The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)

Do you believe this bullshit? I don't. This is exactly why Kavanaugh has to be pushed through and confirmed within the next two weeks. If he isn't then every Trump nominee who isn't a Dem darling will face the same thing.

No, I don't. What I do believe is Kav may have been to a few frat parties while attending Yale (yep, the ultra-left Yale!), but I do not believe he's the "drunken sexual predator" the left is desperately trying to portray him as being. Don't most college kids party (apparently the left thinks liberals never did/do!)?
As I said, I believe the left would attack any Trump nominee, and if Kav is not confirmed, they will relentlessly attack every following nominee. That's a given.
I am more confident about the mid terms than I was about Trump winning in 2016

The GOP is set to pick up at least five seats in the Senate.

McCaskill - gone
Tester - gone
Donnelly - gone
Heitkamp - gone
Nelson - gone

Even the five of them know they are gone.

I am not there yet but here are the two most likely pick ups

Manchin - Under 50% and WV wants Kavanaugh

Menendez - In real trouble in NJ
Graham offered Trump a contingency plan in case the nominee is narrowly defeated.

"If his nomination were to fall short, I would encourage President Trump to re-nominate Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court," Graham said in a statement. "It would – in effect – be appealing the Senate’s verdict directly to the American people."

Graham discussed the strategy in more detail on Fox News, saying that Trump could use the issue in the midterm elections to go after Democratic Sens. Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Claire McCaskill of Missouri. The four Democrats represent Republican-leaning states that Trump won in 2016.

Trump could announce to voters in those states that he would nominate Kavanaugh again in 2019, after a new Senate convenes, Graham said.

"The midterm elections are only 35 days away and a new group of senators may view Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination very differently after hearing from the voters in their states," Graham said in his statement.

I like this a lot. This is how the game needs to be played.

Does this represent a Kavanaugh effect? The polling for this took place between Thursday and Sunday, meaning that three of the four days came after the televised hearings in which Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testified, a hearing obsessively covered by the national news media. One might have expected Democrats to get a bump coming out of that hearing, especially given the tenor of the coverage it received. Instead, the momentum shifted in the other direction even among the wider population

Respondents want their senators to vote against Kavanaugh’s confirmation as it stands at the moment by a plurality of 44/37. However, it also asks whether Kavanaugh should be confirmed if his accusers can’t provide “any evidence to corroborate the claims and Kavanaugh says these incidents did not happen.” That changes the results dramatically; under those conditions, a double-digit majority wants Kavanaugh confirmed, 57/43. If the FBI doesn’t find anything specific about Ford’s allegations, that number goes up to 60/40, including 55% of women.

That’s not the only danger for Democrats, either. Seventy-five percent of respondents say that Dianne Feinstein should have immediately turned the letter over to the committee rather than sit on it. Sixty-nine percent of respondents called the hearing “a national disgrace,” with 55% concluding that Democrats have been “completely partisan” in their handling of Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh effect? Quinnipiac shows Dem generic ballot lead cut in half in a month

Quinnipiac has produced some of the largest gaps in the aggregated polling on the generic congressional ballot this cycle. Their previous poll, taken at the beginning of September, showed Republicans trailing by a disastrous 14 points with two months to go before the midterms.

Today, it’s seven points — among registered voters

good job retard democrats. you happened to find the one issue that unites virtually all conservatives and made sure to stick your dick in that hornets nest for good measure. my god, democrats are fucking stupid. LOL. :laugh:
Kavanaugh effect? Quinnipiac shows Dem generic ballot lead cut in half in a month

Quinnipiac has produced some of the largest gaps in the aggregated polling on the generic congressional ballot this cycle. Their previous poll, taken at the beginning of September, showed Republicans trailing by a disastrous 14 points with two months to go before the midterms.

Today, it’s seven points — among registered voters

good job retard democrats. you happened to find the one issue that unites virtually all conservatives and made sure to stick your dick in that hornets nest for good measure. my god, democrats are fucking stupid. LOL. :laugh:

To be fair they couldnt not fight it as their base would have revolted. They should have just put up a token resistance told the base if you want us to do more go vote instead of going all out.
Kavanaugh effect? Quinnipiac shows Dem generic ballot lead cut in half in a month

Quinnipiac has produced some of the largest gaps in the aggregated polling on the generic congressional ballot this cycle. Their previous poll, taken at the beginning of September, showed Republicans trailing by a disastrous 14 points with two months to go before the midterms.

Today, it’s seven points — among registered voters

good job retard democrats. you happened to find the one issue that unites virtually all conservatives and made sure to stick your dick in that hornets nest for good measure. my god, democrats are fucking stupid. LOL. :laugh:

Hot air com is an appropriate name for this fake rw website. You can't fool me acehole.
Kavanaugh effect? Quinnipiac shows Dem generic ballot lead cut in half in a month

Quinnipiac has produced some of the largest gaps in the aggregated polling on the generic congressional ballot this cycle. Their previous poll, taken at the beginning of September, showed Republicans trailing by a disastrous 14 points with two months to go before the midterms.

Today, it’s seven points — among registered voters

good job retard democrats. you happened to find the one issue that unites virtually all conservatives and made sure to stick your dick in that hornets nest for good measure. my god, democrats are fucking stupid. LOL. :laugh:

I wouldn't put "all my marbles" in polls just yet. Ask Hillary.
That said, I don't doubt that the libtards turning this nomination into a circus has angered a few respectable dems, I know it's angered the cons in my area and they're all going to vote this Nov.
Unfortunately here in PA, our incumbent dems still hold a substantial lead (for Governor and Senator), but hopefully our rural folk come out like we did for the presidential election.
Kavanaugh effect? Quinnipiac shows Dem generic ballot lead cut in half in a month

Quinnipiac has produced some of the largest gaps in the aggregated polling on the generic congressional ballot this cycle. Their previous poll, taken at the beginning of September, showed Republicans trailing by a disastrous 14 points with two months to go before the midterms.

Today, it’s seven points — among registered voters

good job retard democrats. you happened to find the one issue that unites virtually all conservatives and made sure to stick your dick in that hornets nest for good measure. my god, democrats are fucking stupid. LOL. :laugh:

If youve noticed the MSM have put the spotlight back on Trump and tax returns. I think this means that they know the kavanaugh rape accusations are hurting them.
If youve noticed the MSM have put the spotlight back on Trump and tax returns. I think this means that they know the kavanaugh rape accusations are hurting them.

I started a thread about this very topic.

Time for the Democrat Media Industrial Complex to change the subject and move along. They realize they lost.
That doesn't discount his theory, which is sound.

I don't think there's anything sound about it. Graham, a well known elitist globalist dirtbag and McCain's former dingleberry, is suggesting that they wait on the Kavanaugh confirmation because he thinks the ruling Party's legislative position will improve at the mid-term. That is horrible advice. I'm not saying it wont happen but expecting it to is just ignorant. If he thinks Kavanaugh is enough of a pressure point to effect those Senators he mentioned then he is now, there's no reason to wait until after the election and take your chances on the makeup of the next Congress.