The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)

The Victory Friends

Look we need to think about playing long ball here

What is the demalquedacrats strategy? They want to stall stall stall until the election

The reality is that as long as cunts like Murkowski, Collins and Flake are around Grassley and McConnell are powerless to stop he stalling.

You have to face reality. They will never support this. These fuckheads will always side with the liberals and try to make it sound like they are doing it for Kavanaugh

We have to play long ball.

We help Trump defeat EVERY democrat running for Senate in a red state. Go scorched earth on them

Then we get to 57 seats after November election and we tell the democrats and fuckstick Collins, Murkowski and Flake. Nice try, but here is the deal. You confirm Kavanaugh now or in January I am replacing him with Barrett and you REALLY know how she feels about Roe

You can’t negotiate on their terms. They are not negotiating in good faith. Anyone thinking that this is over after the FBI investigation is deluding themselves. Then the democrats will call for ANOTHER week to review the findings. Then they will call for another week to have another hearing. And all along the way Flake, Murkowski ad Collins will agree. What can McConnell do? Nothing
Well a majority is 11

There are 21 members f committee. 11 republican and 10 democrat. I don’t buy this

Flake is a pussy

read the quoted bit it comes directly from the rules of the judiciary comittee. Including 2 members of the minority. Without that portion there is no quorom.
Look we need to think about playing long ball here

What is the demalquedacrats strategy? They want to stall stall stall until the election

The reality is that as long as cunts like Murkowski, Collins and Flake are around Grassley and McConnell are powerless to stop he stalling.

You have to face reality. They will never support this. These fuckheads will always side with the liberals and try to make it sound like they are doing it for Kavanaugh

We have to play long ball.

We help Trump defeat EVERY democrat running for Senate in a red state. Go scorched earth on them

Then we get to 57 seats after November election and we tell the democrats and fuckstick Collins, Murkowski and Flake. Nice try, but here is the deal. You confirm Kavanaugh now or in January I am replacing him with Barrett and you REALLY know how she feels about Roe

You can’t negotiate on their terms. They are not negotiating in good faith. Anyone thinking that this is over after the FBI investigation is deluding themselves. Then the democrats will call for ANOTHER week to review the findings. Then they will call for another week to have another hearing. And all along the way Flake, Murkowski ad Collins will agree. What can McConnell do? Nothing
Barrett is going to replace Ginsberg.
Look we need to think about playing long ball here

What is the demalquedacrats strategy? They want to stall stall stall until the election

The reality is that as long as cunts like Murkowski, Collins and Flake are around Grassley and McConnell are powerless to stop he stalling.

You have to face reality. They will never support this. These fuckheads will always side with the liberals and try to make it sound like they are doing it for Kavanaugh

We have to play long ball.

We help Trump defeat EVERY democrat running for Senate in a red state. Go scorched earth on them

Then we get to 57 seats after November election and we tell the democrats and fuckstick Collins, Murkowski and Flake. Nice try, but here is the deal. You confirm Kavanaugh now or in January I am replacing him with Barrett and you REALLY know how she feels about Roe

You can’t negotiate on their terms. They are not negotiating in good faith. Anyone thinking that this is over after the FBI investigation is deluding themselves. Then the democrats will call for ANOTHER week to review the findings. Then they will call for another week to have another hearing. And all along the way Flake, Murkowski ad Collins will agree. What can McConnell do? Nothing

When Ginsburg kicks, Barret should be the next nomination; but then, I'm sure the DNC will find some guy to say she grabbed his crotch in HS. :palm:
It is interesting that JPP NeverTrumpers have been fairly quiet about the whole Kavanaugh thing.

I wonder if they are like Flake and so consumed with Trump hatred that they would rather lose the seat

I think Wacko and Threedee would rather see the GOP lose the House and Senate so they can say “I told you so”

I get demalquedacrats because I know them better than they know themselves. But I will never get NeverTrumpers
It is interesting that JPP NeverTrumpers have been fairly quiet about the whole Kavanaugh thing.

I wonder if they are like Flake and so consumed with Trump hatred that they would rather lose the seat

I think Wacko and Threedee would rather see the GOP lose the House and Senate so they can say “I told you so”

I get demalquedacrats because I know them better than they know themselves. But I will never get NeverTrumpers

I know a few never-Trumpers. IMO they see him as a virus, and aberration, and they can't wait until he's gone and the establishment can undo everything he's done to upset their idea of "normal".
I know a few never-Trumpers. IMO they see him as a virus, and aberration, and they can't wait until he's gone and the establishment can undo everything he's done to upset their idea of "normal".

You know Fascist ....

As you describe ....
I know a few never-Trumpers. IMO they see him as a virus, and aberration, and they can't wait until he's gone and the establishment can undo everything he's done to upset their idea of "normal".

Yeah they are Flake types. They are as much an enemy to me as liberals

They will never be forgiven.
Does anyone know anything about defamation? Is the standard that you have to be lying or just not able to prove your allegation to be true?
Here is the real crime of what Flake did on Friday. It wasn't delaying Kavanaugh's confirmation although that does suck ass. The real crime is that after the FBI background check is completed, he has now given democrats in red states a reason to now vote yes.

There is a scenario where Murkowski and Collins vote now and Manchin and Heidtkamp vote yes

Four democrats in competitive races have already said they will vote no on Kavanaugh. As we have seen with Fuck Flake, they obviously can change their minds. But, if they hold to their no vote then I am 100% confident that they lose their seats which means a net pick up of four seats.

Manchin obviously feels like he has more wiggle room, but a poll came out the other day that showed 59% of WV voters supported Kavanaugh
Here is the real crime of what Flake did on Friday. It wasn't delaying Kavanaugh's confirmation although that does suck ass. The real crime is that after the FBI background check is completed, he has now given democrats in red states a reason to now vote yes.

There is a scenario where Murkowski and Collins vote now and Manchin and Heidtkamp vote yes

Four democrats in competitive races have already said they will vote no on Kavanaugh. As we have seen with Fuck Flake, they obviously can change their minds. But, if they hold to their no vote then I am 100% confident that they lose their seats which means a net pick up of four seats.

Manchin obviously feels like he has more wiggle room, but a poll came out the other day that showed 59% of WV voters supported Kavanaugh

I think it's starting to look like my neighbor may have been correct.

The problem I see here is that the FBI can't do what most people seem to think they're being asked to do which is determine truth in this case. Too much time has passed, all they can do is determine if someone thinks they're telling the truth. Another problem here is I don't think the GOP as a whole is getting anywhere near enough blame for mismanaging this debacle. This is more their fault than the Democrats.
I think it's starting to look like my neighbor may have been correct.

The problem I see here is that the FBI can't do what most people seem to think they're being asked to do which is determine truth in this case. Too much time has passed, all they can do is determine if someone thinks they're telling the truth. Another problem here is I don't think the GOP as a whole is getting anywhere near enough blame for mismanaging this debacle. This is more their fault than the Democrats.

In what way do you think the GOP mismanaged this debacle? I think that they mismanaged it as well, but maybe for different reasons.

1) I think they assume that democrats act in good faith
2) I think they were acting out of fear and not conviction

Never good places to start from. They were so afraid of being labeled insensitive in the #Metoo age that the cowered in fear. The simplest response would have been to tell Ford to file a police report so that a proper police investigation can be launched. They should have gone for the vote and FORCED Flake to vote no.

They should have questioned Ford herself and not brought in the prosecutor. It made them look weak out of fear. They could have shredded her. Her entire story is loaded with inconsistencies and half truths
In what way do you think the GOP mismanaged this debacle? I think that they mismanaged it as well, but maybe for different reasons.

1) I think they assume that democrats act in good faith
2) I think they were acting out of fear and not conviction

Never good places to start from. They were so afraid of being labeled insensitive in the #Metoo age that the cowered in fear. The simplest response would have been to tell Ford to file a police report so that a proper police investigation can be launched. They should have gone for the vote and FORCED Flake to vote no.

They should have questioned Ford herself and not brought in the prosecutor. It made them look weak out of fear. They could have shredded her. Her entire story is loaded with inconsistencies and half truths

I think the main mistake the GOP made was deciding to allow MeToo to be the battlefield but then not competing. All they've done so far is turtle. Don't fight on a battleground you're not prepared to fight on.
I think the main mistake the GOP made was deciding to allow MeToo to be the battlefield but then not competing. All they've done so far is turtle. Don't fight on a battleground you're not prepared to fight on.

Do you think the GOP as a whole are against the Democrats and for the American people?
Do you think the GOP as a whole are against the Democrats and for the American people?

No. I think most republicans and most democrats are indistinguishable from one another and they care far more about enjoying their power and privilege than they do about the American people.
No. I think most republicans and most democrats are indistinguishable from one another and they care far more about enjoying their power and privilege than they do about the American people.

I agree as well.

Then why did you say the #metoo was a mistake by the GOP.

I suspect is all according to plan.
I agree as well.

Then why did you say the #metoo was a mistake by the GOP.

I suspect is all according to plan.

You're actually right, it does appear now that all is going according to plan. What I should have said is if they were serious about getting Kavanaugh confirmed then they went about it the wrong way.