The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)

I agree, I don't think he will either. I have a feeling that this lynching will make him the kind of supreme court justice that I want to have serving my country though. He was already plenty qualified, but what he is witnessing and experiencing now will make him even MORE qualified.

Yeah I think this will keep him from going native like some GOP nominees
Yeah I think this will keep him from going native like some GOP nominees

I don't think the Dems ever stopped to think what the consequences of their actions might be with this powerful, lifetime tenure victim if they are unsuccessful at stopping him.
So, the GOP has 47 definite votes

The pieces of shit Murkowski, Flake, Collins and Manchin all met. So we have Corker

Apparently they are voting as a group.

Why would those three need Manchin if they were voting no?
Whatever else happens at least this makes idiot nevertrumpers like lowry realize that the Trump way of politics is the only way moving forward.
McConnell called the vote for Saturday. I guess he thinks he has the votes

I don't think we can glean anything from that. At this point it would be political suicide for them to not have the floor vote. If it has to lose then the Republicas have to show the base they tried.

One interesting to note is that flake Murkowski Collins and machin were all huddled up earlier in a meeting. Why would they all need to meet or know how each are voting at this Point? My theory is they might be planning on trading votes. I.e Collins votes no on condition machin votes yes. They trade votes and they end up safer in thier respectful states.
So, the GOP has 47 definite votes

The pieces of shit Murkowski, Flake, Collins and Manchin all met. So we have Corker

Apparently they are voting as a group.

Why would those three need Manchin if they were voting no?


With the Senate Judiciary Committee holding a vote at 9:30 A.M. tomorrow, a Senate insider has told Townhall that Kavanaugh has the votes to make it out of committee and the votes to be confirmed on the floor for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Sens. Flake (R-AZ), Collins (R-ME), Murkowski (R-AK), and Manchin (D-WV) are expected to vote in favor of Kavanaugh. All the Republicans are voting yes. Also, in the rumor mill, several Democrats may break ranks and back Kavanaugh. That’s the ball game, folks.


still rumors... but im feeling more optimistic as this day ends. #maga
Its good but its a missed opportunity. The best case scenario was a 50-50 vote with pence doing the tie breaking. (the one republican breaking ranks to force manchin and co to vote no as well). Kavanaugh is a victory but we wanna win the midterms too.

i disagree. the GOP being pussies and almost making us miss wouldn't inspire confidence in the base. the base wants the GOP to have balls.
i disagree. the GOP being pussies and almost making us miss wouldn't inspire confidence in the base. the base wants the GOP to have balls.

all the base cares about is that the guy is confirmed also Flake is a well known pussy anyway. This way those on the fence like in WV where Manchin is polling at frakking +9 see that there is value in having someone help trump out in the senate.

HOLY FUCK!!!!! That lying fucking cunt

She says that the seminal event that led to these memories coming up were a big fight over a remodel she and her husband did in 2012. That was in her opening statement and it was in her sworn testimony.

The thing is, according to the building permits the work was done in 2008.

Also, it wasn’t done on her main home it was done on a home she rents out.

Also think of something she gave away in her testimony that at the time seemed flippant and off hand.

She admitted to Googlers living there.

Now isn’t it ironic that she has ZERO online presence? I am not talking about locking Facebook and Twitter but she has nothing. She is like the Vegas shooter. What are the odds that a professor in CA doesn’t use the internet?

She couldn’t have eliminated her online presence over a weekend. Could her Google friends have helped her?

If these building permits are correct her entire story is blown wide the fuck open. She is finished and she perjured herself in front of EVERYONE

Grind can I have a one time permission to cross post this and shove it in the liberals faces?

HOLY FUCK!!!!! That lying fucking cunt

She says that the seminal event that led to these memories coming up were a big fight over a remodel she and her husband did in 2012. That was in her opening statement and it was in her sworn testimony.

The thing is, according to the building permits the work was done in 2008.

Also, it wasn’t done on her main home it was done on a home she rents out.

Also think of something she gave away in her testimony that at the time seemed flippant and off hand.

She admitted to Googlers living there.

Now isn’t it ironic that she has ZERO online presence? I am not talking about locking Facebook and Twitter but she has nothing. She is like the Vegas shooter. What are the odds that a professor in CA doesn’t use the internet?

She couldn’t have eliminated her online presence over a weekend. Could her Google friends have helped her?

If these building permits are correct her entire story is blown wide the fuck open. She is finished and she perjured herself in front of EVERYONE

Grind can I have a one time permission to cross post this and shove it in the liberals faces?

permission granted. Carry on : )
I was talking to my neighbor last night about this Kavanaugh circus and he brought up an interesting point and I want to see what the rest of you think.

His take on this is that the GOP could have easily sidestepped Ford and Feinstein on this and then confirmed in committee but they didn't and to him that indicates the GOP doesn't really want Kavanaugh confirmed. His reasoning is that the only thing this protracted political theater accomplishes is it gives people like Collins and Flake an excuse to vote thumbs down on Kavanaugh and then hide behind MeToo.

My take is that the GOP allowed the testimony because they are trying to avoid a MeToo blowup. I think they already knew there would be more than one accuser and their plan was to let them reveal themselves as the moonbats they are and once that was done they could move on clean but I think my neighbor might have a point. All it takes is for two GOP Senators to leave the reservation during the Senate confirmation and Kavanaugh is sunk. The GOP does have a history of this and had they just moved on immediately by framing this as political gamesmanship it would have been harder for any one to use MeToo to justify a refusal to confirm.