The Thread That Got Me Banned At Another Forum


It got me banned at another forum. I wonder if it will here too. But first, I would like to point out that sometimes you know just how right you are by the amount of opposition you find to what you write. Here is the thread.

Jews. The Enemies of Whites.

What makes jews the enemy? To start with, they owned or controlled movie studios like Warner Brothers, Paramount, Columbia, Universal, MGM, etc. At one time, because of the movies they made, they had gangesters being only second in popularity to movie stars themselves. They have also made more anti-White movies than I would care to try to mention. Another thing that makes jews your enemy is that because of their control of the entertainment industry, they have basically enslaved you. That is why despite jews only making up about 2% of the U.S. population, you somehow think that such an extreme minority matters.

Another thing that makes jews the enemy is that in the talmud, it not only justifies being married to babies, but screwing them as well! Take this passage from the talmud. "In one, for instance, where her husband has intercourse with her before the age of three, and found blood, and when he had intercourse with her after the age of three and found no blood." You should know that it doesn't matter how high you can rise. What matters most is how low you can go. And that is very low indeed.

Another thing that makes jews the enemy is that through their control of the entertainment industry, it is clear that they want to shove negroes and mexicans so far up your ass that you would need a dentist to check them for head lice. Also, back in the late 60's, Israel tried to sink an American spy ship called the USS Liberty. The really bad part is that the USS Liberty put out a call for help. And there was an aircraft carrier close enough to have sent help. But because of your enslavement, no help came.

Israel tried to deny that that they knew it was a U.S. ship. I will show you something else they denied. It is what Israeli PM Menechem Begin supposedly told the Israeli parliment back in 1982. "Our race is the master race. We are devine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destany is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet, and serve us as our slaves."

I will include a picture of a rabbi and a quote by him. One of which below his picture didn't print. But it said, "There shall be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity." Rabbi Brauch Efrati, Jewish school head in West Bank. I will also include a picture and a quote of another Israeli PM. (Though this was denied too) And these are just a few of the many things that make jews the enemy. Don't even get me started on the largely fake holocaust. Another thing is that the jews would probably prefer that you support Hillary over Trump. So if I were you, I would vote for Trump.


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Yeah, you're a Trump fan.

It got me banned at another forum. I wonder if it will here too. But first, I would like to point out that sometimes you know just how right you are by the amount of opposition you find to what you write. Here is the thread.

Jews. The Enemies of Whites.

What makes jews the enemy? To start with, they owned or controlled movie studios like Warner Brothers, Paramount, Columbia, Universal, MGM, etc. At one time, because of the movies they made, they had gangesters being only second in popularity to movie stars themselves. They have also made more anti-White movies than I would care to try to mention. Another thing that makes jews your enemy is that because of their control of the entertainment industry, they have basically enslaved you. That is why despite jews only making up about 2% of the U.S. population, you somehow think that such an extreme minority matters.

Another thing that makes jews the enemy is that in the talmud, it not only justifies being married to babies, but screwing them as well! Take this passage from the talmud. "In one, for instance, where her husband has intercourse with her before the age of three, and found blood, and when he had intercourse with her after the age of three and found no blood." You should know that it doesn't matter how high you can rise. What matters most is how low you can go. And that is very low indeed.

Another thing that makes jews the enemy is that through their control of the entertainment industry, it is clear that they want to shove negroes and mexicans so far up your ass that you would need a dentist to check them for head lice. Also, back in the late 60's, Israel tried to sink an American spy ship called the USS Liberty. The really bad part is that the USS Liberty put out a call for help. And there was an aircraft carrier close enough to have sent help. But because of your enslavement, no help came.

Israel tried to deny that that they knew it was a U.S. ship. I will show you something else they denied. It is what Israeli PM Menechem Begin supposedly told the Israeli parliment back in 1982. "Our race is the master race. We are devine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destany is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet, and serve us as our slaves."

I will include a picture of a rabbi and a quote by him. One of which below his picture didn't print. But it said, "There shall be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity." Rabbi Brauch Efrati, Jewish school head in West Bank. I will also include a picture and a quote of another Israeli PM. (Though this was denied too) And these are just a few of the many things that make jews the enemy. Don't even get me started on the largely fake holocaust. Another thing is that the jews would probably prefer that you support Hillary over Trump. So if I were you, I would vote for Trump.

Sometimes getting a lot of opposition means your wrong-NOT RIGHT!!!

I dunno were you were banned from, or for how long, but I can see how some paranoid conspiracy like this would/could lead to such actions..

What would you propose be done about this??
Sometimes getting a lot of opposition means your wrong-NOT RIGHT!!!

I dunno were you were banned from, or for how long, but I can see how some paranoid conspiracy like this would/could lead to such actions..

What would you propose be done about this??

This isn't my first rodeo. What if there was a problem that needed fixing. But fixing that problem would cause many problems. Even though they aren't anywhere near as bad as the problem that needs fixing. Most people, in order to remain in their comfort zone, will oppose you even talking about the real problem to begin with.

Next, I have been banned from a few other forums. There is only one kind of banning. Being banned permanently. Next, you call what I have to say a conspiracy!? Tell me one thing that I said that you think isn't true. I can fix that.

Next, what do I plan to do about what. Doing something about the jewish problem? It's difficult to do something about something that you aren't even allowed to talk about in the first place. I don't know how long I or this thread will last. But if I kept bringing up topics relating to it, I will most likely get banned. Just as I did from a message board dealing with U.S. issues and a forum that was supposedly in defence of the truth. What a joke that was!
I'm pretty sure that this poster knows from experience what it takes to get banned from here.

Well I have had reasons given for being banned (usually, but not always) at some other forums. One was spamming. But I don't know how wanting to debate a certain issue could be considered "spam." At one forum I was banned because when I wrote the word ne-gro, I didn't use a capital "N." I have also been accused of being a "sock" and getting banned. But even if that were true, I didn't say things that were untrue. And if anybody thought they were, I was more than willing to debate the matter. To me, that is all that matters, or at least should matter. Not how "popular" you can be. Also, I dropped out of high school in my third year with three years of credits to make up for. So if you think you can debate me, I am willing to take up the challenge from you or anybody.
Doing something about the jewish problem? It's difficult to do something about something that you aren't even allowed to talk about in the first place. I don't know how long I or this thread will last. But if I kept bringing up topics relating to it, I will most likely get banned. Just as I did from a message board dealing with U.S. issues and a forum that was supposedly in defence of the truth. What a joke that was!

Well so far the powers that be are allowing you the op to say what you gotta say..

So assuming they allow you to continue w/ your thoughts, can you lay it out??
Unless he breaks one of the rules, he can Trump on all he wants.

Half the board probably shares his opinion.
The only thing I find offensive about the majority of Jews? Their fascist politics always attempting to covertly blend Government and Industry together manipulating the advantage toward "self". How do they manipulate these things? By making up a false and immediate dilemma.

The majority of Jews project liberalism...but in reality they practice fascism through economic manipulation. Ask yourself this question, what is the difference between being held prisoner and forced to purchase products by Government mandate or being forced to do without such services and products by dictate....or being forced at the point of a sword to become enslaved? Far leftists enjoy the hell out of playing semantics...with other peoples money and lives.

Of course this is just an opinion based observation...if every last charge was documented beyond reasonable doubt by prima facie or circumstantial evidence' would be rejected by the Liberal catch all accusation. Racism and Bigotry. When in reality I could care less about the origins of someone's race, their sexual preferences, their religion, their gender or their nationality of origin....what I care about is the propaganda that induces an adherence to segregation of all the proceeding.....dividing this nation making neighbors resent neighbors because Certain powers that be do not want total Assimilation into the American way of life....its most easy to manipulate when everyone remains at each others throats. I have never had anything for any individual or group that produces self serving wealth from the suffering of others.

I often laugh at people when they "assume" that I am a WHITE CONSERVATIVE....when in reality my Grand pap was a full blooded Cherokee strait off an Oklahoma Reservation....having chose to move back east to his ancestral home lands. A teacher with a degree...but finding the only way to make a living was FARMING, as no locally run board of education wanted to hire a full blooded native American, regardless of educational experience. As I said...I am a Blue Dog...moderate that believes that charity is called for when its efficient and not wasteful....that every human being regardless of race deserves a "hand up" when life tosses them adversity as everyone has experienced at one time or another a long this journey called life...but there is a difference between a hand up and and a Hand Out in order to purchase political spending money that WE THE PEOPLE simply do not possess.
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So it's a Jewish plot & all the Jews are in on it??

I have a dog....its a Beagle, its a fine hunting dog, its loyal to a fault, it would die to protect that he assumes is his to protect. It would do anything that I requested it to do....except turn into a full blooded poodle that might have a nose for "truffles" even though that is what I commanded him to hunt. People are what they are. When one is born and bread to be an economist....that's who they are, its what they do for a living. As I stated....when this opinion is brought to any ones attention....its rejected, by sarcasm or the hole card.....Racism or Bigotry. Certain minorities in this nation have a built in firewall because they have manipulated the gullible accept and protect POLITICAL CORRECTNESS....regardless of the obvious.....many people are blind to the trees that surround them because they live in a forest, its simply a matter of gradual indoctrination.

What do you call it when the president of these United States, a representative republic....declares that he has the authority to FIRE THE CEO OF GMC....because Big Brother gave them a few bucks from the PEOPLES COFFERS? Its fascism any way you choose to spin it....and who benefited from the bailouts....main st. or the banks that back wall st.? An honest question that deserves at least HONEST REASONED THOUGHT. This is not bigotry or racism due to the religion/faith of someone.....its concerns the way some people manipulate and take advantage of the current system in order to produce personal wealth...when they are playing with HOUSE MONEY, THE PEOPLES TAX RECEIPTS.
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It got me banned at another forum. I wonder if it will here too. But first, I would like to point out that sometimes you know just how right you are by the amount of opposition you find to what you write. Here is the thread.

Jews. The Enemies of Whites.


Newsflash. Judaism is a religion. White is a race.

Have you posted similar info on other forums using a KKK identifier like "K156294"?

Fascist: One group of society that believes they are superior to other segments of society, for political group declaring their superiority over unborn children declaring they are not human nor worthy of having any right to live because the stronger portion of society defies science, logic, reason, morality and human dignity "claiming" to have the authority to sentence the weaker inferior segment of society to death based upon personal whims rather than providing any due process as to the guilt or innocence of said weaker society.

Its best not to cast one evil stone after another evil stone. WE THE PEOPLE have stated..."All men are created (not born but created, human life begins at conception, at the time of creation) EQUAL, and have the RIGHT (granted by God) to LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of happiness. And this natural right is "UNALIENABLE"..meaning non-transferable, not even transferable to a MOTHER might alone some pompous judge that dictates death upon the innocent....because of nothing more than being created at an inconvenient time in the life of its mother. Since when is inconvenience considered a crime against humanity? Since when is a child sentenced to death because of the crimes of its parents?

Its a most difficult thing to exercise the right of life or liberty when EVIL claims that you deserve neither when it most illogically and unscientifically claims that a human child is not alive in the womb, its not a child its FETUS, A THING....that gets to exercise that guaranteed right of creation only by personal mandate of the one whose morally responsible to PROTECT THAT HUMAN LIFE for at least 18 years after creation.

I do not call any mother that would not die protecting their child.....but would rather KILL them as a sacrifice at the ALTER OF LIBERAL HUMAN SECULARISM, an Ideology that declares they are greater than the natural force that created them......anything but EVIL personified. There is nothing more precious nor innocent than a human child that does not possess the capacity of self preservation...but is dependent upon its mother for all things pertaining to LIFE ITSELF....and then that MOTHER blatantly with premeditation KILLS that dependent child void of any kind of due process.

That my friends is TEXT BOOK FASCISM, BIGOTRY and all human's are part of the HUMAN RACE....and hell liberalism has even segregated that RACE into bits and pieces....granting certain portions personal holidays based upon skin color and cultural background while denying others the same that's label one segment SPECIAL, deserving SPECIAL TREATMENT because of their SKIN COLOR...hell now its an entire month dedicated to such RACISM. Why? Because of the political correctness of a thing called WHITE GUILT. First the pendulum swings from degrading human slavery to the extreme of declaring that former enslaved culture...SPECIAL because they are born with the same skin color of one's that were enslaved. Its called "circular logic". First society declares that culture "INFERIOR" and the pendulum of history swings and society now labels that culture special deserving of special treatment. GIVE ME A BREAK....LIBERALISM SUCKS...its all based upon personal whims of appeasement and oppression....there is nothing logical about an ideology that exists only between the ears of its proponents....that attempts to rationalize all acts of immorality away by ignorant patterns of thought.
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By and large, all the major religions encourage people to be a bit better than they might otherwise be, all of them contain texts from way back when that suggest otherwise, and all of them - like Christianity in the USA and Islam in Saudi Arabia - are used as labels for attitudes and behaviours that would very much surprize their founders. The hogwash that turns religions into 'races' and believes seriously that such shoddy intellectual constructions actually exist is antiquated filth, however interpreted. People like the originator of this thread suppose millions of people can somehow be held to be 'the same' because they share a label, however contrary to all human experiences this is (they should try the nearest Church, Party branch or sports club). The thing to do with religions is to read the original texts and remind those who accept the labels of what is expected of them: it will keep them far too busy to do harm.