The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)

HOLY FUCK!!!!! That lying fucking cunt

She says that the seminal event that led to these memories coming up were a big fight over a remodel she and her husband did in 2012. That was in her opening statement and it was in her sworn testimony.

The thing is, according to the building permits the work was done in 2008.

Also, it wasn’t done on her main home it was done on a home she rents out.

Also think of something she gave away in her testimony that at the time seemed flippant and off hand.

She admitted to Googlers living there.

Now isn’t it ironic that she has ZERO online presence? I am not talking about locking Facebook and Twitter but she has nothing. She is like the Vegas shooter. What are the odds that a professor in CA doesn’t use the internet?

She couldn’t have eliminated her online presence over a weekend. Could her Google friends have helped her?

If these building permits are correct her entire story is blown wide the fuck open. She is finished and she perjured herself in front of EVERYONE

Grind can I have a one time permission to cross post this and shove it in the liberals faces?

yeah man, crosspost whatever you wish. nothing in this thread needs to just be in this thread, given how private it is
I was talking to my neighbor last night about this Kavanaugh circus and he brought up an interesting point and I want to see what the rest of you think.

His take on this is that the GOP could have easily sidestepped Ford and Feinstein on this and then confirmed in committee but they didn't and to him that indicates the GOP doesn't really want Kavanaugh confirmed. His reasoning is that the only thing this protracted political theater accomplishes is it gives people like Collins and Flake an excuse to vote thumbs down on Kavanaugh and then hide behind MeToo.

My take is that the GOP allowed the testimony because they are trying to avoid a MeToo blowup. I think they already knew there would be more than one accuser and their plan was to let them reveal themselves as the moonbats they are and once that was done they could move on clean but I think my neighbor might have a point. All it takes is for two GOP Senators to leave the reservation during the Senate confirmation and Kavanaugh is sunk. The GOP does have a history of this and had they just moved on immediately by framing this as political gamesmanship it would have been harder for any one to use MeToo to justify a refusal to confirm.

yeah I think your friend is wrong. the optics of not giving ford a hearing would have been really bad. additionally it ultimately would not have stopped her from getting the word out if she wished. i do think the repubs used a rope a dope strategy vs. her and they decided they weren't really going to save kavanaugh and that he'd have to do it himself.
yeah I think your friend is wrong. the optics of not giving ford a hearing would have been really bad. additionally it ultimately would not have stopped her from getting the word out if she wished. i do think the repubs used a rope a dope strategy vs. her and they decided they weren't really going to save kavanaugh and that he'd have to do it himself.

The optics was my main point and you're right, the GOP did kind of let Kavanaugh sit out on an island but I think he did a good job, he did the only thing he could which was deny all of it. The one thing that bothers me though is the GOP is not historically good at marching in lockstep and they have to in this case.
I was talking to my neighbor last night about this Kavanaugh circus and he brought up an interesting point and I want to see what the rest of you think.

His take on this is that the GOP could have easily sidestepped Ford and Feinstein on this and then confirmed in committee but they didn't and to him that indicates the GOP doesn't really want Kavanaugh confirmed. His reasoning is that the only thing this protracted political theater accomplishes is it gives people like Collins and Flake an excuse to vote thumbs down on Kavanaugh and then hide behind MeToo.

My take is that the GOP allowed the testimony because they are trying to avoid a MeToo blowup. I think they already knew there would be more than one accuser and their plan was to let them reveal themselves as the moonbats they are and once that was done they could move on clean but I think my neighbor might have a point. All it takes is for two GOP Senators to leave the reservation during the Senate confirmation and Kavanaugh is sunk. The GOP does have a history of this and had they just moved on immediately by framing this as political gamesmanship it would have been harder for any one to use MeToo to justify a refusal to confirm.

I disagree with your friend in this sense. Maybe that would have been the original intent, but I think Flake and Corker in the background pumped the brakes. As Grind said in a reply to you, I think the GOP was over sensitive to Ford and bent over backwards for her.
I disagree with your friend in this sense. Maybe that would have been the original intent, but I think Flake and Corker in the background pumped the brakes. As Grind said in a reply to you, I think the GOP was over sensitive to Ford and bent over backwards for her.

You think they were oversensitive? I think they gave her enough rope to hang herself, unfortunately that won't matter to some people.
Alright so Flake is a yes

That means they have 48 votes

That leaves Murkowski and Collins

Murkowski has moved up to #1 on my fuck us over list

Collins is a wild card. She is up for re-election in 2020. If she votes No, she definitely faces a primary. If she votes yes, she could get hit from the left.

Then there is Manchin, Donnelly and Tester
Alright so Flake is a yes

That means they have 48 votes

That leaves Murkowski and Collins

Murkowski has moved up to #1 on my fuck us over list

Collins is a wild card. She is up for re-election in 2020. If she votes No, she definitely faces a primary. If she votes yes, she could get hit from the left.

Then there is Manchin, Donnelly and Tester

flake makes it 49 right? we can actually lose one vote and still win.
Right now Tester and Donnelly are No’s

It could be three reasons why

1) they think they have their races locked up and they are bullet proof - unlikely

2) they think voters will forget come Election Day and that they are popular enough to withstand it - unlikely

3) they know they are going to lose their respective races and figure it is safer not to buck the liberal wing because they will need jobs once they get voted out. No point voting yes if they don’t believe it will help them with voters

Chalk up two seats for GOP
Right now Tester and Donnelly are No’s

It could be three reasons why

1) they think they have their races locked up and they are bullet proof - unlikely

2) they think voters will forget come Election Day and that they are popular enough to withstand it - unlikely

3) they know they are going to lose their respective races and figure it is safer not to buck the liberal wing because they will need jobs once they get voted out. No point voting yes if they don’t believe it will help them with voters

Chalk up two seats for GOP

democrats are leaning on flake hard right now. this is getting scary. they pulled him into a private room and they have been lobbying him heavily.
democrats are leaning on flake hard right now. this is getting scary. they pulled him into a private room and they have been lobbying him heavily.

Flake calls for an FBI probe.

Flake is an asshole, a two-faced back-stabbing asshole. This could delay the vote for a week or more.
ok so i saw this and i think flake may not be as big a traitor as we think.

"Seven Members of the Committee, actually present, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of discussing business. Nine Members of the Committee, including at least two Members of the minority, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. No bill, matter, or nomination shall be ordered reported from the Committee, however, unless a majority of the Committee is actually present at the time such action is taken and a majority of those present support the action taken."

basically with the democrats walking out there was no quorom. Flake got it out of comittee and onto a straight vote in exchange for a one week delay.
ok so i saw this and i think flake may not be as big a traitor as we think.

"Seven Members of the Committee, actually present, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of discussing business. Nine Members of the Committee, including at least two Members of the minority, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. No bill, matter, or nomination shall be ordered reported from the Committee, however, unless a majority of the Committee is actually present at the time such action is taken and a majority of those present support the action taken."

basically with the democrats walking out there was no quorom. Flake got it out of comittee and onto a straight vote in exchange for a one week delay.

Maybe, maybe not. But he sure changed his mind in a hurry, didn't he? I don't trust him.
ok so i saw this and i think flake may not be as big a traitor as we think.

"Seven Members of the Committee, actually present, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of discussing business. Nine Members of the Committee, including at least two Members of the minority, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. No bill, matter, or nomination shall be ordered reported from the Committee, however, unless a majority of the Committee is actually present at the time such action is taken and a majority of those present support the action taken."

basically with the democrats walking out there was no quorom. Flake got it out of comittee and onto a straight vote in exchange for a one week delay.

Well a majority is 11

There are 21 members f committee. 11 republican and 10 democrat. I don’t buy this

Flake is a pussy