaginary past. It suggests that the study of history since the First World War might be a huge benefit to many American voters.

It’s happening all over the world

It’s being fomented by Russia

You know

That country we help protect Europe from
Reading the rights response to everything here makes them look like blithering idiots. Do they have any position that is worth even considering. They want the right to kill Americans so they don't have to take a shot, The idea that somehow their rights are more important then the lives of my family and friends.. Their insanity of Biden having totally open borders. In a country made of immigrants, making immigrants the biggest threat . They want to stay in Afghanistan. The insanity of them saying that the democrats are the ones with the bigotry problem. Their national attempt to take away the votes of Democrats. The massive support for the takeover of this country to force in a ass hole dictator- Jan6. The republicans not agreeing to a investigation of jan6.. They have no problem holding hands with white supremacist , Nazi's and bigots. The insanity of their ridiculous cancel culture. They are a joke across the board and the only positions that is left of what they use to be, is just hatred of the left. The left is not a threat to this republic , the right is this countries biggest threat. May the lies begin.

There is not one thing supportable on this list and that sums up who they are entirely

the word that sums up this post is ignorance.......
My only disagreement is I don't think they hate our country I think they hate minorities I think they hate lgbtq I think they hate blacks I think they hate Hispanics and I think they hate Asians. The saving Grace to all of this is the right wingers are going to their grave fast and the new immigrants are in the process of displacing them
Well maybe but i don't see how anyone who can hate Americas government at the level that they do and somehow love the country.
It’s happening all over the world

It’s being fomented by Russia

You know

That country we help protect Europe from

It's happening all over the world because various economic shifts have tended to confuse and paralyse the working class everywhere. Here it began with Thatcher's selling off houses owned by local authorities to their occupants incredibly cheaply, so that they came to believe in tory 'property-owning' rhetoric and grew afraid to strike, while the Blairites took over the Labour Party and castrated it. Russian capitalism doubtless does what it can as part of its competition with other capitalist organisations, but I think you give it too much importance. When genuine democracy ceases to function, all sorts of interest groups have a field day.
It's happening all over the world because various economic shifts have tended to confuse and paralyse the working class everywhere. Here it began with Thatcher's selling off houses owned by local authorities to their occupants incredibly cheaply, so that they came to believe in tory 'property-owning' rhetoric and grew afraid to strike, while the Blairites took over the Labour Party and castrated it. Russian capitalism doubtless does what it can as part of its competition with other capitalist organisations, but I think you give it too much importance. When genuine democracy ceases to function, all sorts of interest groups have a field day.

Yes the world right has cheated the people for a long time

Tony helped Bush lie us all to war in Iraq

He is scum

I agree
Reading the rights response to everything here makes them look like blithering idiots. Do they have any position that is worth even considering. They want the right to kill Americans so they don't have to take a shot, The idea that somehow their rights are more important then the lives of my family and friends.. Their insanity of Biden having totally open borders. In a country made of immigrants, making immigrants the biggest threat . They want to stay in Afghanistan. The insanity of them saying that the democrats are the ones with the bigotry problem. Their national attempt to take away the votes of Democrats. The massive support for the takeover of this country to force in a ass hole dictator- Jan6. The republicans not agreeing to a investigation of jan6.. They have no problem holding hands with white supremacist , Nazi's and bigots. The insanity of their ridiculous cancel culture. They are a joke across the board and the only positions that is left of what they use to be, is just hatred of the left. The left is not a threat to this republic , the right is this countries biggest threat. May the lies begin.

There is not one thing supportable on this list and that sums up who they are entirely

leftists LOVE to strawman cause you can not read, think nor do any kind of honest hard work. fyi leftists always were and still are the dictionary definition of bigots and you always were and still always cheer loudest for the publication and recitation of Mein Kampf. Fascism always was a left wing ideology - Musolini and Gentile the father of fascism, were great fiends and buds with FDR & DNC.
They are hate whores

to leftists, leftists believe peace is war, love is hate, men are women, good is bad, vices are virtues, and science is blind cultish dogma. Leftists HATE science and objective reality- ALL leftists have to deny reality, biology, math, statistics and economics in favor of their feefees

to leftists, leftists believe peace is war, love is hate, men are women, good is bad, vices are virtues, and science is blind cultish dogma. Leftists HATE science and objective reality- ALL leftists have to deny reality, biology, math, statistics and economics in favor of their feefees

You’re an idiot lie bot

Tell us which party keeps hating science?

The one that calls all scientists liars because they believe global warming ids real

Which party denies all science on human sexuality

And you also deny science that has saved humans every time we have a mass illness

Which party lied is to war in Iraq?

Which party adheres to the one school of economics that says math has no place in economics?

Which party denies all the obviously racist history that exists in this nation so they can hate on black Americans?

Your brain damaged mind created lies don’t fly anymore dense clown

The Republican Party is on life support

Soon to be declared brain dead

Time to pull the plug
to leftists, leftists believe peace is war, love is hate, men are women, good is bad, vices are virtues, and science is blind cultish dogma. Leftists HATE science and objective reality- ALL leftists have to deny reality, biology, math, statistics and economics in favor of their feefees

“science is blind cultish dogma. Leftists HATE science and”

Do you see how fucking stupid you are?
Science is in fact

The best information at any given time

You instead believe oil corporations over science

You are dumb and or evil
“science is blind cultish dogma. Leftists HATE science and”

Do you see how fucking stupid you are?

... uh nothing i stated is contradictory. leftists believe that science is blind cultish dogma- you believe that science is whatever your bureaucratic lord god tells you it is today. lol rather than an actual CRITICAL ONGOING PROCESS OF DISCOVERY, experimentation, observation and critical analysis and LOGICAL discourse. Leftists always want to silence and censor discourse
... uh nothing i stated is contradictory. leftists believe that science is blind cultish dogma- you believe that science is whatever your bureaucratic lord god tells you it is today. lol rather than an actual CRITICAL ONGOING PROCESS OF DISCOVERY, experimentation, observation and critical analysis and LOGICAL discourse. Leftists always want to silence and censor discourse
Bawhahaha, those are the exact tools science uses and the left follows science for those reasons and protests pseudoscience and outright lies.