Into the Night
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It is not possible to translate from Liberal to English. Liberal uses too many words that have no meaning or shifting meanings.Anyone here have a stupid translator for this word salad?
It is not possible to translate from Liberal to English. Liberal uses too many words that have no meaning or shifting meanings.Anyone here have a stupid translator for this word salad?
Oh good LORD I never realized how DIFFICULT it was to click a button a few times to find the correct post.
I also never realized how whiny you would become when caught in a lie.
I provided a link to the thread and corresponding post numbers, but like all pathetic liars, you simply refuse to own up to your lies when caught.
The poor should pay their fair share.
"the top 40 percent of wage earners in America pay 106 percent of the taxes. The bottom 40 negative 9 percent.
This is terribly unfair.
The the poor so that they will pay their fair share.
oh no he won't.
He's now whining and claiming he doesn't know what my question was, or how to find it.
Come on you knew
He won’t even admit the Republican Party thought the US WAS GREAT back in the 1950s
Dear fucking idiot
How many Americans will vote for that
Run the whole next election on that
Fuck you very much
It is not possible to translate from Liberal to English. Liberal uses too many words that have no meaning or shifting meanings.
Anyone here have a stupid translator for this word salad?
He thinks everybody that disagrees with him is a sock. So does Evince.
You can't pay 106% of the taxes.
That will mean you have to pay more, Earl, so that Lebron James can pay less.
Nowhere have you answered my question: Are you now going to claim that in 2021 the marginal rate the 1% is supposed to pay and the effective rate that they ACTUALLY pay are the same?
I'm not the one who backed out of a meeting.
CFM did.
And now he's permanently banned and I'm here, ruining your day.
You would break the scale with your dumbassery.
Address the topic, not other posters.
Address the OP, please.
Stop spamming the thread.
The industrial revolution created the wealthy in this nation
They got those huge piles of green paper by having 10 year olds carry buckets of melted glass for 10 hours a day and the like
That is what the Republican Party wants to go back to
It is not possible to translate from Liberal to English. Liberal uses too many words that have no meaning or shifting meanings.[/IMG]
Address the OP, please.
Stop spamming the thread.
Well that's appropriate since they don't own any wealth.
Why should someone who owns 99% of the wealth only pay 40% of the taxes?
What you are describing, of course, is communism.
...deleted Holy Link and Quote of random numbers...
CFM is a liar, which is one of the reasons why he's permabanned from JPP, while I'm not.
Make America great again?
We can do that
But not with republicans ideas