This is interesting on a couple of levels.
The first is politics. When I was a kid the big base of the Democrats were the working class. Now people, and political parties, aren't static so things do change. Thanks to technology and globalization many manufacturing jobs, where people could live close to a middle class lifestyle, started to disappear thus making a college degree more important. But up until even 2016 I believe Republicans still won a majority of college aged voters. That changed with Trump. For the first time Republicans got more of the working class vote and Democrats got a majority of college educated voters. Then Trump made his famous 'I love the undereducated' comment and that was a game changer. Many Democrats went from being pro working class to fvck those guys and thus why so much hyping of college.
Generally speaking I think kids should go to college. At the same time I recognize all kids have their own path in life and going to college at 18 doesn't necessarily have to be a part of it. It could be money related, it could be a kid is smart but doesn't test well, a kid may have family trouble of of their control etc. etc. Not everyone goes to elite boarding schools, then the Ivy League then to Wall St. That path doesn't necessarily make someone a more well rounded person nor a better person.
The reality too is the government and Universities have almost colluded to make the cost of college today so astronomical. Going to college doesn't guarantee everyone is going to earn a high income once out. There are people with college degrees saddled with tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars in debt. Not all graduates go into high paying fields.
We also live in 2023. Sitting in a classroom isn't the only way to learn. Hell, many college classes today are taught online. There are all kinds of ways for people to gain knowledge throughout their life without paying super high college costs. Everyone has their own path. The idea that a person isn't, or can't be, well rounded because they didn't pay $80K to sit through some history class doesn't resonate with me.