The United Kingdom Explained

Tom, I would have been happy to read this, and actually since I am one who always likes to educate myself, I still will. But if you're getting offended over this? You really need to take some pills. I'd call up the doc for a script. Don't even worry too much about what kind of pills. Just pop a few.
Tom, I would have been happy to read this, and actually since I am one who always likes to educate myself, I still will. But if you're getting offended over this? You really need to take some pills. I'd call up the doc for a script. Don't even worry too much about what kind of pills. Just pop a few.

They are not my words, I just did a C & P.
Tom, I would have been happy to read this, and actually since I am one who always likes to educate myself, I still will. But if you're getting offended over this? You really need to take some pills. I'd call up the doc for a script. Don't even worry too much about what kind of pills. Just pop a few.
Yea Tom. It's like us getting offfended when you call all Americans "Yanks". When it's really only New Englanders who are Yankees. It's particularly galling to hard core southern Americans like Dixie. LOL
Yea Tom. It's like us getting offfended when you call all Americans "Yanks". When it's really only New Englanders who are Yankees. It's particularly galling to hard core southern Americans like Dixie. LOL

I am with Low, he reserves the term Yank for a certain type of loud mouthed obnoxious right wing American. On here, Granule, RazorX and Southern Man would be
excellent examples.
I am with Low, he reserves the term Yank for a certain type of loud mouthed obnoxious right wing American. On here, Granule, RazorX and Southern Man would be
excellent examples.

Pretty funny since none of them live even remotely near New England, the only requirement for being a yankee.
Tom, I would have been happy to read this, and actually since I am one who always likes to educate myself, I still will. But if you're getting offended over this? You really need to take some pills. I'd call up the doc for a script. Don't even worry too much about what kind of pills. Just pop a few.

Calling everyone from the UK "English" is insulting to the Scottish, Welsh, and Irish, and embarrassing to the English. Great Britian is slightly less ignorant, because it does at least include some minorities, but it does exclude the Irish. It's like calling every latino you see a Mexican. Are you honestly saying that, if you were a Scottish person living in the UK, you would find it no slight at all that people were constantly referring to your nationality as English and your country as England? It would really be kind of bizarre, and speak of a total lack of national pride, for them to not be peeved.
One interesting thing about the British monarchy is that the queen actually has more de jure power than the president. It is a "constitutional monarchy", sure, but the explicit constitution still gives the monarchy tremendous power. For instance, in addition to essentially being the executive branch, she has an absolute veto, she can declare war without consulting parliament, and she can dissolve parliament and call new elections at any time (she has additional powers as well, but these are all I remember at the moment). The prime minister and cabinet are, theoretically, simply advisers she appoints at her own convenience to help her run the government.