Notice how the lying GOP shill a.k.a. Truth Rejector, never got around to answering my question.
WHAT question douchebag?

Notice how the lying GOP shill a.k.a. Truth Rejector, never got around to answering my question.
Fallacy fallacy. There is no racism here.
Well if you look at the history of this nation
By exploiting workers
So now you consider anyone that owns a truck rich????? I know a lot of truckers that will disagree with you on that one!
How to you define 'poor people'??
Paid for by billing, not taxes.
Grid. Paid for by billing, not taxes.
And they pay for what they use.
And they pay for what they use.
You are very confused, like usual.
WHAT question douchebag?![]()
You shouldn't be surprised. Your only skill here is being a thread trolling moron. You ever look back at all your posts in a forum. Count how many address the topic.![]()
Are you too stupid to properly link to the quotes dumbass? After all the years you've been here? Your link sends me to post 511. I'm not wading through a thread to find something you THINK was a lie. Hell, calling me a liar is a fucking lie you twit.![]()
Trust me; trying to argue with that unhinged loon will get you nowhere.![]()
Are you now going to claim that in 2021 the marginal rate the 1% is supposed to pay and the effective rate that they ACTUALLY pay are the same?
I simply LOVE how you cherry pick your "facts".
You're a great example of why no one can have a coherent debate with an uneducated, low IQ moron like yourself. What the data and graph are telling morons like you is that the effective taxes paid by the wealthy have not changed much over the last century.
I am not surprised someone of your low educational level can't comprehend the written word or read a graph.
The argument that the rich aren't paying their fair share is moronic in that the factual data doesn't support such a moronic claim. But hey, the Democratic Party of the Jackass love uneducated morons like you as their constituents. They too think you are too stupid to make it without their welfare handouts.
Now run along douchebag. Life's too short for your special brand of dishonest ignorance.![]()
Post # 197
He will be along to explain it with silly short videos of celebrities
Oh and his gaping mouth
Oh good LORD I never realized how DIFFICULT it was to click a button a few times to find the correct post.
I also never realized how whiny you would become when caught in a lie.
I provided a link to the thread and corresponding post numbers, but like all pathetic liars, you simply refuse to own up to your lies when caught.
And to make it look like there are more right wing racists than there really are
Describe this 'exploitation'. If the workers are unhappy, why are they WORKING THERE???
No doubt LyingVagina426. But let's also not forget that you are a repugnant, lying, low IQ, worthless piece of human filth as well.![]()
I answered you, you dumb lying jackass. You might need to read it a few times to comprehend it with that third grade acumen you seem to have.
I answered you, you dumb lying jackass. You might need to read it a few times to comprehend it with that third grade acumen you seem to have.
Is a semi truck more damaging to roads than a compact?
Have you ever heard of the industrial revolution turd stack?
If you weren't such a dumb, uneducated simpleton, you would know that truckers pay HUGE road taxes for that exact reason. Ever see a weigh station while driving down the interstate? That's how they determine the tax rates.
I do wish you weren't an idiot. But the Democratic Party of the Jackass love clueless idiots like you. It tales clueless idiots to elect democrats.![]()
Jesus. It has to be an act with you. Nobody can be that dumb. You ACTUALLY agreed with a known troll? You got baited.
Address the OP, please.
Stop spamming the thread.
Address the topic, not other posters.