This is really funny. Pinheads have once again diverted a thread off into a silly and pointless debate about third parties, and how they really really do have a shot! It's absolutely priceless, because it exposes one of the most profound flaws in liberals, they are consummate dreamers! I actually think this is an attribute they share with libertarians.
None of these pinheads can name a third party presidential candidate in recent history who has gotten more than 5% of the vote.... but that just proves how brainwashed we are, and if we could only open our minds to the possibilities... then we could prove Solitary's point is correct! This is the extreme they go to, in order to make a case for their silliness. IF wishes were made of candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas! IF a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass when he jumped! Liberals, both the "smart" and "dumb" types, live in this fantasy world of "IF" ...and it is the basis for all of what they hold near and dear.