Fortunately for all of us, I am not too lazy to provide all the correct information, and to inform you that your problem is that you are a typical, uneducated leftist dumbass who doesn't even understand the fundamental government functions on which he is forming erroneous yet highly emotionally-charged opinions
In your comments below, you clearly reveal your belief that the President determines the budget. Now that's pretty stupid. Congress holds all power of the purse. Congress determines everything about spending and budget, not the President. The President isn't even part of the Legislative Branch of government. The President heads the Executive Branch and doesn't have any say whatsoever in the making of any laws. You really should have learned this when you were young, i.e. I should not be the first person to teach you this. Nonetheless, you amazingly cite the political party of the President during the budgets in question, not the political party controlling Congress when those budgets were crafted.
Let's correct your egregious errors, shall we? (Yes, we shall!) ... and let me add that you are one stupid mofo.
Back in the day, before the DNC takeover of the RNC, when the Republicans controlled controlled Congress, there were budget surpluses and life was good!
Congress: Republican-controlled (both House and Senate)
1999: $1.863 billion surplus
2000: $236.917 billion surplus
2001: $128.236 billion surplus
Jump ahead a few years to when the Democrats seize control of Congress and start bleeding the American people so that Democrat politicians can line their own pockets as well as the pockets of their supporters:
Congress: Democratic-controlled (both House and Senate)
2008: $458.553 billion deficit
2009: $1.413 trillion deficit
2010: $1.294 trillion deficit
2011: $1.299 trillion deficit
The American people, being appalled at the rampant spending of the Democrat Congress, returned the House back to the Republicans for them to start blocking the Democrat hyper-spending and to start driving the deficit down:
Congress: Divided control (Republicans in the House, Democrats in the Senate)
2012: $1.087 trillion deficit
2013: $679.493 billion deficit
2014: $485.442 billion deficit
2015: $438.438 billion deficit
Yep, you're an undereducated, misinformed, indoctrinated leftist moron who needs other people to do his thinking for him. Have a great day.