The so called conservatives on JPP


Well-known member
Why do the so called conservatives on JPP believe to be a conservative one must walk in lock step with Trump? True Republican conservatives give the president credit for his good policies but can openly disagree on presidential actions they feel are wrong for the country.

Here on JPP as soon as anyone disagrees with Trump they are immediately call a liberal. I suppose they believe the 1st amendment only applies to those who walk in lockstep with the president.

I know I will be attacked for this post but I am exercising my right to free speech.
Why do the so called conservatives on JPP believe to be a conservative one must walk in lock step with Trump? True Republican conservatives give the president credit for his good policies but can openly disagree on presidential actions they feel are wrong for the country.

Here on JPP as soon as anyone disagrees with Trump they are immediately call a liberal. I suppose they believe the 1st amendment only applies to those who walk in lockstep with the president.

I know I will be attacked for this post but I am exercising my right to free speech.

Conservatives have *always* behaved like this. No dissent is allowed, nor is criticism of the dear leader. This is how they keep their politicians in line. Step out of it, and you're accused of being a RINO and you will be primaried. You can thank the Teatards for this, among others.

Lefties do the same thing but to a much lesser extent. I have friends who are Greenie and Bernie supporters who hate all other (D) candidates -- yet we can still talk civilly about Biden vs. ___ vs. ___ vs. Trump. Only a few get outraged over dissent. My conservative friends -- other than you and Uncle -- are just the opposite. They are fully invested in the Toadstool and you better be as well if you want to call yourself a conservative.
Why do the so called conservatives on JPP believe to be a conservative one must walk in lock step with Trump? True Republican conservatives give the president credit for his good policies but can openly disagree on presidential actions they feel are wrong for the country.

Here on JPP as soon as anyone disagrees with Trump they are immediately call a liberal. I suppose they believe the 1st amendment only applies to those who walk in lockstep with the president.

I know I will be attacked for this post but I am exercising my right to free speech.

Conservatives have *always* behaved like this. No dissent is allowed, nor is criticism of the dear leader. This is how they keep their politicians in line. Step out of it, and you're accused of being a RINO and you will be primaried. You can thank the Teatards for this, among others.

Lefties do the same thing but to a much lesser extent. I have friends who are Greenie and Bernie supporters who hate all other (D) candidates -- yet we can still talk civilly about Biden vs. ___ vs. ___ vs. Trump. Only a few get outraged over dissent. My conservative friends -- other than you and Uncle -- are just the opposite. They are fully invested in the Toadstool and you better be as well if you want to call yourself a conservative.

The whole basis of our system is for people of different political ideas discuss their differences and hopefully come to an agreement on what is best for the nation not the party. Sadly that concept has been missing for a number of years.
When I voiced my opinions of some Trump policies I was soundly attacked by a number of so called conservatives. Truth Detector being one of them.

True Republican conservatives give you credit for your good opinions but can openly disagree on comments they feel are wrong for the country.
The whole basis of our system is for people of different political ideas discuss their differences and hopefully come to an agreement on what is best for the nation not the party. Sadly that concept has been missing for a number of years.

Nobody has violated your right to express your opinion. You're still here, and still posting.
The whole basis of our system is for people of different political ideas discuss their differences and hopefully come to an agreement on what is best for the nation not the party. Sadly that concept has been missing for a number of years.

It sure has. As I mentioned in a post elsewhere, nature, life, and politics work best when there is a balance. If we want to survive, we need to restore homeostasis to the body politic.
Nobody has violated your right to express your opinion. You're still here, and still posting.

That's not the point sport. I am still here and posting because I am not afraid of being called names. The fact remains that your counterparts did their damndest to silence me.
No dissent is allowed, nor is criticism of the dear leader.

Irony abounds.
That's not the point sport. I am still here and posting because I am not afraid of being called names. The fact remains that your counterparts did their damndest to silence me.

You think being called names on a political forum is an attempt to "silence" you in violation of your "First Amendment" rights, and then declare that you "aren't afraid of being called names"?

Why do the so called conservatives on JPP believe to be a conservative one must walk in lock step with Trump? True Republican conservatives give the president credit for his good policies but can openly disagree on presidential actions they feel are wrong for the country. Here on JPP as soon as anyone disagrees with Trump they are immediately call a liberal. I suppose they believe the 1st amendment only applies to those who walk in lockstep with the president.

I know I will be attacked for this post but I am exercising my right to free speech.
Why do the so called conservatives on JPP believe to be a conservative one must walk in lock step with Trump? True Republican conservatives give the president credit for his good policies but can openly disagree on presidential actions they feel are wrong for the country.

Here on JPP as soon as anyone disagrees with Trump they are immediately call a liberal. I suppose they believe the 1st amendment only applies to those who walk in lockstep with the president.

I know I will be attacked for this post but I am exercising my right to free speech.

You realize don't you that the 1st amendment only protects you from attacks by the govt for saying what you say? Private citizens can tell you to go fuck yourself under the same right yo have to say what you say. That's why idiots like Kathy Griffin can hold up severed look alike head of trump and not be imprisoned or killed. She should move to north Korea and try that with rocket man and see how it goes.
Why do the so called conservatives on JPP believe to be a conservative one must walk in lock step with Trump? True Republican conservatives give the president credit for his good policies but can openly disagree on presidential actions they feel are wrong for the country.

Here on JPP as soon as anyone disagrees with Trump they are immediately call a liberal. I suppose they believe the 1st amendment only applies to those who walk in lockstep with the president.

I know I will be attacked for this post but I am exercising my right to free speech.

The so called part kind of nailed the whys already. Much like many liberals and Bernie, the Trump supporters are mostly fringe party seperatists. The only difference is the Democrats weren't dragged away with Bernie like the Republicans were with Trump. You seem like the conservative here, they often just seem like a cult of far right ideas with absolutely know foundation. Many of their principle just seems whatever they can do to spite liberals.
You realize don't you that the 1st amendment only protects you from attacks by the govt for saying what you say?

I don't think he knows that. He seems to think that being called names is an attempt to since him.

Maybe JPP isn't a good fit for his sensitivities.
You think being called names on a political forum is an attempt to "silence" you in violation of your "First Amendment" rights, and then declare that you "aren't afraid of being called names"?

Gee Einstein how else can one try to stifle another on an open forum. I have been banned from threads also happy now?
Conservatives have *always* behaved like this. No dissent is allowed, nor is criticism of the dear leader. This is how they keep their politicians in line. Step out of it, and you're accused of being a RINO and you will be primaried. You can thank the Teatards for this, among others.

Lefties do the same thing but to a much lesser extent. I have friends who are Greenie and Bernie supporters who hate all other (D) candidates -- yet we can still talk civilly about Biden vs. ___ vs. ___ vs. Trump. Only a few get outraged over dissent. My conservative friends -- other than you and Uncle -- are just the opposite. They are fully invested in the Toadstool and you better be as well if you want to call yourself a conservative.

That's a whole lotta stupid, right there.

Who says we agree with Trump at every
mention? Thank the Teatards? WTF??

Lefties do the same thing but to a much lesser extent? LOL!
You have to look no further than a mirror to see that's a lie.
You realize don't you that the 1st amendment only protects you from attacks by the govt for saying what you say? Private citizens can tell you to go fuck yourself under the same right yo have to say what you say. That's why idiots like Kathy Griffin can hold up severed look alike head of trump and not be imprisoned or killed. She should move to north Korea and try that with rocket man and see how it goes.

Very true, but your fucking rights don't top my rights. Even though some of you think they do.