The time to TAX THE POOR has come...

You had previously claimed the "poor pay no taxes"...

NOWHERE on that first page did you specify "income taxes".

Now you want to MOVE those goalposts!

Lying and cheating is all they have left

The most prosperous time in modern history is when the rich were highly taxed compared to today

1950s and the 1960s

Republicans actually think of those days as when we were that great nation we should go back to
Are you now going to claim that in 2021 the marginal rate the 1% is supposed to pay and the effective rate that they ACTUALLY pay are the same?
I simply LOVE how you cherry pick your "facts".

You're a great example of why no one can have a coherent debate with an uneducated, low IQ moron like yourself. What the data and graph are telling morons like you is that the effective taxes paid by the wealthy have not changed much over the last century.

I am not surprised someone of your low educational level can't comprehend the written word or read a graph.

The argument that the rich aren't paying their fair share is moronic in that the factual data doesn't support such a moronic claim. But hey, the Democratic Party of the Jackass love uneducated morons like you as their constituents. They too think you are too stupid to make it without their welfare handouts.

Now run along douchebag. Life's too short for your special brand of dishonest ignorance.
Are you now going to claim that in 2021 the marginal rate the 1% is supposed to pay and the effective rate that they ACTUALLY pay are the same?

I simply LOVE how you cherry pick your "facts".

Those are not cherries

They are turds from Reagan’s ass
You're a great example of why no one can have a coherent debate with an uneducated, low IQ moron like yourself. What the data and graph are telling morons like you is that the effective taxes paid by the wealthy have not changed much over the last century.

I am not surprised someone of your low educational level can't comprehend the written word or read a graph.

The argument that the rich aren't paying their fair share is moronic in that the factual data doesn't support such a moronic claim. But hey, the Democratic Party of the Jackass love uneducated morons like you as their constituents. They too think you are too stupid to make it without their welfare handouts.

Now run along douchebag. Life's too short for your special brand of dishonest ignorance.

Yeah that flabby diatribe will win you elections

Face that the most prosperous time in modern history here was a time of lots of taxes on the rich

The complete opposite of what the republicans always say those taxes will produce

Your all liars who hate math and history

And science

And democracy
"Your all liars who hate math and history'

Someone must have hated English grammar in middle school.
The rich do not have most of the money. It's not a zero sum game either.

That's the problem with uneducated leftist hacks. They think the economy is finite, therefore, if someone gets more, someone else must have gotten less. I don't think it is possible to reach or educate people so lacking in IQ that they vote for politician who promise them, "free" stuff. :palm:
You're a great example of why no one can have a coherent debate with an uneducated, low IQ moron like yourself. What the data and graph are telling morons like you is that the effective taxes paid by the wealthy have not changed much over the last century.

I am not surprised someone of your low educational level can't comprehend the written word or read a graph.

The argument that the rich aren't paying their fair share is moronic in that the factual data doesn't support such a moronic claim. But hey, the Democratic Party of the Jackass love uneducated morons like you as their constituents. They too think you are too stupid to make it without their welfare handouts.

Now run along douchebag. Life's too short for your special brand of dishonest ignorance.

And just like that...

The Truth REJECTOR dodges ANOTHER question of mine.
Yeah that flabby diatribe will win you elections

Face that the most prosperous time in modern history here was a time of lots of taxes on the rich

The complete opposite of what the republicans always say those taxes will produce

Your all liars who hate math and history

And science

And democracy

Notice how the lying GOP shill a.k.a. Truth Rejector, never got around to answering my question.
"Your all liars who hate math and history'

Someone must have hated English grammar in middle school.


The American economy was ROARING while the rich paid high taxes

Those are the years you “make America great again” say we’re great