The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)

I still have a concern because of Daines. There needs to be a plane on stand by

With him not being physically available, there is still potential for some skullduggery on the part of Flake and Collins.

Remember Flake was a yes last week before he famously signaled his butt buddy Coons.

I read that instead of voting no, Murkowski said she will vote present, but I don’t trust any of these fuckers

This won’t be over until the final vote is counted and Daines lack of presence concerns me

grappling greg gianforte (senator from MT) offered daines his private jet.
this has been a fun thread guys. pleasure hanging with you. I think we should keep this going through the midterms. maybe always keep it live just for random bumpings

today, I bask in the glory of our win. The victory friends have one their first on the record victory. maga.
this has been a fun thread guys. pleasure hanging with you. I think we should keep this going through the midterms. maybe always keep it live just for random bumpings

today, I bask in the glory of our win. The victory friends have one their first on the record victory. maga.

agree. its good to have a place to discuss things without interference.
I predicted ten Democrats would jump ship and vote for Kav but I was wrong. Lock-step, they said fuck you to law and order. I look forward to several losing their seats over this next month.
I predicted ten Democrats would jump ship and vote for Kav but I was wrong. Lock-step, they said fuck you to law and order. I look forward to several losing their seats over this next month.

I knew Manchin would

The rest of them have already thrown in the towel and know they are going to lose. It isn’t even in question.

Manchin watched his poll numbers drop like a rock. I just wonder if this will save him.

I get people of WV like him but it is time for those fuckers to be strategic.

If we can get to a 56 or 57 seat majority then we no longer have to deal with this bullshit of kissing the asses of Murkowski and Collins