The tolerant left

I haven't gone afoul of rule 12b. You filthy animals now refer to them as "minor attracted persons". You idiots start out expecting this crap to be tolerated then accepted then celebrated.

You're the only one that needs help
Tsk. You know nothing about me.
Your posts are here for everyone to read.

I always assume posters on here are NOTHING like they are in real life. If they WERE there are many undiagnosed psychopaths wandering around the world.

Nah, this forum engenders the absolute worst in everyone. I fall for it. The blessing of anonymity that allows you to scream your head off at people and say the most fucked-up things you can say.

I actually TRY to have conversations on here but that only lasts a short while before some seemingly rational poster turns into a flaming bastard in the space of 2 posts. There was even one poster that I ADMIRED and told them so and all they ever did was insult me and be a complete bastard.

No one knows anyone from their posts on this forum.
Leftism is perversion. Everything they touch gets twisted then it withers up and eventually it dies.

Yeah! Like those GODDAMN LABOR ACTIVISTS IN THE EARLY 20TH CENTURY! Bunch a goddamn commies! They got us down to 5 days a week of work and no more child labor, but goddamn! COMMU-FUCKIN-ISM!

And don't get me started on the fucking goddamn NANNY STATE. Back before 1906 and the passage of the safe food and drug act (a PROGRESSIVE---IE COMMIE program) men were men and women were women and vast numbers of people died from unsafe meds and tainted food. We are just a bunch of CODDLED PUSSIES THESE DAYS.

Goddamn commie bastards!!!!!!
Yeah! Like those GODDAMN LABOR ACTIVISTS IN THE EARLY 20TH CENTURY! Bunch a goddamn commies! They got us down to 5 days a week of work and no more child labor, but goddamn! COMMU-FUCKIN-ISM!

Actually, no. Unions and labor activists actually didn't do squat towards actually getting better working conditions.

For example, the 8 hour workday and 40 hour week was tried in various forms from about 1866 (just after the Civil War) on. It was Ford and the Ford Motor Company adopting it voluntarily that actually brought it into national use. Previous socialist and socialist-like attempts failed.

And don't get me started on the fucking goddamn NANNY STATE. Back before 1906 and the passage of the safe food and drug act (a PROGRESSIVE---IE COMMIE program) men were men and women were women and vast numbers of people died from unsafe meds and tainted food. We are just a bunch of CODDLED PUSSIES THESE DAYS.

Goddamn commie bastards!!!!!!

People today get sick and even die from unsafe food. If you think your tap water is unsafe to drink then install filtration on your house supply. When you go to the market and buy food know what the fuck you are buying and how to safely prepare it. If you are relying on the government to keep you safe you should order your coffin now.