I’ll simplify it, so you’ll understand.
Vaccines basically teach your body to recognize the virus and help to fight disease off by producing antibodies. It does not prevent you from catching the disease.
hey dumbass what was the vaccine effectiveness exactly? OH IT IS PLUMMETTING! it is less than 39%... so yeah
But leftists are not human beings at all. see us human beings unlike you, we have brains, immune systems & cardiovascular systems all of which are RESILIENT SYSTEMS. meaning they get stronger when they are pushed - hence why us humans work out at gym- we work out to push our systems past the limit, breakdown a bit and then we rest, recover, enjoy a cold one and some healthy food. Instead what you do? you lockdown healthy people imprison them in their own homes- increase obesity and obesity related diseases and deaths - also diabetes, heart disease, cancer, alzheimers etc. you prohibit civil interaction between human beings- which actually BOOST human being immune systems....
AND leftists such as you forcibly mandated that infectious patients be FORCED into nursing homes.....
Basically you are dictionary definition of degenerate
Definition of degenerate (Entry 1 of 3)
1a: having declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state
the last degenerate member of a noble family
— W. E. Swinton
b: having sunk to a condition below that which is normal to a type
… fruit so degenerate that the insects weren't even interested …
— Tamar Perla
especially : having sunk to a lower and usually corrupt and vicious state
a degenerate schemer
a despairing and degenerate world had sunk into servitude beneath him
— W. L. Sullivan
c: DEGRADED sense 2
the functionally degenerate wings of the species
Us human beings know the massive positive impact and how crucial facial expressions are to communicating andsocializing and how smiles and hugs boost immune systems and are absolutely essential to kids etc. You though? you want to deny all that- for fear mongering about a virus with LESS THAN 1% fatality rate. the cold and flu are especially far more deadly to young folks- people with many decades of life to live than any coronavirus ever was. you do not give a rats ass about any that- nor about the skyrcoketing diabetes, obesity, cancer and heart disease etc deaths which YOU CAUSE. so much for being 'pro science' and 'empathetic'. Empathy is impossible for leftists cause it require a brain to do hard critical thinking and at least basic understanding and recognition of biology, math and economics.
Us humans LOVE getting down and dirty- workin out hard at gym, rolling around and playing outside in dirt and soil and making shit. leftists though? you are a dystopian nightmare and you know it. Funny enough- by living like a human being, working out hard, playin in dirt, smiling, enjoying good comedy and hugs etc- and not engagin in leftism, ones immune system, as well as every other biological system vastly improves and any covid risk dramatically PLUMMETS. lol