Every time I get into one these debates over slickass propaganda, it gets me labeled as a bigot...so lets get on with it....
Another long and drawn out diatribe by our intellectually bankrupt Bravo to try and excuse/justify racisma and bigotry
Lets look at Mr. Hardball...
I don't know if Trump is right in saying that "no one comes foreward to say they knew Obama as a classmate...is it true? If it is, I'd think it strange to0....shit, hes the POTUS, I would think anyone that could truthfully say "they knew him when" would be excited to tell anyone that would listen all about it......so how many folks have come forward ?....grade school, high school, 3 colleges, and law school....there should be at least hundreds.....
so does Trump have a point ? No for me to say, but its not racist....
Bravo is correct in saying he doesn't know and it's not for him to say.....Trump throws out some assinine generalization on the false premise that now that Obama's President, everyone that knows him should testify on television that he attended the schools. Well gee, I would think his SCHOOL RECORDS AND DIPLOMAS would have done that. And since to this date I haven't seen Harvard administrators come forth and say, "No, he didnt' attend", Trump is just braying like an ass. Remember folks, Obama was a Senator before he became President....so he was VETTED......School records are easy to check, so unless there's some grand conspiracy a'la Tom Clancy, only a complete asshole or some dunce with an axe to grind or some bigot would entertain Trumps silliness.
Mr. Hardball says that Trump is claiming that Obama isn't the guy he says he is....thats just a lie....thats not what Trump said at all....thats just Mr. HardAss's perception from the far, far left.....Trumps words speak for themselves, literally....they don't need to distorted by Mr. Hardass, who seems to imagine nefarious alternate meanings to Trumps questions....
Here we see Bravo playing dumber than he is (I hope) by pretending that there are no logical conclusions to Trumps insinuations. Why the hell would you question the man's ENTIRE academic history unless you are asserting that maybe the man is a PHONY?!? Since when the hell do you require testimony from old students to verify attendence from of your academic past? As Matthews put it to Buchanan, should the President be required to constantly carry around boxes of affidavits, records, etc. to consistently prove his identity, WTF is this, Iron Curtain Germany? Nazi-ism? Did slave and free states get reinitiated?
Buchanan starts by stating in unambiguous language, Obama was born in Hawaii and is a US citizen....then states the very same, exact, question posed by Matthews himself a scant few weeks ago....exactly the same.....then
Hes is saying, there are no records for the public to see to guide their conclusions....
No one can make definitive judgements without some history to guide them....
Could Obama have benefited from AA....who the hell can positively say....
I doubt it, he seems intelligent enough to me.....but again, I don't know....
See above responses...and what Bravo leaves out is that the questions he refers to came with Matthews pointing out that he would like to see a lot of things just out of curiosity, but he doesn't HAVE to see Obama's various records other than what has already been shown (remember, this was BEFORE Obama kicked Trumps ass and killed the birther BS), and Matthews reminded Buchanan that no one asked for all of his papers to get his job, and the same went for Matthews. Note that Matthews kept asking why should Obama be put to such absurd requirements...the FIRST President to be subjected to such demands!
Mr. Hardass defines 'birthers' as anyone that has questions....ironic, since he himself espoused questions himself....either he is one of them or his definition is woefully unjust and expedient....
Bravo LIES....Matthews was very direct about what the birthers were demanding and why their demands are absurd being given past valid documentation presented.
AS if now, the BC has been made public and questions from Trump, Matthews, and Buchanan should be put to rest once and for all.....
More of Bravo's revisionist clap-trap....Matthews was interviewing that Buchanan, who was spewing all types of nonsense due to Trump breathing new life into the birther BS. Matthews called Buchanan to task, and all Buchanan could do was bluff and bluster while SUPPORTING the new absurd and racially tinged clap trap for failed birthers to grasp.
Sally Kern....
The subject in the video is blacks in prison.....
Wrong....the discussion was about affirmative action...Kern was giving her views as to why it's wrong and how black kids end up in prison.
says IN HER 20 YEAR EXPERIENCE AS A TEACHER some black kids just don't want to work in school.....which she implys leads to committing crime and ending up in prison.....is that so hard to believe ?
Because she's offering her "experience"...a vague recollection that insinuates "some" black kids negative attiudes and silliness represent enough of the black population to kill affirmative action.
If the subject was whites in prison the story might have been slightly different....
If were to buy into a bunch of supposition and conjecture as fact, yeah. But rational, intelligent adults don't just take tales at face value...especially when there is a hell of a lot more fact based, researched evidence throughtout the nation to the contrary.
Its not racist to see a problem and to state that problem with truth as you see it....
yeah, that's what Klansmen say all the time....and neo-Nazi's, guys who beat their wives, blacks who hate whites, Asians who hate hispanics, etc., etc. ....trick is that they never are able to supply facts to support their clap trap that stands up to scrutiny
and its stupid to ignore a problem because its not 'politically correct"......
Again, Bravo interjects his opinion as if it's fact.....the problem was being addressed...Kern just threw in age old disproven bigotry to paint an entire group of people in order to influence the vote.
I see nothing racist in either video......
No surprise there.....I wonder if Bravo got a load of Kerns views on women in the work place...
As for Kerns apology.....its to be expected, Republicans always cave in.....pc wins over truth every time in this day and age and thats the reason the problems are never addressed....and continue
Again, Bravo doesn't know WTF he's talking about, but that's never stopped him before. Yeah, let's just take one asshole's opinion to kill a program based on her own limited experience tale sans documentation..let's have one persons bias go unchallenged and accept her wholesale slandering of ALL people of a particular race. Funny that Bravo has bitched in the past against anyone labeling all teabaggers as bigots because of the actions of a few, yet here he is reversing his stance because it's about black people. No surprise there.
Now if you're just gonna play the race card and call me a bigot, get on with it and keep it short....skip the song and dance.....