Saint Guinefort
Verified User
they did not test for transmission.
So you ARE illiterate? Got it.
You know you can't be a virologist if you're dumb as a box of hammers. It's in the rules.
they did not test for transmission.
Your flaw here is in thinking the article I quoted only had a single premise, when it actually had many. The title, for instance, asked whether the story that the smallpox vaccine was a success was a lie. In the section I quoted, the claim was made that it was actually containment and sanitation that eradicated smallpox. Now, being aligned with the small group of doctors I referenced in the opening post who question or don't believe that biological viruses exist, I wouldn't go for the bit about containment, but I can certainly believe that sanitation probably played an important role. The article also points that only a small percentage of the global population was vaccinated, culminating in a statement from a pathologist and an eminent doctor. Quoting:
“It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated.” — [Glen Dettman Ph.D., pathologist, awarded (together with the eminent Australian doctor Archie Kalokerinos M.D.) the Australian Medal of Merit for “Outstanding Scientific Research”. (1978)]
I don't see why I have to believe in viruses in order to agree with their assessment. Do you disagree with their findings? And if so, why?
I don’t find anything you post credible. I don’t waste my time on nonsense, as I told you before.
That's the claim anyway. Given my dismal view of vaccines, I'd say it's a bad thing even if true.
Again, I'm not sure that the claim is accurate, but if it is, I'd agree. Something that's usually not mentioned is the various toxins in vaccines. I personally suspect they're the largest issue with vaccines, even these alleged mRNA ones.
Average weekly Covid death rates (March 2022)
Covid deaths per 100,000 people:
Unvaccinated 1.71
Vaccinated 0.22
Boosted 0.1
In short, you can still die of Covid if you’re fully vaccinated (nobody ever claimed that vaccines provide 100% protection). But you’re nearly 20 times less likely to die than the unvaccinated.
Political point-scoring or self-preservation? Trump knew what to do.
I am hearing that they are very poorly manufactured, that their strength is very variable and that routinely there is shit in the jabs that is not supposed to be there, and that the contracts stipulate that the manufacturers shall be held not liable for all such matters.
Almost no one dies of COVID with the current strains of SARS-COV2....taking more jabs now when we are clearly getting signals that they are very dangerous is moronic.
I guess you'd better hope you aren't almost no one.
The risk of further jabs is clearly worse than my risk from the current strains of SARS-COV2....I am done unless much more leath strains shows up as Geert has been predicting, which might happen, he has been right about almost everything else.
Been talking about this subject in another thread for a bit, decided it could use its own thread. I came to the conclusion that all vaccines do more harm than good a while ago. More recently, I watched the 2016 Vaxxed documentary, as well as its 2019 vaxxed II sequel, which only further reinforced my beliefs on them. Here are links to descriptions and trailers of these documentaries:
Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe |
Vaxxed II: The People's Truth |
I've also read some books on vaccines that I thought were quite informative as well:
How Vaccines Wreck Human Immunity: A Forbidden Doctor Publication |
Vaccine Illusion |
As mentioned in another thread in this forum, like a small group of doctors and other professionals, I no longer believe that biological viruses exist, which would mean that any vaccines to allegedly protect against such viruses would be default be completely ineffective since they're attempting to treat something that doesn't exist.
Do whatever dumb fucking thing you want to do. It is not based on science or evidence. Be stupid. No skin off my nose.
Your flaw here is in thinking the article I quoted only had a single premise, when it actually had many. The title, for instance, asked whether the story that the smallpox vaccine was a success was a lie. In the section I quoted, the claim was made that it was actually containment and sanitation that eradicated smallpox. Now, being aligned with the small group of doctors I referenced in the opening post who question or don't believe that biological viruses exist, I wouldn't go for the bit about containment, but I can certainly believe that sanitation probably played an important role. The article also points that only a small percentage of the global population was vaccinated, culminating in a statement from a pathologist and an eminent doctor. Quoting:
“It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated.” — [Glen Dettman Ph.D., pathologist, awarded (together with the eminent Australian doctor Archie Kalokerinos M.D.) the Australian Medal of Merit for “Outstanding Scientific Research”. (1978)]
I don't see why I have to believe in viruses in order to agree with their assessment. Do you disagree with their findings? And if so, why?
Yes. Because they are wrong.
And your logic is absolute garbage.
My turn:
What caused smallpox? You claim it wasn't a virus.
Not one article you have posted agrees with you.
What caused smallpox, and why do you believe sanitation eliminated it?
Why did milkmaids who were exposed to the 'imaginary' cowpox appear to be immune to smallpox.
Again, I'm not sure that the claim is accurate, but if it is, I'd agree. Something that's usually not mentioned is the various toxins in vaccines. I personally suspect they're the largest issue with vaccines, even these alleged mRNA ones.
I am hearing that they are very poorly manufactured, that their strength is very variable and that routinely there is shit in the jabs that is not supposed to be there, and that the contracts stipulate that the manufacturers shall be held not liable for all such matters.
Yep. Brazil refused to exempt covid vaccine manufacturers from liability, but they're the exception, not the rule:
Brazil will not exempt COVID-19 vaccine makers from liability, deputy minister says | Reuters
There have been so many problems, most of them the Mind Molders (nee Journalists) have refused to talk about.
Yeah, the mainstream media has basically become the stenographers of deep state propaganda, itself beholden to various corporate interests. Fortunately, there is still alternative media sources that do talk about these things.