The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)


on indefiniate mod break
"The Victory Friends"


Victory In Conservative Thought Over Reprehensible Yahoos


"We won't withdraw the Kavanaugh"

An invite only thread for conservative comrades in arms
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Founding Members:

Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh
dark soul
darth omar
Rb 60
Red Crow
text drivers are killers
truth detector


Do you support MAGA? Then you are a V.I.C.T.O.R.Y. Friend as well! Please say hello!

All conservatives that support Judge Kavanaugh and support the federalist society will be allowed in this thread.

If you support MAGA, you are allowed in this thread

If you are a liberal, but I forgot to ban you please stay out of this thread. Thank you.

Liberals will be threadbanned on sight. You are not welcome. This thread does not tolerate losers.
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This is just meant to be a fun thread for us to bullshit in, for us to post deep level analysis, and post the latest news. Also feel free to expand the discussion beyond kavanaugh to also include the midterms, deep state news, or whatever else is relevant.
I support Kavanaugh 100%. Even more so when he spoke in public and indicated he was not going to let the clowns on the left or some drunken party whore force him to step down and to besmirch his reputation or his record.

What we are seeing from the left is a last gasp desperation under the possibly false pretense they are going to have a majority in the House after the November elections. Such an event will then allow them to obstruct Trump's agenda at every possible turn. The American people need to be smart enough to see through this and keep Trump's agenda moving forward as they see more jobs, more income and more opportunity.

November is a critical moment in our political history. If we allow the Democrats to control any part of congress, the reason we sent Trump to Washington will be dashed. Trump was the right guy at the right time in history; the swamp does indeed need to be cleaned out and nothing illustrates that more than the silent coup attempted by un-elected bureaucrats who fancied themselves as saviors of the Republic from Trump.

I am proud to have voted for Trump and support his efforts no matter what the Fake media throw at him or his nominations for the Supreme Court.
I also support Kavanaugh 100% I did from the beginning when President Trump nominated him.
Liberals will do anything to derail this nomination because they fear a Supreme Court that will
render it's decisions based on our Constitution rather than their "feel good" positions.

So who believes 4Chan punked Avanattti?

I think it is more likely he got punked the way Schiff did.

If he did, it is over for him.

Couldn’t have happened to a bigger douche
required watching imo, mcconnel makes a great speech:

The one point that needs to be driven home, as we draw closer to the November elections, is this:

How many women, either Democrat, Republican, Liberal, or Independent would want their Husband, Brother, Father, Uncle, Grandfather, Son, Boyfriend, or even just a friend to be accused of sexual misconduct, with nothing to support the accusation, and then to be expected to PROVE their innocence?

Because this is exactly the premise that the DNC and some liberal supporters are promoting and if you think it can't or couldn't happen to you; then you might want to rethink that stand; before you cast your vote in November.

By the way, Grind, thanks for allowing me to be on this thread and I would thank your posts, if I could; but this is for you. :good4u:
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I support Kavanaugh 100%. Even more so when he spoke in public and indicated he was not going to let the clowns on the left or some drunken party whore force him to step down and to besmirch his reputation or his record.

What we are seeing from the left is a last gasp desperation under the possibly false pretense they are going to have a majority in the House after the November elections. Such an event will then allow them to obstruct Trump's agenda at every possible turn. The American people need to be smart enough to see through this and keep Trump's agenda moving forward as they see more jobs, more income and more opportunity.

November is a critical moment in our political history. If we allow the Democrats to control any part of congress, the reason we sent Trump to Washington will be dashed. Trump was the right guy at the right time in history; the swamp does indeed need to be cleaned out and nothing illustrates that more than the silent coup attempted by un-elected bureaucrats who fancied themselves as saviors of the Republic from Trump.

I am proud to have voted for Trump and support his efforts no matter what the Fake media throw at him or his nominations for the Supreme Court.

This is similar to what was done with Moore and then when it worked, all of the lawsuits, the accusations, the yearbook, all disappeared.

What happened to the "moral indignation" that was touted, prior to this?

I don't know if Moore was innocent or not; but since it is now appearing to be no more then a "smear tactic", I'm begging to believe he was innocent of the accusations.
So who believes 4Chan punked Avanattti?

I think it is more likely he got punked the way Schiff did.

If he did, it is over for him.

Couldn’t have happened to a bigger douche

It should have been over for this douche bag a decade ago. Self promoting asshats like this are never done. They will keep returning because there are just enough dunces that believe liars and fools.
I know we may lose that twat Murkowski but as long as Kavanaugh makes it out of committee there is going to be a lot of pressure on at risk dems to vote for him.

If Kavanaugh goes down because of weak kneed Republicans the GOP will pick up at least six seats in the Senate.

Trump will be able to make the argument that Montana, N Dakota, and West Virginia need to silence Collins once and for all and shelve her into irrelevance.

If Ford doesn’t show up on Thursday it is going to be really hard for the NeverTrumpers to vote no

Right now it is looking like she isn’t showing.
This is similar to what was done with Moore and then when it worked, all of the lawsuits, the accusations, the yearbook, all disappeared.

What happened to the "moral indignation" that was touted, prior to this?

I don't know if Moore was innocent or not; but since it is now appearing to be no more then a "smear tactic", I'm begging to believe he was innocent of the accusations.

The left never had the moral high ground on this issue. That was forever lost when they impugned the women who brought claims against BillyBob Clinton.
So some analysis

At this point, it should be obvious there will be a floor vote no matter what. The odd thing is though, while usually if mcconnel were to bring something to the floor it should be assumed to be locked up, we can't be 100% confident this time around.

I think the calculation they should probably see in front of them is that they will look way too weak acquiescing to these smear tactics, and the voters will eat them alive. So at this point it's better for republicans to bring it to the floor and have it fail than to pull it entirely. Long way of me saying it's never going to be over until it's over.

Then we have the flake factor and how badly he wants to fuck us or be a little bitch. Given his term is going to be up and he's not going to be a senator anymore, he's ripe for bribes or cushy promotions likely being offered by democrats when he gets out of congress. So I worry about him a bit. We can afford to lose one.
So some analysis

At this point, it should be obvious there will be a floor vote no matter what. The odd thing is though, while usually if mcconnel were to bring something to the floor it should be assumed to be locked up, we can't be 100% confident this time around.

I think the calculation they should probably see in front of them is that they will look way too weak acquiescing to these smear tactics, and the voters will eat them alive. So at this point it's better for republicans to bring it to the floor and have it fail than to pull it entirely. Long way of me saying it's never going to be over until it's over.

Then we have the flake factor and how badly he wants to fuck us or be a little bitch. Given his term is going to be up and he's not going to be a senator anymore, he's ripe for bribes or cushy promotions likely being offered by democrats when he gets out of congress. So I worry about him a bit. We can afford to lose one.

The vote is scheduled for Friday, come rain or shine. :D
So some analysis

At this point, it should be obvious there will be a floor vote no matter what. The odd thing is though, while usually if mcconnel were to bring something to the floor it should be assumed to be locked up, we can't be 100% confident this time around.

I think the calculation they should probably see in front of them is that they will look way too weak acquiescing to these smear tactics, and the voters will eat them alive. So at this point it's better for republicans to bring it to the floor and have it fail than to pull it entirely. Long way of me saying it's never going to be over until it's over.

Then we have the flake factor and how badly he wants to fuck us or be a little bitch. Given his term is going to be up and he's not going to be a senator anymore, he's ripe for bribes or cushy promotions likely being offered by democrats when he gets out of congress. So I worry about him a bit. We can afford to lose one.

I agree. I consider Flake already gone. The only thing that could keep him in line is if he is arrogant enough to have 2020 or beyond ambitions.

If he decides to pull a McShamnesty and screw this then he will be finished in GOP politics forever. Nobody will ever let him forget it.

So what Flake does really depends on where he thinks his future lies.

I think Corker is a safe vote

Have no clue about Murkowski or Collins.

I think it all hinges on whether Ford shows up or not. IF she doesn’t it is going to be hard for republicans to defect.

Don’t rule out Manchin, Tester or Heidkamp defecting to Kavanaugh. I don’t think it is a safe assumption that they are definite no.

I think the dems are going to try to pull an 11th hour stall like “Ramirez now wants to testify but needs time, and if you don’t give her time it isn’t fair”.

Also we are going to find out if Avenatti is bluffing or not.
I agree. I consider Flake already gone. The only thing that could keep him in line is if he is arrogant enough to have 2020 or beyond ambitions.

If he decides to pull a McShamnesty and screw this then he will be finished in GOP politics forever. Nobody will ever let him forget it.

So what Flake does really depends on where he thinks his future lies.

I think Corker is a safe vote

Have no clue about Murkowski or Collins.

I think it all hinges on whether Ford shows up or not. IF she doesn’t it is going to be hard for republicans to defect.

Don’t rule out Manchin, Tester or Heidkamp defecting to Kavanaugh. I don’t think it is a safe assumption that they are definite no.

I think the dems are going to try to pull an 11th hour stall like “Ramirez now wants to testify but needs time, and if you don’t give her time it isn’t fair”.

Also we are going to find out if Avenatti is bluffing or not.

And the response to them, if they try another stall, should be:

I think the dems are going to try to pull an 11th hour stall like “Ramirez now wants to testify but needs time, and if you don’t give her time it isn’t fair”.

fienstein already tried that (today?) and mcconnel basically told her to get fucked lol.