The Two Basic Types of Liberal

I'm telling you guys assholes like Dixie are going to create a situation where some mentally unstable kid is going to go all Murrah building on us.

They did it during the Clinton years and they are now doubleing down on the idiot speak that will create the next fiasco.

They hate science and fact and embraced insane leaders who rant about phantom evils that they pull straight out of their asses. They are truely sick and we need to figure out why some Americans are so emotionally crippled they fall for this bent brained crap.

It's all ready happened earlier this year Desh. Some wacko walked into a church and opened fired because he hates liberals. As far as I'm concern the right wing propagandist who spread this hate have blood on their hands. They should be held accountable.
This is why most everyone with more than two brain cells is convinced you're a total fucking retard. To actually believe that the murrah building attack was based on the predicate that mcveigh just hated liberals reveals your total ignorance of, or your beloved worship of, a overbearing authoritarian government.

The Murrah building was blown up because your boy Clinton and his henchman Reno attacked and murdered over 80 American Citizens for something that could have easily been avoided by waiting to execute an arrest in a more peacable setting instead of attempting to entertain the house of representatives with dynamic and violent 'show of force' raids to prevent an ATF budget cut.

Ahhh, come on, now you've gone and done it; you have ruined her psychotic little conspiracy theory!
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That's the problems with ideologues. You have to be pure. Any solution that works and is a social solution cannot be tolerated. The fact that it works is not rellevent to them. It's why ideologues of any stripe cannot be trusted to govern. They are not pragmatic.

To a certain extent, but then, sometimes, pragmatism is overated. I just bought a book about Lincoln and Douglass. And on the back jacket there is a quote from Barack Obama which he wrote in his book "The audacity of hope", which I have not read:

"I like to believe that for lincoln it was a matter of maintaining within himself the balance between two contradictory ideas - that we must talk and reach for common understandings, precisely because all of us are imperfect and can never act with the certainty that God is on our side; and yet at times we must act nonetheless, as if we are certain, protected from error only by providence.

The best I can do in the face of our history is remind myself that it has not always been the pragmatist, the voice of reason, or the force of compromise, that has created the conditions for liberty. The hard, cold facts remind me...that it was men like Frederick Douglass who recognized that power would concede nothing without a fight."

When I read that, and it was only last week that I did, I realized that the Republicans, and the corporatists of all stripes, were for a few further surprises from this President, who is not exactly what they thought they were getting.
Its going to happen again in the size of a Murrah building.

They will talk some idiot kid into killing babies and causing mass destruction.

They only think of party and never think of their fellow man and country.

Then they will defend their own asshole who takes the office of president and tears this country to shreds from evey angle.
Ahhh, come on, now you've gonne and done it; you have ruined her psychotic little conspiracy theory!

After leaving the Army in 1992, McVeigh grew increasingly transient. At first he worked briefly near his hometown of Pendleton as a security guard, where he sounded off daily to his co-worker Carl Lebron, Jr. about his loathing for government. Deciding the Buffalo area was too liberal, he left his job and began driving around America, seeking out his old friends from the Army.[21]

McVeigh wrote letters to local newspapers, complaining about taxes:[22]

“ Taxes are a joke. Regardless of what a political candidate "promises," they will increase. More taxes are always the answer to government mismanagement. They mess up. We suffer. Taxes are reaching cataclysmic levels, with no slowdown in sight ... Is a Civil War Imminent? Do we have to shed blood to reform the current system? I hope it doesn't come to that. But it might.

Your partys insane assholes like Rush created this type of monster and you are going to do it again.
You can also tell which are the "dumb libs" and which are the "smart libs." The "smart" ones tend to make more personal attacks, and divert the conversation... the "dumb" ones try to reverse the argument and pretend conservatives are the ones with an agenda to destroy capitalism.

Exactly! A friend of mine whose father was forced to serve under Hitler at 15 years of age, was taken by the Russians after the war to Siberia. There he suffered all kinds of deprevations too numerous to list. The deprevations were inflicted so that he and others in the same situation would look forward to the reeducation classes at the end of the week.

These classes were indoctrinating brain washing into socialism. In one class the teacher bragged how they already were influencing America and western Europe, through Hollywood, colleges, and among the wealth class.

I have a paper he wrote somewhere, quite the story!
Gee now you are going to go all McCarthy on us too?

I'll tell you, the dirty little secret is, McCarthy was spot on! Everything he said would happen, has happened. Hollywood is indeed infiltrated with Communist thinkers and propagandists. Of course, they all hide behind the banner of "Liberalism" or "Progressives" and convince the useful idiots they are not Communist.

After leaving the Army in 1992, McVeigh grew increasingly transient. At first he worked briefly near his hometown of Pendleton as a security guard, where he sounded off daily to his co-worker Carl Lebron, Jr. about his loathing for government. Deciding the Buffalo area was too liberal, he left his job and began driving around America, seeking out his old friends from the Army.[21]

McVeigh wrote letters to local newspapers, complaining about taxes:[22]

“ Taxes are a joke. Regardless of what a political candidate "promises," they will increase. More taxes are always the answer to government mismanagement. They mess up. We suffer. Taxes are reaching cataclysmic levels, with no slowdown in sight ... Is a Civil War Imminent? Do we have to shed blood to reform the current system? I hope it doesn't come to that. But it might.

Your partys insane assholes like Rush created this type of monster and you are going to do it again.

Get a grip. I don't read anywhere where McVeigh took any kind of a lead from Rush.But he did blame WACO

I used to really not care for Rush, but now that he's got you lib idiots twisting in your panties I'll have give him a listen, he must be doing something right!
Do you remember all the vitriol on the right about liberals and waco?

Now tell me how a completely R government fixed the Great Wrong of Waco?

they did nothing huh?

You know why?

because it was a load of crap right form the start.
Do you remember all the vitriol on the right about liberals and waco?

Not really. I do recall some questioning of tactics and procedures in the aftermath, but that is to be expected when the government acts in a way to cause many deaths to American citizens.

Now tell me how a completely R government fixed the Great Wrong of Waco?

they did nothing huh?

Well to be honest, there wasn't much a Republican Congress could do after the fact. It was Democrats, Bill Clinton and Janet Reno who were directly responsible for what happened at Waco. The real question is, were THEY ever held accountable?
Well to be honest, there wasn't much a Republican Congress could do after the fact. It was Democrats, Bill Clinton and Janet Reno who were directly responsible for what happened at Waco. The real question is, were THEY ever held accountable?

nobody was held accountable for the murders of 80+ american men, women, and children. That's why Murrah happened. retaliation for government sanctioned homicide.
nobody was held accountable for the murders of 80+ american men, women, and children. That's why Murrah happened. retaliation for government sanctioned homicide.

I won't go so far as to say that. I think nut cases like McVeigh exist out there, and there's not much we can do to prevent them from doing something insane. It is just as pointless to blame Oklahoma City on Reno's handling of Waco, as it is to try and blame it on talk radio. The thing is, the left doesn't get that! They continue to want to lay the blame on Rush Limbaugh, when it's very clear, the act was the result of a mad man who was disgruntled over the handling of Waco. Is it the left's fault? Is it the right's fault? Of course it's not, it's Timothy McVeigh's fault, and he was executed for it. End of discussion!
I won't go so far as to say that. I think nut cases like McVeigh exist out there, and there's not much we can do to prevent them from doing something insane. It is just as pointless to blame Oklahoma City on Reno's handling of Waco, as it is to try and blame it on talk radio. The thing is, the left doesn't get that! They continue to want to lay the blame on Rush Limbaugh, when it's very clear, the act was the result of a mad man who was disgruntled over the handling of Waco. Is it the left's fault? Is it the right's fault? Of course it's not, it's Timothy McVeigh's fault, and he was executed for it. End of discussion!

McVeigh did what he did as revenge for Waco & Ruby Ridge. Yes, he was a wacko, but he was not just some random lunatic blowing things up for no reason.

I think talk radio and internet blogs can have some blame for the way things are perceived.

The ditto-heads take the message and run with it. The less stable ones may take it too far.

But I also recall more than a few liberals expressing fervent hopes that someone would assasinate Bush.

Civility has been gone from politics for some time, and there are any number of reasons for it.
I'll tell you, the dirty little secret is, McCarthy was spot on! Everything he said would happen, has happened. Hollywood is indeed infiltrated with Communist thinkers and propagandists. Of course, they all hide behind the banner of "Liberalism" or "Progressives" and convince the useful idiots they are not Communist.

And the conservatives are just as busy building our socialist nation.

Under Bush the federal government grew by leaps and bounds. There is more regulation and government control than there was before Bush. So the republicans are just as guilty as the democrats.

And McCarthy was a fucking lunatic. He purposely ruined peoples lives with no more solid information than rumors and gossip.
Gee I didn't realize the Bush was still president. :rolleyes:

I'm glad you are aware there was a change in the Whitehouse. It was in all the papers.

Bush is not still president. But that does not change one iota of the accuracy of what I said. And the fact that Obama has been president for a whole month does not change the fact that Bush grew the government bigger, added more regulations, and added more government controls.

As Damo said, the only difference is that the republicans are moving a bit slower.
So I see that you have read the papers. Too bad you haven't the ability to recognize sarcasm, even when the :rolleyes: emoton is used to clearly identify it, at least for most folks.

The fact that Bush grew government by not restricting Congress is why he lost so much of his conservative base.
So I see that you have read the papers. Too bad you haven't the ability to recognize sarcasm, even when the :rolleyes: emoton is used to clearly identify it, at least for most folks.

The fact that Bush grew government by not restricting Congress is why he lost so much of his conservative base.

So much of the conservative base still supported him in 2004, after he had already started the ball rolling.

This idea that all liberals want socialism and none of the "true" conservatives do is just nonsense. I am sure there are people on both sides of the fence who don't want a socialistic government. But the fact is that both parties are leading us there. And the supporters of both parties keep electing and reelecting people who are driving the bus.

To claim that the other side is doing something, while your own side does much the same thing is called hypocracy.

Dixie started this line of nonsense thread. And Dixie was defending Bush when I got here in May of last year.
So much of the conservative base still supported him in 2004, after he had already started the ball rolling.

This idea that all liberals want socialism and none of the "true" conservatives do is just nonsense. I am sure there are people on both sides of the fence who don't want a socialistic government. But the fact is that both parties are leading us there. And the supporters of both parties keep electing and reelecting people who are driving the bus.

To claim that the other side is doing something, while your own side does much the same thing is called hypocracy.

Dixie started this line of nonsense thread. And Dixie was defending Bush when I got here in May of last year.

In case you didn't read the papers in 2004 little man, the Democrats ran John Kerry of Massachusetts against Bush back then. As a conservative, I would obviously vote against Kerry even though Bush had far from a perfect conservative record.

I don't think that you realize what side that I am on. I have consistently championed the Conservative cause, and only defended the GOP when they have sided with it. The Democrat sides with it so infrequently, at least at the national level, that they are largely to be ignored.