Teflon Don
I'm back baby
The Victory Friends
Look we need to think about playing long ball here
What is the demalquedacrats strategy? They want to stall stall stall until the election
The reality is that as long as cunts like Murkowski, Collins and Flake are around Grassley and McConnell are powerless to stop he stalling.
You have to face reality. They will never support this. These fuckheads will always side with the liberals and try to make it sound like they are doing it for Kavanaugh
We have to play long ball.
We help Trump defeat EVERY democrat running for Senate in a red state. Go scorched earth on them
Then we get to 57 seats after November election and we tell the democrats and fuckstick Collins, Murkowski and Flake. Nice try, but here is the deal. You confirm Kavanaugh now or in January I am replacing him with Barrett and you REALLY know how she feels about Roe
You can’t negotiate on their terms. They are not negotiating in good faith. Anyone thinking that this is over after the FBI investigation is deluding themselves. Then the democrats will call for ANOTHER week to review the findings. Then they will call for another week to have another hearing. And all along the way Flake, Murkowski ad Collins will agree. What can McConnell do? Nothing
Look we need to think about playing long ball here
What is the demalquedacrats strategy? They want to stall stall stall until the election
The reality is that as long as cunts like Murkowski, Collins and Flake are around Grassley and McConnell are powerless to stop he stalling.
You have to face reality. They will never support this. These fuckheads will always side with the liberals and try to make it sound like they are doing it for Kavanaugh
We have to play long ball.
We help Trump defeat EVERY democrat running for Senate in a red state. Go scorched earth on them
Then we get to 57 seats after November election and we tell the democrats and fuckstick Collins, Murkowski and Flake. Nice try, but here is the deal. You confirm Kavanaugh now or in January I am replacing him with Barrett and you REALLY know how she feels about Roe
You can’t negotiate on their terms. They are not negotiating in good faith. Anyone thinking that this is over after the FBI investigation is deluding themselves. Then the democrats will call for ANOTHER week to review the findings. Then they will call for another week to have another hearing. And all along the way Flake, Murkowski ad Collins will agree. What can McConnell do? Nothing