The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)

This article has me freaked out:

you might want to read the whole thing but this part is pretty important:

So we have Dr. Blasey-Ford in Rehoboth Beach, DE, on 26th July 2018. We’ve got her life-long BFF, Monica L McLean, who worked as attorney and POI in the DOJ/FBI in Rehoboth Beach, DE…. Apparently at same time she wrote letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein.

Ms. Blasey-Ford and Ms. McLean, the BFF she coached on lie detector testing, together for the four days leading up to the actual writing of the letter. July 26th to July 30th.

It would appear that Ms. Blasey-Ford was with Ms. Monica L McLean, the retired FBI agent and former New York field office spokesperson, at the time she wrote the letter to Senator Feinstein.

That would certainly begin to explain quite a bit about who exactly was handling Ms. Ford; and how there would be an intentional effort,
from a subject matter expert, on how to best position the attack against Brett Kavanaugh.

Who better to help scrub the internet history, and know what processes and people to enlist in such preparatory work, than a retired lawyer who worked deeply inside the FBI?

Not only did Ms. McLean possesses a particular set of skills to assist Ms. Ford, but Ms. McLean would also have a network of DOJ and FBI resources to assist in the endeavor. A former friendly FBI agent to do the polygraph; a network of politically motivated allies?

Does the appearance of FBI insider and Deputy FBI Director to Andrew McCabe, Michael Bromwich, begin to make more sense?

Do the loud and overwhelming requests by political allies for FBI intervention, take on a different meaning or make more sense, now?

Standing back and taking a look at the bigger, BIG PICTURE….. could it be that Mrs. McLean and her team of ideological compatriots within the DOJ and FBI, who have massive axes to grind against the current Trump administration, are behind this entire endeavor?

Considering all of the embattled, angry, institutional officials (former and current); and considering the recently fired DOJ and FBI officials; and considering the officials currently under investigation; and considering the declassification requests which will likely lead to the exposure of even more corruption…. Could it be that these elements wanted to do something, anything to get back at the executive branch; and possibly change the tide?

the deep state and the intel community have their fingers all over this shit. Now I am worried, no wonder the dems wanted the FBI to help out so bad. This could be rigged
This article has me freaked out:

you might want to read the whole thing but this part is pretty important:

the deep state and the intel community have their fingers all over this shit. Now I am worried, no wonder the dems wanted the FBI to help out so bad. This could be rigged

Maybe there needs to be an investigation into this and I'm sure the DNC Senators would agree; RIGHT??
best time frame

McConnell filed cloture petition to end debate. Cloture needs a day to "ripen" (Thursday). Then on Friday there's a procedural vote to "invoke cloture" which limits debate. Then there's 30 more hours of waiting until the confirmation vote can take place (Saturday).
This article has me freaked out:

you might want to read the whole thing but this part is pretty important:

the deep state and the intel community have their fingers all over this shit. Now I am worried, no wonder the dems wanted the FBI to help out so bad. This could be rigged

Well, now we can make a pretty good guess as to why Feinstein wanted the report sealed. I'm guessing there's a name of a current government employee in that report associated with the creation or distribution of that letter.
Report: Ford’s FBI Friend, Monica McLean, Pressured Witness To Modify Testimony and Statement…

If you thought it was sketchy that Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford’s life-long best friend was a recently retired FBI agent and DOJ official, Monica McLean {Go Deep}; and if you thought it was sketchy that McLean and Ford were together on July 30th when Ford was writing a letter to Dianne Feinstein, likely making the friend Ms Ford’s “handler” for the operation against Kavanaugh; then it’s even more sketchy today with a report that McLean was pressuring witness Leland Keyser to shape her statements and testimony to the FBI.

According to the Wall Street Journal the FBI has text messages from Ms. McLean to witness Ms. Keyser, directing her to modify statements more favorable to Ms. Ford.

WASHINGTON – A friend of Christine Blasey Ford told FBI investigators that she felt pressured by Dr. Ford’s allies to revisit her initial statement

If there was any doubt the “small group” of connected DOJ and FBI officials were behind the use of Ms. Ford, you can put that doubt away now that Ms. Ford’s handler, Monica McLean, has enlisted David Laufman as her legal defense.

They’re not even trying to hide it any more.

Michael Bromwich is representing Ms. Ford, and David Laufman is representing Ms. McLean. The concentric Lawfare gang is working overtime, likely pro-bono.

It is beyond obvious now that Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford was not just some random ancillary high school acquaintance of Brett Kavanaugh; Ms. Ford appears to have been selected by a group of politically connected FBI and DOJ officials for the purpose of targeting Judge Kavanaugh.

All of these DOJ and FBI people are part of a tight network.


David Laufman was the Department of Justice – National Security Division, Deputy Asst. Attorney General in charge of counterintelligence, cyber security, counterespionage and export controls. He was inside the DOJ-NSD when the FISA application against Carter Page, and by extension the Trump campaign, was constructed, submitted and approved.

her "beach friends" are all part of a tight network of FBI agents that have wanted to bring down trump.

this was a targeted effort by the deep state imo.

Remember, keyser is a life long friend of ford. she would not want to throw ford under the bus or cast a shadow on this unless she was leaned on HARD. If she felt the need to report that she was feelling pressured to change her story, it was probably pretty bad.
check out this twitter thread:



Full letter from grassley: