The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)

You're actually right, it does appear now that all is going according to plan. What I should have said is if they were serious about getting Kavanaugh confirmed then they went about it the wrong way.

I don't think they are serious about getting him confirmed.

The GOP is the problem .... and the American voters know it as evidenced by Trump's victory.
I think 8 years of Obama and the left has polarized this nation to the point I am not sure we will ever return to bipartisan government.

Obama polarizing this nation doesn't have anything to do with the one party system we now have in Congress.
So, uh, just to be we think the GOP wants Kav or not?

wants. In fact I think it would be a political disaster not to nominate him. Like midterm wipeout disaster.


Currently, if kavanaugh gets confirmed, I think this whole episode will be beneficial for the GOP come november.
I will make this prediction

The dems will try to stall

Manchin and Heidkamp will vote yes. Murkowski, Collins and Flake will vote no. Pence will break the tie

Manchin has a brutal poll come out that will scare him. He may be up by 9 but that will change quick

McCaskill, Donnelly, Nelson and Tester are all finished. That is a pickup of four Senate seats. You can bank those four unless they change their votes they are finished. Their states will turn them out

California Republicans have an excellent opportunity to take out Feinstein in November but I fear they are too stupid and pussified like Cawacko to do it
Tsuke...hate to break this to you but...the GOP kinda sucks. We need to come up with an alternative before Trump leaves office.
My prediction: Kavanaugh won't make it.

At this point, it's hard to make a prediction.
Who else would be a better nominee? Others have been confirmed with far less qualifications, though (Sotomayor to name just one).
Apparently none of the Dems want a justice who will base his decisions on the Constitution, but rather on "feel good" socialistic opinions.

I wouldn't be so quick to blame that on just the Dems. When Grind said we should talk about the Deep State too he wasn't kidding. We've got a problem on our hands.
Yeah. I don't know what to do about it. I've got a couple of ideas but damn man...this shit is diabolical.

There's no question this thing has turned into a 3 ring circus.
You know, what's "funny" about this whole thing is at my pool league party Sat. night, the women were more outraged about this charade the Dems are putting on than we men. But then, we're all just a bunch of rural redneck hillbillies...