The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)

I think it's hilarious on how Fords attorney is trying to dictate ever aspect of the hearing on Thursday. Is it true that she's paid for by Soros?
look what the republicans found:



there are other guys claiming to have done this. who would want to bring attention to themselves in this manner? very interesting.
if they do end up nominating kavanaugh and it ends up they only dragged this out to make the dems go as ugly as possible then this could have been a brilliant strategy.
look what the republicans found:



there are other guys claiming to have done this. who would want to bring attention to themselves in this manner? very interesting.

I wonder if lefties say they have to be believed?

I gotta say it is odd. Didn’t see this coming. And if I am fair, I would want to know more about these guys.

This whole thing has spun off into absurdville
How many dems secretly wish Avenatti would go away?

Did you guys see Kavanaughs lawyer today? She is GOOD. I would love to see her question Ford
This shit is getting ridiculous. Now a third accuser is saying Kav put his dick in her face! Can she describe it in detail? Was it long and thin or thick and short? Or was it big enough to choke her to death?
The left is going off the rails on this. Have the vote NOW!
Another interesting fact is these accusers are all Dems. I guess Republican women weren't/aren't assaulted.
if they do end up nominating kavanaugh and it ends up they only dragged this out to make the dems go as ugly as possible then this could have been a brilliant strategy.

not to mention republican enthusiasm is now up after all this whereas dem enthusiasm has stayed the same.
How many dems secretly wish Avenatti would go away?

dude... they believe the creepy porn lawyer and his client. liberals are a lost cause on this issue. it's why I made this thread. I am not going to talk to brick walls on this issue anymore. it's a waste of time.
This shit is getting ridiculous. Now a third accuser is saying Kav put his dick in her face! Can she describe it in detail? Was it long and thin or thick and short? Or was it big enough to choke her to death?
The left is going off the rails on this. Have the vote NOW!

She's not sure, it could have been the dildo.
Democrats have zero morals. None

They are going to pay a huge price for this in November

It really amazes me the ability they have to convince themselves of shit

They think that blacks and hispanics are going to ignore that their economic lives are improving and vote for Kap and Nike. Sure most will. But the dems need only lose 10% of the black vote and they are dead

They think that 100% of women believe these accusations

They believe that only their base is fired up. It is true that the dem base is fired up. I don’t deny that. But deep in the NBC poll they showed a breakdown of motivated voters. It showed white, male republicans were the most motivated. And that was before this Kavanaugh fiasco.

It is over for the democrats in November.

Look for a rash of “new” polls hitting us soon. Stick with Rasmussen. It was the most accurate in 2016. He has a great methodology. He always uses likely voter model and more importantly he always uses a sample size of 1500. Many other polling outlets always use different sample sizes which tells me they skew it to get the answer they want then stop the poll
Maybe I'm wrong here, but isn't this basically a job interview? Granted, a very important one, but still a job interview.
The first and foremost thing to consider is, is this individual qualified? In short, absolutely.
Now, understanding the scope of the decisions he'll be making, character is important. I want to know a little about what
he as done throughout his career. Criminal record (including Juvenile), kids, wife, organizations, etc. Kind of a "moral" back-
ground check if you will. In short, an impeccable career and highly respected.
Now, just as I'm about to hire this individual, some woman walks in and tell me that he touched her in HS. I look at him and
ask if this is true. "No." I ask her when, where and who was around to verify this claim. "I don't remember." Just as I'm asking
her to leave, a second....then a third comes in, none with any clear facts of any wrongdoing. This makes me think someone
doesn't want me to hire this individual. I would throw them out and continue to hire this highly qualified professional, on the
grounds no criminal charges are brought against him during his employment from those allegations. Congress should do the same.
If you pay attention to realclearpolitics before this fiasco Trump was at -12 to -13 aggregate. He is at something like -9.5 now.
this sociopath is pretending to cry, yet not one tear on her cheek. she goes back in forth into a crying voice and completely normal talking. what a fucking liar.