And what message were you successful in sending? Was it intended to send the message to the Republicans to abandon social conservatism? I don't think they got the message, Damo! Was it to tell the Democrats to become more moderate conservative? Again, don't think that message was received either. George Bush, John McCain, John Kerry, Al Gore, Barrack Obama, Joe Biden... are not EVIL people! EVIL is Saddam Hussein! EVIL is Kim Jong Il! You should really learn to distinguish the difference.
Well did you achieve your objective? We're still ruled by the two parties! You will still have to accept a Republican or Democrat as president! Anyone can run as a third party candidate and promise you whatever the fuck they want to, it doesn't mean you're going to get it! In fact, there is about a 99.99999% chance, you won't get anything close to it.
Yes, you are pinheads, because you believe in some hypothetical nonsense that isn't going to happen in the real world. Instead of getting involved in Democrat or Republican politics to shape THEIR agendas, you had rather run around flapping your wings and gums about some moron 3rd party candidate who stands no chance in hell of winning an election, and would be ineffective even IF he did!
This results in the Democrats becoming more radical left, because that is now their base, while the Republicans move away from core conservative principles to try and chase after people like Damo, who are somewhat moderate. In the end, it doesn't really matter what either party stands for, one of them will get more votes than the other, and that is who we are stuck with until the next election! Your vote is completely a waste of time.
We have a two party system in America, and that is just a sad fact of reality. But given that IS the reality, it becomes vitally important for those of us who give two shits about our government, to get involved in one of the two parties to shape the platform. As long as a significant percentage of us are out chasing a fucking pipe dream, imagining we are "making a difference" with our dissenting 3rd party votes, we will continue to see what has been happening over the past couple of decades in politics. The solution is not to run away from the two major parties, it is to embrace one or the other and make it what you want it to be.