Yes we all know this stupid game you guys play.
Nope. We all know how stupid
you guys are and how you absolutely need to blame others for your own confusion. The bottom line is that
you guys have absolutely no idea how the government works, and that you are simply regurgitating what you have been ordered to believe and to preach. You think the President is the fascist dictator that you so want him to be, i.e. someone who will bend you over furniture and ream you like the naughty boy you are.
Everyone knows the POTUS drives the budget.
Nope. Only you stupid people believe the President "drives" the budget or otherwise has some sort of say in its formation.
You guys are stupid that way. In the budget process, the President is nothing more than a glorified secretary who collates copies of documents for Congress. The President provides Congress all the information that Congress tells him to provide ... and then the President gets absolutely no say in the formation of the budget because no one in Congress gives a shit what the President wants.
Of course, being as stupid as you are, you simply OBEY every order from your slave-masters to believe that the government is one big dream oligarchy that mirrors Communist China. Like I said, you're stupid that way.
Every single year pre covid you same derps bragged about Trumps economy
While we're on the subject of how stupid you are, let's not let this little gem slip by unnoticed. You think that the President's programs to aid the economy equate to a President who tells Congress what the budget will be when he "drives" it. Way too funny. I suppose that I will be the first person to ever break it to you but the budget is not the economy. These really are two different things. Yes, at your cognitive level, you simply understand them as "things that involve money in some way" and you leave it at that. Unfortunately, they are very different and you should not try to equate the two.
What you were not saying then was that it was the Democrats that should get the credit.
Democrats should never get any credit for benefitting the economy when all they do is ruin the economy. Now if you are talking about looting, violence, lawlessness, destroying cities, tyranny, etc ... then yes, the Democrats deserve credit in spades.
You guys play the same game of giving the Republi'can' POTUS credit
Nope. I have no plans on crediting the Republican party for helping in any way. The Republicans belong to the DNC now and I, for one, don't recognize the GOP anymore.
Just as Biden deserves the majority of credit for the budgets
Nope. I presume you are too stupid to learn. Biden is pretending to be President, he is not in Congress. Biden has no say over budgets either. At least Trump was able to read the budget that his staff prepared.