The right defined.

Science is in fact

The best information at any given time

You instead believe oil corporations over science

You are dumb and or evil

lol you are clearly PROJECTING. i am not the subhuman moron that believes whatever the CORPORATE media says and tells me to believe. lol
I am not the subhuman MEAT BAG that fall for every single scam and even my own leftist fake news like jussie smollett, AOC and Warren hoaxes. You are!
Tell us again how many face diapers you are up to now? First it was no face diapers- then it was you must wear a face diaper everywhere... then no face diapers... then 5 face diapers....
what are you up to now? 17 face diapers? lol- science is not arbitrarily whimsical- that is called being a democrat demogauge :)
Bawhahaha, those are the exact tools science uses and the left follows science for those reasons and protests pseudoscience and outright lies.

let us HUMILIATE leftists even further- what ya believe the effectiveness rate of your beloved vaccine is. you believe vaccinated do not transmit virus at all? AHAHHAHAHA
fyi if you do have any such inkling of a belief- you are a perfect democrat- but terrible scientist and flunked biology, math, statistics, logic and economics like i stated
let us HUMILIATE leftists even further- what ya believe the effectiveness rate of your beloved vaccine is. you believe vaccinated do not transmit virus at all? AHAHHAHAHA
fyi if you do have any such inkling of a belief- you are a perfect democrat- but terrible scientist and flunked biology, math, statistics, logic and economics like i stated
No, I never believed that, I along with most on the left understand how vaccines work.
... uh nothing i stated is contradictory. leftists believe that science is blind cultish dogma- you believe that science is whatever your bureaucratic lord god tells you it is today. lol rather than an actual CRITICAL ONGOING PROCESS OF DISCOVERY, experimentation, observation and critical analysis and LOGICAL discourse. Leftists always want to silence and censor discourse

Your party is the one who hates science

Science is merely the best information we have at any given moment

But you prefer what corporations tell you

Do you understand just how fucking stupid that is?
HAHAH then do tell us how vaccines work-

oh you can't
I’ll simplify it, so you’ll understand.
Vaccines basically teach your body to recognize the virus and help to fight disease off by producing antibodies. It does not prevent you from catching the disease.
I’ll simplify it, so you’ll understand.
Vaccines basically teach your body to recognize the virus and help to fight disease off by producing antibodies. It does not prevent you from catching the disease.

hey dumbass what was the vaccine effectiveness exactly? OH IT IS PLUMMETTING! it is less than 39%... so yeah

But leftists are not human beings at all. see us human beings unlike you, we have brains, immune systems & cardiovascular systems all of which are RESILIENT SYSTEMS. meaning they get stronger when they are pushed - hence why us humans work out at gym- we work out to push our systems past the limit, breakdown a bit and then we rest, recover, enjoy a cold one and some healthy food. Instead what you do? you lockdown healthy people imprison them in their own homes- increase obesity and obesity related diseases and deaths - also diabetes, heart disease, cancer, alzheimers etc. you prohibit civil interaction between human beings- which actually BOOST human being immune systems....
AND leftists such as you forcibly mandated that infectious patients be FORCED into nursing homes.....
Basically you are dictionary definition of degenerate

Definition of degenerate (Entry 1 of 3)
1a: having declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state
the last degenerate member of a noble family
— W. E. Swinton
b: having sunk to a condition below that which is normal to a type
… fruit so degenerate that the insects weren't even interested …
— Tamar Perla
especially : having sunk to a lower and usually corrupt and vicious state
a degenerate schemer
a despairing and degenerate world had sunk into servitude beneath him
— W. L. Sullivan
c: DEGRADED sense 2
the functionally degenerate wings of the species

Us human beings know the massive positive impact and how crucial facial expressions are to communicating andsocializing and how smiles and hugs boost immune systems and are absolutely essential to kids etc. You though? you want to deny all that- for fear mongering about a virus with LESS THAN 1% fatality rate. the cold and flu are especially far more deadly to young folks- people with many decades of life to live than any coronavirus ever was. you do not give a rats ass about any that- nor about the skyrcoketing diabetes, obesity, cancer and heart disease etc deaths which YOU CAUSE. so much for being 'pro science' and 'empathetic'. Empathy is impossible for leftists cause it require a brain to do hard critical thinking and at least basic understanding and recognition of biology, math and economics.

Us humans LOVE getting down and dirty- workin out hard at gym, rolling around and playing outside in dirt and soil and making shit. leftists though? you are a dystopian nightmare and you know it. Funny enough- by living like a human being, working out hard, playin in dirt, smiling, enjoying good comedy and hugs etc- and not engagin in leftism, ones immune system, as well as every other biological system vastly improves and any covid risk dramatically PLUMMETS. lol
hey dumbass what was the vaccine effectiveness exactly? OH IT IS PLUMMETTING! it is less than 39%... so yeah

But leftists are not human beings at all. see us human beings unlike you, we have brains, immune systems & cardiovascular systems all of which are RESILIENT SYSTEMS. meaning they get stronger when they are pushed - hence why us humans work out at gym- we work out to push our systems past the limit, breakdown a bit and then we rest, recover, enjoy a cold one and some healthy food. Instead what you do? you lockdown healthy people imprison them in their own homes- increase obesity and obesity related diseases and deaths - also diabetes, heart disease, cancer, alzheimers etc. you prohibit civil interaction between human beings- which actually BOOST human being immune systems....
AND leftists such as you forcibly mandated that infectious patients be FORCED into nursing homes.....
Basically you are dictionary definition of degenerate

Definition of degenerate (Entry 1 of 3)
1a: having declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state
the last degenerate member of a noble family
— W. E. Swinton
b: having sunk to a condition below that which is normal to a type
… fruit so degenerate that the insects weren't even interested …
— Tamar Perla
especially : having sunk to a lower and usually corrupt and vicious state
a degenerate schemer
a despairing and degenerate world had sunk into servitude beneath him
— W. L. Sullivan
c: DEGRADED sense 2
the functionally degenerate wings of the species

Us human beings know the massive positive impact and how crucial facial expressions are to communicating andsocializing and how smiles and hugs boost immune systems and are absolutely essential to kids etc. You though? you want to deny all that- for fear mongering about a virus with LESS THAN 1% fatality rate. the cold and flu are especially far more deadly to young folks- people with many decades of life to live than any coronavirus ever was. you do not give a rats ass about any that- nor about the skyrcoketing diabetes, obesity, cancer and heart disease etc deaths which YOU CAUSE. so much for being 'pro science' and 'empathetic'. Empathy is impossible for leftists cause it require a brain to do hard critical thinking and at least basic understanding and recognition of biology, math and economics.

Us humans LOVE getting down and dirty- workin out hard at gym, rolling around and playing outside in dirt and soil and making shit. leftists though? you are a dystopian nightmare and you know it. Funny enough- by living like a human being, working out hard, playin in dirt, smiling, enjoying good comedy and hugs etc- and not engagin in leftism, ones immune system, as well as every other biological system vastly improves and any covid risk dramatically PLUMMETS. lol
It’s okay, I get an annual flu shot, I’ll include an annual COVID shot in the line up. I’m fine with whatever keeps me from serious illness and death.
Do you even know what science says about sexuality idiot ?

You and science are not friends

hey subhuman- it debunks the notion your beloved vaccine ever had anything even remotely close to 100% efficacy and no transmission etc. but you are too stupid and willfully illiterate(aka perfect leftist) to know that.
Vaccine especially the way you push it so dogmatically - has a very sharp DECLINE in efficacy- we see the marginal at best efficacy of it. it go from what 80 down to less than 60 to now barely 39% efficacy. it is predictable. lol
What that? those with naturally acquired immunity have much better and longer lasting immunity? funny how that works- like i already predicted and told ya dumbasses
hey subhuman- it debunks the notion your beloved vaccine ever had anything even remotely close to 100% efficacy and no transmission etc. but you are too stupid and willfully illiterate(aka perfect leftist) to know that.
Vaccine especially the way you push it so dogmatically - has a very sharp DECLINE in efficacy- we see the marginal at best efficacy of it. it go from what 80 down to less than 60 to now barely 39% efficacy. it is predictable. lol
What that? those with naturally acquired immunity have much better and longer lasting immunity? funny how that works- like i already predicted and told ya dumbasses

Dear fucking idiot

No one ever said it was 100 percent

You suck putins ass with glee you fucking liar

I didn’t even bother to read beyond your first fucking lie

Fuck you very much
hey dumbass what was the vaccine effectiveness exactly? OH IT IS PLUMMETTING! it is less than 39%... so yeah

But leftists are not human beings at all. see us human beings unlike you, we have brains, immune systems & cardiovascular systems all of which are RESILIENT SYSTEMS. meaning they get stronger when they are pushed - hence why us humans work out at gym- we work out to push our systems past the limit, breakdown a bit and then we rest, recover, enjoy a cold one and some healthy food. Instead what you do? you lockdown healthy people imprison them in their own homes- increase obesity and obesity related diseases and deaths - also diabetes, heart disease, cancer, alzheimers etc. you prohibit civil interaction between human beings- which actually BOOST human being immune systems....
AND leftists such as you forcibly mandated that infectious patients be FORCED into nursing homes.....
Basically you are dictionary definition of degenerate

Definition of degenerate (Entry 1 of 3)
1a: having declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state
the last degenerate member of a noble family
— W. E. Swinton
b: having sunk to a condition below that which is normal to a type
… fruit so degenerate that the insects weren't even interested …
— Tamar Perla
especially : having sunk to a lower and usually corrupt and vicious state
a degenerate schemer
a despairing and degenerate world had sunk into servitude beneath him
— W. L. Sullivan
c: DEGRADED sense 2
the functionally degenerate wings of the species

Us human beings know the massive positive impact and how crucial facial expressions are to communicating andsocializing and how smiles and hugs boost immune systems and are absolutely essential to kids etc. You though? you want to deny all that- for fear mongering about a virus with LESS THAN 1% fatality rate. the cold and flu are especially far more deadly to young folks- people with many decades of life to live than any coronavirus ever was. you do not give a rats ass about any that- nor about the skyrcoketing diabetes, obesity, cancer and heart disease etc deaths which YOU CAUSE. so much for being 'pro science' and 'empathetic'. Empathy is impossible for leftists cause it require a brain to do hard critical thinking and at least basic understanding and recognition of biology, math and economics.

Us humans LOVE getting down and dirty- workin out hard at gym, rolling around and playing outside in dirt and soil and making shit. leftists though? you are a dystopian nightmare and you know it. Funny enough- by living like a human being, working out hard, playin in dirt, smiling, enjoying good comedy and hugs etc- and not engagin in leftism, ones immune system, as well as every other biological system vastly improves and any covid risk dramatically PLUMMETS. lol
More projection

Ill take a booster every year, just as I do the flu shot.

Have a nice day.
It’s okay, I get an annual flu shot, I’ll include an annual COVID shot in the line up. I’m fine with whatever keeps me from serious illness and death.

drop and do 1000 push ups, burpees and another 100 pull ups! do it now! it is for your own good! we mandated it for your own health!
See how virtuous i am? what that? YOU REALLY are not gonna do any that- cause you are full of shit.

Funny enough- if you drop weight you massively decrease your chance of any serious illness including your fear mongered covid- aka if you stop being a leftist, your health (IF YOU ARE HUMAN) massively improves. Leftists like you locked down healthy people imprisoning them into their own homes and fear monger needlessly- and dramatically increased the average weight gain by over 22+ pounds in less than 1 single year! That is huge. Oh and you simultaneously fear monger people to not get checkup and get cancer treatments etc.... great job

the top comorbidiites which contribute to massively increasing severity of diseases including your fear mongered 'covid'- are fear mongering anxiety, and obesity related disease. aka the fatter and more leftist you are and the more you watch leftist CNN, the worse your outcomes tend to be :)
Leftists are just great stewards of health.... that is why the streets of leftist utopias like baltimore, chicago and detroit and especially california are so pristine and golden..... no wait- it is filled with literal SHIT and feces!
Get woke- go broke

Leftists are WAY TOO STUPID & SUBHUMAN LESS THAN HUMAN- to even comprehend basic biology and the fact that viruses are viruses. you can not eliminate any virus entirely. lol especially when you have such a single and very limited not that effective and highly questionable means- your beloved jab. lol It quickly loses effectiveness and potency. We see this with every other vaccine predictably - but you just foolishly made the situation many times worse by your actions and policies- instigating very strongly a mutation of the spike protein. lol. now your beloved vaccine is no more than 39% effective at best. great!
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What subhuman banned and closed gyms down? and even arrest parents playing with their kids outside in the fresh air? LEFTISTS such as Phantasmal did- no one but leftists are that psychotic, illiterate in science and biology and in love with tyranny