The Thread That Got Me Banned At Another Forum

the past and where we came from isn't what matters. What matters is what we are here and now.

lol, sure it matters, where we came from etc makes us what we are, & that is ppl, regardless of superficial & minor differences in outer appearance..

In which of the categories you mentioned would this person fall into??%u0025D8%u0025AA%u0025D9%u002585%u0025D8%u0025AB%u0025D8%u0025A7%u0025D9%u002584+%u0025D9%u00258.jpg
SO you actually believe that if Mexican drug dealers leave someone else is not going to fill that vacuum?? Are you a commie not believing in capitalism??

You might wanna take an on-line history course before you come to any conclusions..


The purist meth comes from mexico. And in very large quantities that illegal drug makers here in the U.S. could never hope to match. So for the most part, no. The vacum would be too large to fill if we got rid of the mexicans.

Next, capitalism sucks kock!!!! It's a fact. I can suggest one particular documentary for you. It's called, "The Corporation." In it they correctly point out that most corporations are psychotic and sociopathic entities. As well as other bad things. You would have to be a dreanged criminal to buy into capitalism. Also, I am not a comunist. My political leanings are more toward National Socialism. Next, what you suggest is like asking a chicken to take an on line course given by foxes.
lol, sure it matters, where we came from etc makes us what we are, & that is ppl, regardless of superficial & minor differences in outer appearance..

In which of the categories you mentioned would this person fall into??View attachment 3049

Why would the past matter to the present. For example, corn was bred from a wheat like plant. But when you bite into an ear of corn, does it resemble eating some grains of wheat? Next, there are more than just superficial differences going on between different species-subspecies of human. Maybe when I get around to it, I will point out some of the differences. Though I will probably get banned.

Next, the person you bring up is pure semitic sand negro. Another interesting thing about that is that at one time in ancient Egypt, they were conquered by the nubians. Who were pure negro. They ruled Egypt for about 100 years. To their credit, more modern Egyptians tried to erase that shameful part of their past from history.
There is very little genetic variety among humans.

There is very little genetic variation between humans and chimps too. Another thing is that it doesn't take much of a difference in genes to make a big difference. Also, there is a website out there called, "Genetic breakthrough reveals differences between humans." One of the things the article says, basically, is that there is 10 times more difference between humans than once thought.
The purist meth comes from mexico. And in very large quantities that illegal drug makers here in the U.S. could never hope to match. So for the most part, no. The vacum would be too large to fill if we got rid of the mexicans.

Next, capitalism sucks kock!!!! It's a fact. I can suggest one particular documentary for you. It's called, "The Corporation." In it they correctly point out that most corporations are psychotic and sociopathic entities. As well as other bad things. You would have to be a dreanged criminal to buy into capitalism. Also, I am not a comunist. My political leanings are more toward National Socialism. Next, what you suggest is like asking a chicken to take an on line course given by foxes.

OK, you believe what you wish but I believe some Americans would cash in, as they always do..

Not seen that movie but if you like I can recommend a few books that go much more in-depth, but you would have to read it, a non-hollywood production~which by the way kinda points to the fact that the movie was produced by a corporation..:dunno: (I smell conspiracy here:rolleyes: )

Not surprised you claim to be a national socialist.. I hope you know more about them than you do about capitalism...
Why would the past matter to the present. For example, corn was bred from a wheat like plant. But when you bite into an ear of corn, does it resemble eating some grains of wheat? Next, there are more than just superficial differences going on between different species-subspecies of human. Maybe when I get around to it, I will point out some of the differences. Though I will probably get banned.

Next, the person you bring up is pure semitic sand negro. Another interesting thing about that is that at one time in ancient Egypt, they were conquered by the nubians. Who were pure negro. They ruled Egypt for about 100 years. To their credit, more modern Egyptians tried to erase that shameful part of their past from history.

I think you mean a grass like plant, maize.. Hopefully you know more about human genetics than plant genetics, but somehow I don't think so..

So if & when you have something other than your thoughts & opinions on the matter I will be around to check it out.........
It got me banned at another forum. I wonder if it will here too. But first, I would like to point out that sometimes you know just how right you are by the amount of opposition you find to what you write. Here is the thread.

Jews. The Enemies of Whites.

What makes jews the enemy? To start with, they owned or controlled movie studios like Warner Brothers, Paramount, Columbia, Universal, MGM, etc. At one time, because of the movies they made, they had gangesters being only second in popularity to movie stars themselves. They have also made more anti-White movies than I would care to try to mention. Another thing that makes jews your enemy is that because of their control of the entertainment industry, they have basically enslaved you. That is why despite jews only making up about 2% of the U.S. population, you somehow think that such an extreme minority matters.

Another thing that makes jews the enemy is that in the talmud, it not only justifies being married to babies, but screwing them as well! Take this passage from the talmud. "In one, for instance, where her husband has intercourse with her before the age of three, and found blood, and when he had intercourse with her after the age of three and found no blood." You should know that it doesn't matter how high you can rise. What matters most is how low you can go. And that is very low indeed.

Another thing that makes jews the enemy is that through their control of the entertainment industry, it is clear that they want to shove negroes and mexicans so far up your ass that you would need a dentist to check them for head lice. Also, back in the late 60's, Israel tried to sink an American spy ship called the USS Liberty. The really bad part is that the USS Liberty put out a call for help. And there was an aircraft carrier close enough to have sent help. But because of your enslavement, no help came.

Israel tried to deny that that they knew it was a U.S. ship. I will show you something else they denied. It is what Israeli PM Menechem Begin supposedly told the Israeli parliment back in 1982. "Our race is the master race. We are devine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destany is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet, and serve us as our slaves."

I will include a picture of a rabbi and a quote by him. One of which below his picture didn't print. But it said, "There shall be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity." Rabbi Brauch Efrati, Jewish school head in West Bank. I will also include a picture and a quote of another Israeli PM. (Though this was denied too) And these are just a few of the many things that make jews the enemy. Don't even get me started on the largely fake holocaust. Another thing is that the jews would probably prefer that you support Hillary over Trump. So if I were you, I would vote for Trump.

First, I'm kind of hoping they leave you for a while so I can play with you before you get banned. I do so enjoy watching people like you squirm each time you're bested by one of the Jews you hate so much.

Next, as a white man AND a Jew, I have to tell you: You are really, really insane. I mean, completely and totally nuts.

I am no more the enemy of myself being white and a Jew than I try to shove myself in an oven every time I get near one because I'm a Jew with German heritage.

You, on the other hand, are clearly an enemy of what it means to be American.

Although when it comes to head lice, yours have clearly eaten through your skull and gotten to your brain.

Now run along and shove that up your ass along with the "negroes and mexicans." 'kay? :)
First, I'm kind of hoping they leave you for a while so I can play with you before you get banned. I do so enjoy watching people like you squirm each time you're bested by one of the Jews you hate so much.

Next, as a white man AND a Jew, I have to tell you: You are really, really insane. I mean, completely and totally nuts.

I am no more the enemy of myself being white and a Jew than I try to shove myself in an oven every time I get near one because I'm a Jew with German heritage.

You, on the other hand, are clearly an enemy of what it means to be American.

Although when it comes to head lice, yours have clearly eaten through your skull and gotten to your brain.

Now run along and shove that up your ass along with the "negroes and mexicans." 'kay? :)

I have seen this many, many times, as I am sure the admin here has as well....

He/they are sitting on lots of info/propaganda they are just dying to post..

My guess is whatever site it was he got banned @ has seen it all before as well & just wasn't in the mood/interested in it/him... Usually the longer they go the more likely "others" will start showing up from "certain sites"...
I think you mean a grass like plant, maize.. Hopefully you know more about human genetics than plant genetics, but somehow I don't think so..

So if & when you have something other than your thoughts & opinions on the matter I will be around to check it out.........

Do you suppose the "grass like" plant, maize, could have resembeled wheat?
OK, you believe what you wish but I believe some Americans would cash in, as they always do..

Not seen that movie but if you like I can recommend a few books that go much more in-depth, but you would have to read it, a non-hollywood production~which by the way kinda points to the fact that the movie was produced by a corporation..:dunno: (I smell conspiracy here:rolleyes: )

Not surprised you claim to be a national socialist.. I hope you know more about them than you do about capitalism...

I don't know who made the documentary. But watch it for yourself. Judge for yourself the truthfulness of what it says. And if you have any doubts, look up the facts for yourself. Next, I know far more than enough about capitalism. And for National Socialism, as in the German Nazis, all you have ever heard about them are lies. Before Hitler came to power, you needed a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread with. Hitler turned Germany's economic disaster into an economic miracle. Not easy to do considering that Germany had around 65 billion in gold stolen from it as reparations for WW I. (A war that Germany just got sucked into like everybody else) Which Germany finally made its last payment on around 2010. Given the economic sucess that Germany under Hitler had, it's no wonder that the West wanted to destroy them. National Socialism was far better than what capitalism was or still is.
First, I'm kind of hoping they leave you for a while so I can play with you before you get banned. I do so enjoy watching people like you squirm each time you're bested by one of the Jews you hate so much.

Next, as a white man AND a Jew, I have to tell you: You are really, really insane. I mean, completely and totally nuts.

I am no more the enemy of myself being white and a Jew than I try to shove myself in an oven every time I get near one because I'm a Jew with German heritage.

You, on the other hand, are clearly an enemy of what it means to be American.

Although when it comes to head lice, yours have clearly eaten through your skull and gotten to your brain.

Now run along and shove that up your ass along with the "negroes and mexicans." 'kay? :)

A babyfucking filthy jew. I'm not surprised. Tell me, did you read this in the talmud while in jew school? "In one, for instance, where her husband had intercourse with her before the age of three and found blood, and when he had intercourse with her after the age of three and found no blood." Also, your idea that you "bested" me is just as stupid as your idea that any jew is White. So YOU shove that up your ass and run along.
I have seen this many, many times, as I am sure the admin here has as well....

He/they are sitting on lots of info/propaganda they are just dying to post..

My guess is whatever site it was he got banned @ has seen it all before as well & just wasn't in the mood/interested in it/him... Usually the longer they go the more likely "others" will start showing up from "certain sites"...

Obviously, the sites I got banned from didn't like people telling the truth. Especially against their jewish masters. Also, if you think the truth I have already spoken is bad, you have no idea. Your mind would have to go into a deep delusional state to deny that truth.
I don't know who made the documentary. But watch it for yourself. Judge for yourself the truthfulness of what it says. And if you have any doubts, look up the facts for yourself. Next, I know far more than enough about capitalism. And for National Socialism, as in the German Nazis, all you have ever heard about them are lies. Before Hitler came to power, you needed a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread with. Hitler turned Germany's economic disaster into an economic miracle. Not easy to do considering that Germany had around 65 billion in gold stolen from it as reparations for WW I. (A war that Germany just got sucked into like everybody else) Which Germany finally made its last payment on around 2010. Given the economic sucess that Germany under Hitler had, it's no wonder that the West wanted to destroy them. National Socialism was far better than what capitalism was or still is.

??How do you know what I have & have not heard??

I guess making a deal w/ the devil (stalin) invading Austria, Czechoslovakia & Poland had nothing to do w/ it??

What we have here, IMHO is more crony capitalism...
A babyfucking filthy jew. I'm not surprised. Tell me, did you read this in the talmud while in jew school? "In one, for instance, where her husband had intercourse with her before the age of three and found blood, and when he had intercourse with her after the age of three and found no blood." Also, your idea that you "bested" me is just as stupid as your idea that any jew is White. So YOU shove that up your ass and run along.

Was it this kinda vile hate that got you banned?? Or your thesis on national socialism?? :rolleyes:
Obviously, the sites I got banned from didn't like people telling the truth. Especially against their jewish masters. Also, if you think the truth I have already spoken is bad, you have no idea. Your mind would have to go into a deep delusional state to deny that truth.

Well thus far son you haven't shown anything I or most folks here haven't all seen & heard before..

Sad, you guys roll in, make the same spiel, same props/picts & assertions.. I guess ya'll go back to that site & jerk each other off w/ stories of how you taught us this or that, when in fact all you succeed in doing is enlarging the great chasm between you & the rest of humanity......... I feel sorry you, while we gotta put up w/ you for a couple weeks or so, your stuck w/ yourself for the rest of your life... GOOD LUCK!!!
It doesn't matter. As long as he keeps to his promise and deports millions of overpopulating illegal invader scab scum mexicans, that is good enough.
You might as well kill yourself now because Congress isn't going to give him the money to go on the raids needed to do this.
A babyfucking filthy jew. I'm not surprised. Tell me, did you read this in the talmud while in jew school? "In one, for instance, where her husband had intercourse with her before the age of three and found blood, and when he had intercourse with her after the age of three and found no blood." Also, your idea that you "bested" me is just as stupid as your idea that any jew is White. So YOU shove that up your ass and run along.

No, I've never had sex with anyone under 18, and I bathe regularly. So you're wrong there.

Kindly provide the book and verse you are pretending to quote. Because it doesn't exist.

And oh, yes, I've bested you. I'm better than you, I'm smarter than you, I'm better educated than you, I'm wealthier than you (I assure you), I'm whiter than you, I own the movies and the banks, and your rage proves me right.

I look forward to more of your rage. It is tasty.