The right defined.

drop and do 1000 push ups, burpees and another 100 pull ups! do it now! it is for your own good! we mandated it for your own health!
See how virtuous i am? what that? YOU REALLY are not gonna do any that- cause you are full of shit.

Funny enough- if you drop weight you massively decrease your chance of any serious illness including your fear mongered covid- aka if you stop being a leftist, your health (IF YOU ARE HUMAN) massively improves. Leftists like you locked down healthy people imprisoning them into their own homes and fear monger needlessly- and dramatically increased the average weight gain by over 22+ pounds in less than 1 single year! That is huge. Oh and you simultaneously fear monger people to not get checkup and get cancer treatments etc.... great job

the top comorbidiites which contribute to massively increasing severity of diseases including your fear mongered 'covid'- are fear mongering anxiety, and obesity related disease. aka the fatter and more leftist you are and the more you watch leftist CNN, the worse your outcomes tend to be :)
Leftists are just great stewards of health.... that is why the streets of leftist utopias like baltimore, chicago and detroit and especially california are so pristine and golden..... no wait- it is filled with literal SHIT and feces!
Get woke- go broke

Be careful, you’ll give yourself away.
you are just sooooooo progressive and you care soooo much for people wellbeing. lol

Math, economics, statistics and biology and logic are impossible for leftists like you to ever comprehend. that is a fact. Statistically leftism is the worlds most deadliest disease known to man- you already slaughtered OVER 200 million innocents in the last century alone via democide exclusively. And you are murdering MILLIONS if not HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS this century via your insane policies and reckless braindead actions. you literally can not even figure out your ass from your head
So how many deaths precisely did you and your policies cause? vs how many you actually saved? NOT INTENDED TO- but actually saved. you do not know - you ASSUME that your actions saved any lives. lol
It is impossible for democrats to do any marginal cost benefit analysis- cause leftists are not even humans. leftists reject humanity and economics- the study of human action
Reading the rights response to everything here makes them look like blithering idiots. Do they have any position that is worth even considering. They want the right to kill Americans so they don't have to take a shot, The idea that somehow their rights are more important then the lives of my family and friends.. Their insanity of Biden having totally open borders. In a country made of immigrants, making immigrants the biggest threat . They want to stay in Afghanistan. The insanity of them saying that the democrats are the ones with the bigotry problem. Their national attempt to take away the votes of Democrats. The massive support for the takeover of this country to force in a ass hole dictator- Jan6. The republicans not agreeing to a investigation of jan6.. They have no problem holding hands with white supremacist , Nazi's and bigots. The insanity of their ridiculous cancel culture. They are a joke across the board and the only positions that is left of what they use to be, is just hatred of the left. The left is not a threat to this republic , the right is this countries biggest threat. May the lies begin.

There is not one thing supportable on this list and that sums up who they are entirely

While the OP makes important points,

he/she should learn how to use the space key

to make them more readable.
Leftists LOVE to make logical fallacies- the left makes every single logical fallacy in the book- from strawmanning to arguments of identity to affirming the consequent. it is impossible for leftist subhumans to ever engage honestly in discourse
You have to firstly be human for that to occur and have a brain and integrity. But leftists are just mindless drones- they gaslight, manipulate, lie, cheat and steal then they cry bully their victims. Leftists are dumb enough and sociopathic enough to fall for their own hoaxes and fake news like Jussie Smollett, what they did to the Covington catholic kids, Evergreen university, UVA fake rape hoaxes, AOC fake daily tears, and shit

Hell leftists blame everyone but themselves for their own crap- which leftists EAGERLY engage in- till this day. Leftists ALWAYS loved and still love slavery, racism and bigotry- so much so that leftists founded the positive school of slavery. And they use those exact same debunked rationalizations today - like how they pushed for and continue to push for EUGENICS. Leftists also love racial segregation. And leftists always were pro fascism as we still see today. remember that democrats, the DNC and FDR were great buds with Musolini and Gentile the father of fascism

And funny enough- even the WORST thing they have against libertarians and conservatives (the so called January 6th).... was actually their own crime and doing
Leftists LOVE to make logical fallacies- the left makes every single logical fallacy in the book- from strawmanning to arguments of identity to affirming the consequent. it is impossible for leftist subhumans to ever engage honestly in discourse
You have to firstly be human for that to occur and have a brain and integrity. But leftists are just mindless drones- they gaslight, manipulate, lie, cheat and steal then they cry bully their victims. Leftists are dumb enough and sociopathic enough to fall for their own hoaxes and fake news like Jussie Smollett, what they did to the Covington catholic kids, Evergreen university, UVA fake rape hoaxes, AOC fake daily tears, and shit

Hell leftists blame everyone but themselves for their own crap- which leftists EAGERLY engage in- till this day. Leftists ALWAYS loved and still love slavery, racism and bigotry- so much so that leftists founded the positive school of slavery. And they use those exact same debunked rationalizations today - like how they pushed for and continue to push for EUGENICS. Leftists also love racial segregation. And leftists always were pro fascism as we still see today. remember that democrats, the DNC and FDR were great buds with Musolini and Gentile the father of fascism

And funny enough- even the WORST thing they have against libertarians and conservatives (the so called January 6th).... was actually their own crime and doing

you are a loser
Leftists are against objective facts, reality, truth & science and pro cultish dogma

Everyone else is pro liberty- American and western values. Leftists HATE America and her values and gladly try to burn her to the ground as we saw over the last decades alone!
Democrats and leftists burn American cities, businesses, destroy parks, roads, infrastructure, and laud criminals as they spit on victims and the innocent.
Hell look at what the subhuman anti American leftists did in the Olympics- they were all about going woke and bashing America and our most cherished value of freedom and integrity... rather than performing
the sole duty they are even there. all the leftist athletes were more into wokeness than they were into the sports they were supposed to compete in- and it showed on the results.political compass.jpg
leftists LOVE to strawman cause you can not read, think nor do any kind of honest hard work. fyi leftists always were and still are the dictionary definition of bigots and you always were and still always cheer loudest for the publication and recitation of Mein Kampf. Fascism always was a left wing ideology - Musolini and Gentile the father of fascism, were great fiends and buds with FDR & DNC.

Welcome Q-anon
to leftists, leftists believe peace is war, love is hate, men are women, good is bad, vices are virtues, and science is blind cultish dogma. Leftists HATE science and objective reality- ALL leftists have to deny reality, biology, math, statistics and economics in favor of their feefees

Funny, won't work pessimistic comments assigned to your hate group doesn't wash.What a argument You are a hate group no democrats are a hate group/ very creative of you, those things you listed defines what your hate group is.
drop and do 1000 push ups, burpees and another 100 pull ups! do it now! it is for your own good! we mandated it for your own health!
See how virtuous i am? what that? YOU REALLY are not gonna do any that- cause you are full of shit.

Funny enough- if you drop weight you massively decrease your chance of any serious illness including your fear mongered covid- aka if you stop being a leftist, your health (IF YOU ARE HUMAN) massively improves. Leftists like you locked down healthy people imprisoning them into their own homes and fear monger needlessly- and dramatically increased the average weight gain by over 22+ pounds in less than 1 single year! That is huge. Oh and you simultaneously fear monger people to not get checkup and get cancer treatments etc.... great job

the top comorbidiites which contribute to massively increasing severity of diseases including your fear mongered 'covid'- are fear mongering anxiety, and obesity related disease. aka the fatter and more leftist you are and the more you watch leftist CNN, the worse your outcomes tend to be :)
Leftists are just great stewards of health.... that is why the streets of leftist utopias like baltimore, chicago and detroit and especially california are so pristine and golden..... no wait- it is filled with literal SHIT and feces!
Get woke- go broke

Leftists are WAY TOO STUPID & SUBHUMAN LESS THAN HUMAN- to even comprehend basic biology and the fact that viruses are viruses. you can not eliminate any virus entirely. lol especially when you have such a single and very limited not that effective and highly questionable means- your beloved jab. lol It quickly loses effectiveness and potency. We see this with every other vaccine predictably - but you just foolishly made the situation many times worse by your actions and policies- instigating very strongly a mutation of the spike protein. lol. now your beloved vaccine is no more than 39% effective at best. great!
What a walking talking buffoon. Maybe this guy i trying to joke . President of Q-anon. nazianon.png
Well this Q-anoner is yours to make a idiot out of, my advice when people don't contribute anything but lies is just ignore them. Till they respond with substance,