It's amazing to me how some liberals will actually run to this "all politicians are bad" rhetoric, when they can't really refute what is said about liberalism. It is a stupid alternative to vote for a third party which has absolutely no chance to win an election. I would argue, you are better off not voting at all.
Yes... I will agree, the best way to tell if a politician is lying to you, is if you see his lips moving! That said, fiscal conservatives have never embraced socialist policy... never! The last two Republicans we had as presidents, were not fiscal conservatives, they were social conservatives, and for some odd reason, the social conservatives tend to lean toward socialistic solutions to the social problems. This shouldn't be confused with "all republicans" or even a majority of them, and the response from Republicans outraged at Bush spending, is a testament to this.
One could argue, we have been a somewhat "socialist" nation since FDR, but the agenda of the modern left is pure Communist socialism. The right wants to move away from the socialist policies of FDR and LBJ, and embrace capitalism and free market solutions. It's difficult because the "smart libs" have been very successful at brainwashing the "dumb libs" and what they say, sounds good to the masses. It's easy to convince a dumb ass that cutting taxes is not good for the people, it seems to make sense to them, cut taxes = less money to spend... less money to spend = worse for us! The reality is, cutting taxes encourages growth and prosperity, and results in actually increasing tax revenues.