drop and do 1000 push ups, burpees and another 100 pull ups! do it now! it is for your own good! we mandated it for your own health!
See how virtuous i am? what that? YOU REALLY are not gonna do any that- cause you are full of shit.
Funny enough- if you drop weight you massively decrease your chance of any serious illness including your fear mongered covid- aka if you stop being a leftist, your health (IF YOU ARE HUMAN) massively improves. Leftists like you locked down healthy people imprisoning them into their own homes and fear monger needlessly- and dramatically increased the average weight gain by over 22+ pounds in less than 1 single year! That is huge. Oh and you simultaneously fear monger people to not get checkup and get cancer treatments etc.... great job
the top comorbidiites which contribute to massively increasing severity of diseases including your fear mongered 'covid'- are fear mongering anxiety, and obesity related disease. aka the fatter and more leftist you are and the more you watch leftist CNN, the worse your outcomes tend to be
Leftists are just great stewards of health.... that is why the streets of leftist utopias like baltimore, chicago and detroit and especially california are so pristine and golden..... no wait- it is filled with literal SHIT and feces!
Get woke- go broke
Be careful, you’ll give yourself away.