The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)

There's no question this thing has turned into a 3 ring circus.
You know, what's "funny" about this whole thing is at my pool league party Sat. night, the women were more outraged about this charade the Dems are putting on than we men. But then, we're all just a bunch of rural redneck hillbillies...

I've said it before and I'll say it again...don't fuck with the women because they're not nice and don't fight fair.
There's no question this thing has turned into a 3 ring circus.
You know, what's "funny" about this whole thing is at my pool league party Sat. night, the women were more outraged about this charade the Dems are putting on than we men. But then, we're all just a bunch of rural redneck hillbillies...

I have found the same thing in my social group with many saying it is time for the Metoo movement to go away.

I think that the left is overestimating women’s support of Ford just like they overestimated women’s support for Hillary in 2016

Just because Rana and Christie vote with their vaginas doesn’t mean other women do.

I think the democrat party is in for a rude awakening this November.

But they will always have Russia to blame
I have found the same thing in my social group with many saying it is time for the Metoo movement to go away.

I think that the left is overestimating women’s support of Ford just like they overestimated women’s support for Hillary in 2016

Just because Rana and Christie vote with their vaginas doesn’t mean other women do.

I think the democrat party is in for a rude awakening this November.

But they will always have Russia to blame

I don't know about going away (think feminists), I'm no fan of woman abusers, believe me. Unfortunately, it makes for an excuse for a few pissed off women to get revenge on a man.

Keep one thing in mind, not all Democrats are "lock-step" with this fiasco. My GF is a Dem, and she thinks it's a circus too. She's also pro 2nd. Amendment. We rarely discuss politics, but she made the "woman can't be president" remark so she probably voted for Hillary. I hope she/they vote accordingly rather than straight party.
BTW. She doesn't blame Russia.
Flake isn't Deep State, he's just a Senator.

He is the personification if Deep State as I view it

He called Rosenweasel as he was screwing Republicans

And he is in New Hampshire. Can he really be that arrogant to think he can primary Trump
He is the personification if Deep State as I view it

He called Rosenweasel as he was screwing Republicans

And he is in New Hampshire. Can he really be that arrogant to think he can primary Trump

If you know his name he's not Deep State...bwa ha ha ha ha!!!!!
Looking at the exclusion list, I'm pleased to see that Grind has banned Havana Moon, PostmodernProphet, Robo, J Craft, iewitness, CFM, Ralph, Getin the ring, countryboy, hvilleherb, and volsrock.

No liberals wanted here!
One of the best images ive come across

Looking at the exclusion list, I'm pleased to see that Grind has banned Havana Moon, PostmodernProphet, Robo, J Craft, iewitness, CFM, Ralph, Getin the ring, countryboy, hvilleherb, and volsrock.

No liberals wanted here!

everyone is banned by default unless grind really likes you or you ask to be let in.
Look we need to think about playing long ball here

What is the demalquedacrats strategy? They want to stall stall stall until the election

The reality is that as long as cunts like Murkowski, Collins and Flake are around Grassley and McConnell are powerless to stop he stalling.

You have to face reality. They will never support this. These fuckheads will always side with the liberals and try to make it sound like they are doing it for Kavanaugh

We have to play long ball.

We help Trump defeat EVERY democrat running for Senate in a red state. Go scorched earth on them

Then we get to 57 seats after November election and we tell the democrats and fuckstick Collins, Murkowski and Flake. Nice try, but here is the deal. You confirm Kavanaugh now or in January I am replacing him with Barrett and you REALLY know how she feels about Roe

You can’t negotiate on their terms. They are not negotiating in good faith. Anyone thinking that this is over after the FBI investigation is deluding themselves. Then the democrats will call for ANOTHER week to review the findings. Then they will call for another week to have another hearing. And all along the way Flake, Murkowski ad Collins will agree. What can McConnell do? Nothing

i still remain optimistic that flake collins and mukowski come around in the end. there is no motivation for them to kill the nom by waiting a week. if they wanted to kill it they would. they dont gain directly by harming other republicans in the midterms, as rino-ish as they are.
i still remain optimistic that flake collins and mukowski come around in the end. there is no motivation for them to kill the nom by waiting a week. if they wanted to kill it they would. they dont gain directly by harming other republicans in the midterms, as rino-ish as they are.

I hope you're right. This a big one though, Trump doesn't just need an originalist confirmed, I think he specifically needs Kavanaugh otherwise we'll see more and more outrageous bullshit in the future.
Looking at the exclusion list, I'm pleased to see that Grind has banned Havana Moon, PostmodernProphet, Robo, J Craft, iewitness, CFM, Ralph, Getin the ring, countryboy, hvilleherb, and volsrock.

No liberals wanted here!

some of those would be allowed in, but they have to request first.
I hope you're right. This a big one though, Trump doesn't just need an originalist confirmed, I think he specifically needs Kavanaugh otherwise we'll see more and more outrageous bullshit in the future.

I think you are reading Trump wrong. He doesnt particularly care about Kavanugh. It could have been anyone on the list. Its just that he cant withdraw Kavanaugh anymore since that would make the base feel defeated and depress midterm term out.
Trump should stick to his "guns" and not waver on Kav. If we give these libs an inch, they'll go for a yard next time.
I'm still 100% for Kav no matter what this FBI "investigation" turns up.
As for Flake, he's just that, a flake and he'll turn on us (actually, he has, hasn't he?)
The left is crying about Kav's "right leaning" views, saying they alone disqualify him,
yet look at Ginsburg and her "views and comments" she's made throughout her tenure as judge.
Even Sotomayor said “I figure I may not be the smartest judge on the court" and surely proved
that by indicating she is insulted by people calling illegals criminals (aren't law breakers criminals?).

One of the reasons (one of many) I voted for Trump was to keep Hillary from picking a Supreme
Court Justice. It's obvious that libs are disgruntled she lost and would try to discredit any nominee
Trump would make. Libs are making a mockery of our present justice system by turning it into a
"you're guilty until proven innocent" charade. They're out to destroy this country, and if they
"win" by "killing" this nominee, it's only going to get worse. Count on it.
I think you are reading Trump wrong. He doesnt particularly care about Kavanugh. It could have been anyone on the list. Its just that he cant withdraw Kavanaugh anymore since that would make the base feel defeated and depress midterm term out.

I understand Trump. Once he nominated Kavanaugh he cares about Kavanaugh. He has to.
I understand Trump. Once he nominated Kavanaugh he cares about Kavanaugh. He has to.

The thing is, none of this bullshit was public when Trump nominated Kav. I agree he was "genuine" on his decision to pick him.
If he turns on him now, Trump will seem "weak." We don't need another weak president, we had one for the last 8 yrs.
The thing is, none of this bullshit was public when Trump nominated Kav. I agree he was "genuine" on his decision to pick him.
If he turns on him now, Trump will seem "weak." We don't need another weak president, we had one for the last 8 yrs.

Do you believe this bullshit? I don't. This is exactly why Kavanaugh has to be pushed through and confirmed within the next two weeks. If he isn't then every Trump nominee who isn't a Dem darling will face the same thing.