almost this entire list of incorrectly listed as socialist should stop spreading lies like you do your STDs
So you don't know how many kids have been saved by amber alerts? I never imagined you did but thanks for verifying.
Apparently Amber Alerts miss you.
So you have no information as to how many children are saved by amber alerts? You can't admit that can you? Leftist cockroaches
You are the proof that Amber Alert doesn't save all children.
Not many, the purpose of them is to provide the best service while delivering the same service to everyone, there is a reason that medicine isn’t strictly private, nor education, otherwise we would further deteriorate into money dictates what you get, and that ain’t America
Socialism has been part of the U.S. since the 19th Century, if not even earlier
Student loans are a loan. Not a socialist program. In fact it's a loan you can't even declare bankruptcy on.
Disability insurance is part of Social Security, the largest Ponzi scheme in history.
The EPA should be shut down after Obama militarized it and used it to circumvent congress to make his own laws.
The FBI has been proven to be corrupt and an arm of the DNC to stage a soft coup.
I get no benefit from Medicaid.
Medicare is worthless in Alaska. Very few providers accept it. Those that do are desperate or those doc-in-a-boxes. All that money I paid into it over my lifetime has been completely wasted.
I get no benefit from welfare.
USPS is a dinosaur that stays in financial trouble. Ever go to a post office to mail a box? There's always at least one clerk "on break". FedEX and UPS are far more reliable.
Police depts. in democrat run cities have had their wings clipped. They're not allowed to do their jobs. The mayors and DA's are pro-criminal , anti-police. May as well not have them.
The only vaccine the gubmint paid for was ineffective.
A lot of that "socialism" could be cut.
Student loans are a loan. Not a socialist program. In fact it's a loan you can't even declare bankruptcy on.
Disability insurance is part of Social Security, the largest Ponzi scheme in history.
The EPA should be shut down after Obama militarized it and used it to circumvent congress to make his own laws.
The FBI has been proven to be corrupt and an arm of the DNC to stage a soft coup .
I get no benefit from Medicaid.
Medicare is worthless in Alaska. Very few providers accept it. Those that do are desperate or those doc-in-a-boxes. All that money I paid into it over my lifetime has been completely wasted.
I get no benefit from welfare.
USPS is a dinosaur that stays in financial trouble. Ever go to a post office to mail a box? There's always at least one clerk "on break". FedEX and UPS are far more reliable.
Police depts. in democrat run cities have had their wings clipped. They're not allowed to do their jobs. The mayors and DA's are pro-criminal , anti-police. May as well not have them.
The only vaccine the gubmint paid for was ineffective.
A lot of that "socialism" could be cut.
How many children have been found because of Amber alerts?
Nice to see you not caring about the children. Classic Reptard.
Like it or don't, that response is just an irrelevant appeal to consequences. Someone can care about children but see no value in amber alerts and the costs associated with them.
I see. So 1114 children found is irrelevant. Good one. Alerts are public announcements designed to elicit citizen tips that could help rapidly recover abducted children before they can be harmed by their kidnappers. Using various media accounts as a data source to garner a convenience sample of 275 alerts, the authors gathered basic information, including victim–offender relationship, recovery time, and the direct effects of the alert. AMBER Alert does appear to provide some positive benefits in recovering abducted children, although the evidence suggests that the alerts are not often used in “stereotypical” stranger abduction cases, and rarely do they appear to have the effect of possibly saving lives. The alerts appear most likely to be “successful” in familial abduction situations instead of the more menacing stranger abduction cases for which they were intended. Policy implications are discussed. ALERTS LARGELY INEFFECTIVE, STUDY SHOWS
The system, designed to expedite the rescue of abducted children who are in grave danger, is one of the highest-profile law-enforcement initiatives of the past 10 years. But according to Timothy Griffin, assistant professor of criminal justice at UNR, the alerts seldom work as intended.
The report contradicts the claims of the Department of Justice, which insists the program "has saved the lives of hundreds of children nationwide." Marking National AMBER Alert Awareness Day on January 11th, 2007, Assistant Attorney General Regina B. Schofield called the system "one of the most effective tools employed to protect children."
The available evidence simply does not back up such assertions, Griffin says. In fact, it shows AMBER Alerts are least likely to be successful in the most dangerous cases, where the child is kidnapped by a stranger. and,Amber Alert had nothing to do with it.According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Amber Alerts have a success rate of roughly 20 to 25 per cent in the U.S. But there’s another statistic: 95 per cent of the kids in Amber Alert cases make it home safely. These kids are making it home safely anyway—the Amber Alert had nothing to do with it.
You miss the point with this response which amounts to another irrelevant appeal to popularity by way of cherry picking.
Aside from that, amber alerts on the whole are ineffective. and,Amber Alert had nothing to do with it.
That last one shows that despite, not because of, amber alerts most children involved in one end up back home regardless of the alert system.
Amber alerts, on the whole, are a knee jerk reaction by bureaucrats and busybody people to "Do something." That is, the system is mainly in place regardless of effectiveness and cost because those sorts want something, anything, done to show they're doing something to respond to a problem. Instead of doing something that is truly effective, they slap a bandaid on an amputation and call it good. Look! We did something!
If that constitutes socialism then all countries are socialist. In socialist countries the government owns the means of production--shipbuilding, oil industry, hospitals and doctors.....
Medicare, for example, is funded by government but the hospitals, doctors, clinics, medical supplies are all private.
You remember the other thread on Social Security. I made reference to it being called an entitlement, because that what's the government calls it. A poster pushed back thinking I was making a derogatory statement (not realizing that's what the government calls the program). If being called an entitlement is no bueno I wonder if calling it a socialist program is ok?
why do lib'ruls constantly misunderstand that "socialism" and "public" are not synonymous?.......
How many of those could be done better by the private sector? How many aren't even necessary at all?