The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)

I just want to say that back in the day the politicians weren't so horrible. They were politicians but the tone wasn't as juvenile as it is today. Honestly, I'm just glad no Senator has mentioned a "Dirty Sanchez" yet.

Let's get rid of the popular vote for these Senate ass-clowns.
Keep in mind democrats like to say that this isnt a trial so rules of evidence dont apply its only a job interview but they are treating the allegation with the same force as a conviction.
kavanaugh is kicking FUCKING ASS right now. holy shit this guy would fucking rock on the supreme court. he'll NEVER forgive leftists for what they did.
I hope he keeps in mind good Americans are backing him.
He's already seen what the degenerates are capable of.
Watching this shit today...and I'm ashamed of myself for even watching it, I love me some Kav and I also love me some prog tears...they taste so good.
take betting odds for what they are, but his odds have improved 19 pts since the morning. he did as good as he could.

I am still not so sure. I think Graham can sway Flake. But I don’t trust Murkowski and Collins. I think they can and will flip
I am still not so sure. I think Graham can sway Flake. But I don’t trust Murkowski and Collins. I think they can and will flip

apparently collins, murkowski, flake and manchin all met amongst themselves. seems whatever happens they might do it together.
kavanaugh is kicking FUCKING ASS right now. holy shit this guy would fucking rock on the supreme court. he'll NEVER forgive leftists for what they did.

I agree, I don't think he will either. I have a feeling that this lynching will make him the kind of supreme court justice that I want to have serving my country though. He was already plenty qualified, but what he is witnessing and experiencing now will make him even MORE qualified.