The Ukraine ‘peace deal’ is proving to be a scam

According to the Russian media hacks here, invading Crimea and stealing over half of the Ukraine, and then invading the other half was really just all about peace and love. lol
What 'Russian Media Hacks"????

War is not 'peace and love', no matter how many times Democrats try to describe it that way.
We guaranteed their safety, and now we're welching on it.
No, the U.S. did that a long time ago, when it destroyed Ukrainian stability by supporting those behind the Euromaidan coup back in 2014. A good article on that:
Did you get shot in the head during the Gulf War and survived?
What are you, 12? You were talking about the U.S. guaranteeing Ukraine's safety. I think most would agree that the elected President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, didn't feel very "safe" when he was fleeing Ukraine in fear of his life due to the U.S. backed Euromaidan coup back in 2014.
Russia didn't "invade" Crimea, they allowed Crimea to rejoin Russia after Crimeans voted overwhelmingly to do so. Crimea was Russian for a lot longer than they were Ukrainian. As of now, I only know of a single angle from a western journalist who actually went to Crimea after it returned to Russia and wrote an article of her time there. That article can be seen here:
lol sure .... then a bunch of pigs with wings flew by and everybody danced.

One liners seem to be your forte when you've got nothing of substance to add. I suspect you didn't even read the article.