The Supreme Court would risk more than legitimacy by imposing Christian nationalism

and they believed all our rights come from god.

Where "man is God" SCOTUS Rehnquist deems no Washington, D.C. born USA citizen has a right to believe an Islam human reproduction fabricated virgin Mary misnomer of an immaculate son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception rite in "one nation under God with equal justice under law"; especially when it comes to suicidal super egos master race sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming of the gene pool.
Progs don't like it when it's their religious rituals that are coming under attack.

Where "man is God" SCOTUS Rehnquist deems no Washington, D.C. born USA citizen has a right to believe an Islam human reproduction fabricated virgin Mary misnomer of an immaculate son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception rite in "one nation under God with equal justice under law"; especially when it comes to suicidal super egos master race sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming of the gene pool.

thanks for nothing.
We should allow praying before games. After a Christian prayer, we have a Muslim prayer. Then a Jewish prayer, followed by a Hindu chant.
If it seems like back to the future, you’re right. School prayer was struck down by the court in 1962. Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973. Decades of precedent supporting the proposition that the state cannot compel religious practice or legislate according to one faith could be gone by this summer.

The arrogance of justices who imagine there is such a thing as plain vanilla prayer — as though certain religions don’t have specific, distinct practices for prayer — is quite striking. “A football coach leading prayer? As American as apple pie!” those defending school prayer might say. “Besides, kids don’t have to follow along!” Unless, of course, they are afraid of being ostracized, insulted or possibly losing playing time.

This fear of the Supreme Court imposing "Christian nationalism" is about as likely as the right's fear of one-world government.

The case about the coach was dismissed. The court has been good at expanding religious freedom.
There are 3000 recognized religions in America. If we allowed schools to impose their religions, then Dearborn would have Islam taught, and the bells for a call to prayer would be installed. How would the Christians and other religions' kids like that? Christians could buy prayer mats and pray to Mecca every day.
Maybe a local school would install snake-handling version of Christianity. That would please rightys who want religions to rule.
Public schools should not have an established religion. Those who established our system were right.

Public schools don't have established religion although those who established our system allowed states to have established churches.
Public schools don't have established religion although those who established our system allowed states to have established churches.

When I went to public school, we had a religion class. It was essentially the history of various religions and how they started and evolved. The one that appealed to me was Zoroastrianism. That is how religion should be in school. Teach about them and then they can pick one or not when they are old enough to make their decision. The largest group in America is "unaffiliated. That gives me hope.
When I went to public school, we had a religion class. It was essentially the history of various religions and how they started and evolved. The one that appealed to me was Zoroastrianism. That is how religion should be in school. Teach about them and then they can pick one or not when they are old enough to make their decision. The largest group in America is "unaffiliated. That gives me hope.

why does not belonging give hope?.....
This fear of the Supreme Court imposing "Christian nationalism" is about as likely as the right's fear of one-world government.

The case about the coach was dismissed. The court has been good at expanding religious freedom.

We used to have required prayer in schools. So, no, not farfetched.
When I went to public school, we had a religion class. It was essentially the history of various religions and how they started and evolved. The one that appealed to me was Zoroastrianism. That is how religion should be in school. Teach about them and then they can pick one or not when they are old enough to make their decision. The largest group in America is "unaffiliated. That gives me hope.

Schools could teach philosophy like France. Teach kids how to evaluate religious claims like any other claim about how the world is.
Really? Ask the PiMP. He's the one who thought the Charlie Hebdo guys deserved to die because they made fun of religion. He said this on this site.

so, one guy, one time.......

i have more fear of atheists currently. i think thats a more reasonable take.
thanks for nothing.

Don't thank me for those crooks on Capital Hill under color of law Christian Nation tautology avoidance of Islam fabricated medical human reproduction misnomers, only having acceptance & reasoning for their "man is God" Christiananality pedophilia virgin Mary immaculate son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception diatribe to rule the earth & destroy the world.