The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)


what do you think of the slogan? Apparently dilbert had a hand in crafting it and then it was boosted by the donald reddit and then reached trump.
I hereby formally declare victory over the supposed blue wave that liberals were predicting for the midterms. There was no bluewave. Van jones is heartbroken. Losing the house in an off year election is par for the course. Trump did very well against historical averages. I DECLARE VICTORY! no blue wave!
I hereby formally declare victory over the supposed blue wave that liberals were predicting for the midterms. There was no bluewave. Van jones is heartbroken. Losing the house in an off year election is par for the course. Trump did very well against historical averages. I DECLARE VICTORY! no blue wave!

I hereby formally declare victory over the supposed blue wave that liberals were predicting for the midterms. There was no bluewave. Van jones is heartbroken. Losing the house in an off year election is par for the course. Trump did very well against historical averages. I DECLARE VICTORY! no blue wave!

At the federal level. Unfortunately some of us live in states that are now going to be run by radical children starting in January.
check it:

michelle malkin brings down the house with an awesome speech on how the GOP has fucked us just as much as liberals on immigration:
I have always thought Michelle has given some good commentary, but the truth be known, it isn't just this congress. It's been both presidents and congresses that have done nothing over the last 30+ years.
There were a number of stipulations that weren't enforced since Reagan's "amnesty." If they would have investigated and fined those who hired illegals (for one), that alone would have reduced the problem.
Democrats used to be anti illegal immigration when they thought it hurt unions

But as unions have lost political influence that has changed.

The GOP has always pandered to the chamber of commerce at the expense of American workers.

Illegal immigration has been a bipartisan cluster fuck for a decade.
"Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke has said he thinks it is “beyond the shadow of a doubt” that President Trump colluded with Russia for the 2016 election."
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I almost forgot about this thread

I can’t wait for leftists to explain how Trump colluded with himself. I mean as Jonathan Turley points out, since Mueller isn’t pursuing anymore indictments the only way there could have been any collusion was of President Trump colluded with himself.
Remember when JPP leftists gave themselves carpal tunnel syndrome worrying that President Trump would fire Mueller?

Good times

What is really funny is that Frankie Fuckwad decides to “leave” JPP just as Mueller reports Trump is innocent. Great timing
men... we were right again. Once again liberals, and the massive media complex end up looking like fucking idiots. We are geniuses.