Why do you believe that?
Insulting someone's beliefs is easy, supporting your own is what's hard.
I believe it wasn't a virus, yes, due to the lack of evidence that viruses exist. If you're interested in debating that subject, I've made thread for it here:
Settling the Biological Virus Debate | justplainpolitics.com
As to what causes smallpox outbreaks, I strongly suspect toxins, but that's as far as I'll go there. I found a video that gets into evidence that the definition of smallpox has always been ambiguous and has frequently been confused with measles and chicken pox, suggesting that smallpox was never eradicated, so much as reclassified as other diseases. It's here:
The smallpox, plague & lepracy hoax + a farewell to virology and contagion theory ft Dr Mark Bailey | Goyimtv.com
Name any article I've ever posted that doesn't agree with some point I'm making.
Based on the video linked to above, I no longer believe that smallpox has been eliminated at all, just reclassified.
I have never claimed that people haven't suffered from smallpox or that cows haven't suffered from cowpox. The issue is what is causing these diseases. As to alleged immunity to these alleged viruses, you'd need to show your evidence that these any virus exists before I'd be interested in continuing that discussion.