The so called conservatives on JPP

That's a whole lotta stupid, right there.

Who says we agree with Trump at every
mention? Thank the Teatards? WTF??

Lefties do the same thing but to a much lesser extent? LOL!
You have to look no further than a mirror to see that's a lie.

Very true, but your fucking rights don't top my rights. Even though some of you think they do.

But you imagine yours top mine? No idiot the first amendment only stops the govt from punishing simply for your views. If you get your head out of your ass you will realize it.
Are you under the impression that you have a "right" to say whatever you want with no negative responses from others?

Didn't say that did I? You are putting a spin on something that isn't there sport. You have a right to disagree how ever when a group attacks one for their ideas it's called a verbal lynching.
Who says we agree with Trump at every
mention? Thank the Teatards? WTF??

Apparently you missed the entire point of the OP. EE has been attacked by your RWers for his negative comments about your glorious leader. The Reichwing brooks no dissent among the rank and file.
But you imagine yours top mine? No idiot the first amendment only stops the govt from punishing simply for your views. If you get your head out of your ass you will realize it.

Didn't say that either Fuck head. You can't fucking stand someone disagreeing with you. LOL
The so called part kind of nailed the whys already. Much like many liberals and Bernie, the Trump supporters are mostly fringe party seperatists. The only difference is the Democrats weren't dragged away with Bernie like the Republicans were with Trump. You seem like the conservative here, they often just seem like a cult of far right ideas with absolutely know foundation. Many of their principle just seems whatever they can do to spite liberals.

"...absolutely know foundation"? WTF?
I have yet to see you berate the disrespect for the American flag.
I have yet to see you berate the changing of sports team and school names.
I have yet to see you berate the violent protests in our cities.

"know foundation," huh?
Apparently you missed the entire point of the OP. EE has been attacked by your RWers for his negative comments about your glorious leader. The Reichwing brooks no dissent among the rank and file.

So have I. Big shit? Seems to be to you.
Would you like some cheese with your whine? Don't like my posts put me on ignore comrade.

I'm not the one who started a thread to complain about a "verbal lynching" because someone called me names, am I?

Fowl gave you some sympathy, which it seems you crave. Have you considered becoming one of her apparatchiks?
Let me make this clear to the Neanderthals here. I voted for Trump and may again but that is my decision to make not yours.
Let me make this clear to the Neanderthals here. I voted for Trump and may again but that is my decision to make not yours.

Go fuck yourself nobody gives a shit. You sound like a fucking whiny ass celebrity who thinks people give a fuck what they think.
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Let me make this clear to the Neanderthals here. I voted for Trump and may again but that is my decision to make not yours.

I don't care who you vote for, and nobody knows that but you.

I'm inclined to suspect you voted for Hilary after reading this thread, though.