The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)

I knew Manchin would

The rest of them have already thrown in the towel and know they are going to lose. It isn’t even in question.

Manchin watched his poll numbers drop like a rock. I just wonder if this will save him.

I get people of WV like him but it is time for those fuckers to be strategic.

If we can get to a 56 or 57 seat majority then we no longer have to deal with this bullshit of kissing the asses of Murkowski and Collins

This woke up a lot of people as to who the 'rat party really is. They did the same thing to Kav that libs here routinely do to conservatives- accuse them of horrendous things without any basis. I'm going to enjoy watching the blue wave turn into a riptide.
from reddit lol

edited 10 minutes ago
I did...over and over. We still got this. People have short memories here...or not much life experience. Shit gets worse DESPITE me voting against it. I can't vote any harder. When you have a party that fights everything decent and gets dirtier and dirtier about how they do it...what the fuck else are we supposed to do? We shouldn't be having to fight for civil rights in 2018...or healthcare...or education...but here we are. Personally I am over it and moving...but for a long time I could not do that and know most people cannot. But my entire life I have heard ...if you dont like how it is "be the change" and "just vote" yet here we are at this giant fucking shitshow. I am old and not healthy and none of my civic duty mattered in the end. I'm gonna go somewhere nice to live out my final years. I will smile if things turn around before I croak and the future generations can have a good life...but I have no faith it will happen. I mean for fuck's sake Donald Fucking Trump is the President! That's the sort of absurd shit satirical movies joked about...and it happened! Lost fucking cause in my opinion. Being good and decent and working toward a brighter future has led to this...proof is in the pudding. I'm out...the gun lunatics, religious fundies, 1%, Russians and whoever else wants this shithole can have it. Too old, too tired, and out of fucks.

somebody make sure he doesnt off himself.
This woke up a lot of people as to who the 'rat party really is. They did the same thing to Kav that libs here routinely do to conservatives- accuse them of horrendous things without any basis. I'm going to enjoy watching the blue wave turn into a riptide.

I still think the dems will pick up seats. I don’t think the trend is their friend to take the House though

And I think the Senate is going to be a bloodbath
from reddit lol

edited 10 minutes ago
I did...over and over. We still got this. People have short memories here...or not much life experience. Shit gets worse DESPITE me voting against it. I can't vote any harder. When you have a party that fights everything decent and gets dirtier and dirtier about how they do it...what the fuck else are we supposed to do? We shouldn't be having to fight for civil rights in 2018...or healthcare...or education...but here we are. Personally I am over it and moving...but for a long time I could not do that and know most people cannot. But my entire life I have heard ...if you dont like how it is "be the change" and "just vote" yet here we are at this giant fucking shitshow. I am old and not healthy and none of my civic duty mattered in the end. I'm gonna go somewhere nice to live out my final years. I will smile if things turn around before I croak and the future generations can have a good life...but I have no faith it will happen. I mean for fuck's sake Donald Fucking Trump is the President! That's the sort of absurd shit satirical movies joked about...and it happened! Lost fucking cause in my opinion. Being good and decent and working toward a brighter future has led to this...proof is in the pudding. I'm out...the gun lunatics, religious fundies, 1%, Russians and whoever else wants this shithole can have it. Too old, too tired, and out of fucks.

somebody make sure he doesnt off himself.

My uncle could have written this. I've got some friends and family staying here tonight and some of them are proggies. My uncle said this almost word for word earlier today.
Now that the confirmation is over, Trump has the wind at his back

One thing that could fuck us up is the Fed raising rates too fast and spooking the market.

Amazing they kept them at ZERO for Obama and now are in a frenzy raising them. Coinkydink?
Now that the confirmation is over, Trump has the wind at his back

One thing that could fuck us up is the Fed raising rates too fast and spooking the market.

Amazing they kept them at ZERO for Obama and now are in a frenzy raising them. Coinkydink?

i really hope they just keep quiet till the election
My uncle could have written this. I've got some friends and family staying here tonight and some of them are proggies. My uncle said this almost word for word earlier today.

Big fight on FB with my elderly neighbors kid. He tried to trash me, name calling, the usual. I told him I'd bring over a box of tissues. He said his 16 year old would vote Democrat in 2020 and things were changing. I told him my two kids think logically and are already voting. Then my daughter got on and told him how afraid she was for good men being falsely accused. We really exposed him for a fool. I told him to ask his mommy to delete that mean boys posts. Then he made it worse by insinuating that he's going to o make her unfriend me.

Libs melting down all over tonight. It's been a glorious day.
Now that the circus show is over we need to find out who started it.
Who leaked the confidential letter?
We need to also look into whether someone tampered with witnesses to try and have them change their stories. That’s the latest rumor.
notice the new line of attack? any decision that is 5-4 which includes kavanaugh will be seen as infused with partisan bias (paraphrase from nyt) The left is now telling roberts that the only way for the sc to be legitimate is to side with liberals.
notice the new line of attack? any decision that is 5-4 which includes kavanaugh will be seen as infused with partisan bias (paraphrase from nyt) The left is now telling roberts that the only way for the sc to be legitimate is to side with liberals.

Yup. And I fear it might work.

That is why we need Ginsburg and Breyer to croak so Trump can replace them

Any chance we can get them to the resort where Scalia died

notice the new line of attack? any decision that is 5-4 which includes kavanaugh will be seen as infused with partisan bias (paraphrase from nyt) The left is now telling roberts that the only way for the sc to be legitimate is to side with liberals.
After how the leftist kooks ravaged Kavanaugh, surely he wouldn't do that.
The lefties are very angry.

Micawber, Nomad and Watermark have gone off the rails

They really thought they could take Brett down