The Supreme Court would risk more than legitimacy by imposing Christian nationalism

Should be interesting in June when all these decisions arrive, they have guns, abortion, and now religion, if the Court goes super right on all of those it could have an effect on the November elections by mobilizing what has been an apathetic Democrat base

Bring your guns to church and we will march on to the abortion clinic.
First, you give rural idiots too many electoral votes.
Then, they elect a genuinely stupid president.
That president appoints scotus justices too stupid for night court in Des Moines,
and the idiot senate, which is again overrepresented by rural rubes, confirms them.

We wonder why we're fucked?
Our founders created a nation that was fucked up from the start, and they didn't provide any useful way to fix it.
It's clearly time to start over.

One frightening thing about message board fora is that they reveal just how many stupid mutants slither around in this country.

TDAK? Matt Dillon? Asshat Zombie? That's just the beginning. And these fucking idiots get to vote.

I think what we are seeing the results of Mitch tinkering with the nominee process, first by denying Obama his selection, may never see another off party President get a Justice pick, and, secondly, making it a majority vote, resulting in candidates that don't have to keep an open mind in weighing cases
If you don't like what that coach is doing, go fuck yourself.

No, it is great. He delays the game so we can watch him pray. Then the Muslims should pray, followed by Hebrews and whatever other religions think there is something holy about praying in public. We could have a special prayer show an hour before the game.
No, it is great. He delays the game so we can watch him pray. Then the Muslims should pray, followed by Hebrews and whatever other religions think there is something holy about praying in public. We could have a special prayer show an hour before the game.

Love to see the reaction of those supporting the guy if another coach went to mid field before and after the game and laid down a prayer mat and prayed to Mecca
I think what we are seeing the results of Mitch tinkering with the nominee process, first by denying Obama his selection, may never see another off party President get a Justice pick, and, secondly, making it a majority vote, resulting in candidates that don't have to keep an open mind in weighing cases

It's all with the blessing of our inadequate constitution as written.
It was written by country squires instead of competent lawyers, and they fucked up accordingly.
It's all with the blessing of our inadequate constitution as written.
It was written by country squires instead of competent lawyers, and they fucked up accordingly.

The founders thought there would be pressure on politicians to do the right thing for America. Now rightys have pressure to do the wrong thing for the benefit of the wealthy and corporations. They had no idea how corruptable politicians of today could be. The Repubs are actively trying to destroy the constitution and the separation of powers. They are trying to wreck the election system to their advantage. Amerca may not survive this.
No, it is great. He delays the game so we can watch him pray. Then the Muslims should pray, followed by Hebrews and whatever other religions think there is something holy about praying in public. We could have a special prayer show an hour before the game.

It's only assholes like you who bitch and whine. So go fuck yourself or don't watch.
If it seems like back to the future, you’re right. School prayer was struck down by the court in 1962. Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973. Decades of precedent supporting the proposition that the state cannot compel religious practice or legislate according to one faith could be gone by this summer.

The arrogance of justices who imagine there is such a thing as plain vanilla prayer — as though certain religions don’t have specific, distinct practices for prayer — is quite striking. “A football coach leading prayer? As American as apple pie!” those defending school prayer might say. “Besides, kids don’t have to follow along!” Unless, of course, they are afraid of being ostracized, insulted or possibly losing playing time.

Did this football coach "lead a prayer?" Or, did he simply make a personal prayer on his own?
That misses the point. The reds stacked the court with like minded devout Christians who will overturn precedence. The reds lied when they testified that they would not. The ones nominated by Trump were followed over decades by the Federalist society. They were given passes for being Christian supplicants.

some precedent needs overturning because they were flat out you can do one of two things......either maintain that SCOTUS tells you what is and isnt' constitutional, or realize that they have been partisan and unconstitutional since the early we the people need to be final arbiter
The founders thought there would be pressure on politicians to do the right thing for America. Now rightys have pressure to do the wrong thing for the benefit of the wealthy and corporations. They had no idea how corruptable politicians of today could be. The Repubs are actively trying to destroy the constitution and the separation of powers. They are trying to wreck the election system to their advantage. Amerca may not survive this.

dems are more corporatist now. more fascist.
dems are more corporatist now. more fascist.

More than who? Yes, it was during Clinton that the Dems were republicanized into taking funding from corporations and the super-wealthy. They give nothing without getting a payback. That is how corporations got such control over America. But it is not Dems who are fascists. You are wrong about that.
More than who? Yes, it was during Clinton that the Dems were republicanized into taking funding from corporations and the super-wealthy. They give nothing without getting a payback. That is how corporations got such control over America. But it is not Dems who are fascists. You are wrong about that.

the push for globalist zealotry beyond all reason is essentially a corporate interest.