The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)

i can't imagine what it's like to be lied to for 2 years in such a stunning fashion. They are having a mental break from reality, there is no way they'll be able to admit to themselves what idiots they were. it's honestly sad.

I don't view liberals as adversaries anymore or even political "foes". I view them as enemies. They are domestic terrorists that hate america. There can never be any compromise with these pieces of shit.

But, they don't think they have been lied to. Remember, they have already convinced themselves a long time ago that Trump is unfit for office. Also remember that this all ties back to Trump winning. It wasn't supposed to happen. You can't imagine how politically devastating it was to these leftists. They not only believed Hillary would win, but they believed that Obama had ushered in a new era of leftism. They believed that no Republican could ever win the White House again. Saying it shocked them to their core is an understatement. Since they believe that nobody in America would vote for Trump, then the only conclusion left to them is that Trump cheated.

You can't be lied to unless you let it happen
Grind is basically wrong. Trump is politicizing judges like never before. Just wipe your right-wing butts on the constitution and vote in the plutocracy.. Wait, you already did it.
i can't imagine what it's like to be lied to for 2 years in such a stunning fashion. They are having a mental break from reality, there is no way they'll be able to admit to themselves what idiots they were. it's honestly sad.

I don't view liberals as adversaries anymore or even political "foes". I view them as enemies. They are domestic terrorists that hate america. There can never be any compromise with these pieces of shit.

The thing I worry about is what happens when they eventually retake power because let's be honest, barring anything major they will eventually retake power. What kind of retribution will they wreak on the country and their political enemies?
The thing I worry about is what happens when they eventually retake power because let's be honest, barring anything major they will eventually retake power. What kind of retribution will they wreak on the country and their political enemies?

they will dismantle all of americas heros, tear down our statues, try to rewrite history, because they can't stand white men basically founded and invented everything good about america

and that's just for starters

they will probably try to pack the court with liberal ideologues

they will start censoring the internet and roll back free speech

they will try to ban guns
they will dismantle all of americas heros, tear down our statues, try to rewrite history, because they can't stand white men basically founded and invented everything good about america

and that's just for starters

they will probably try to pack the court with liberal ideologues

they will start censoring the internet and roll back free speech

they will try to ban guns

That will be on the first day
That will be on the first day

i don't know if you saw, but I posted a poll form gallup in general politics, showing that even at the height of obama, liberals were only 54% proud of america, compared to 70% of republicans. Since then, republicans are still at 70% and liberals are at like high 20's.

So even when liberals have it at their absolute zenith, nearly half of them still aren't proud in america. If obama isn't going to do it for them, I don't know what will.

America is anathema to liberals. It simply does not fit in their worldview. They are not friends to our country.
i don't know if you saw, but I posted a poll form gallup in general politics, showing that even at the height of obama, liberals were only 54% proud of america, compared to 70% of republicans. Since then, republicans are still at 70% and liberals are at like high 20's.

So even when liberals have it at their absolute zenith, nearly half of them still aren't proud in america. If obama isn't going to do it for them, I don't know what will.

America is anathema to liberals. It simply does not fit in their worldview. They are not friends to our country.

I saw it. Remember, at their core, leftists hate the very founding of this country. They think it was founded on slavery. Everything after that makes it evil in their minds
Trump gave a 2 trillion dollar tax cut to the top 1 percent. The people who need it the least. Can you figure out why he would do that?

To piss of the left; but it would have to have happened first.

You are a fascism lover. I prefer the American system if it still exists after Daffy quits.

Liberals always accuse conservatives of what they do themselves. In your case: fascism. Like forcing folks to buy health insurance. At the point of a gun.
Liberals always accuse conservatives of what they do themselves. In your case: fascism. Like forcing folks to buy health insurance. At the point of a gun.

Who did that? Medicare for all will just be a better policy for you. You can choose to keep the terrible overpriced system we have if you want . That is an option. However, even if they did, it would not be Fascism.
Who did that? Medicare for all will just be a better policy for you. You can choose to keep the terrible overpriced system we have if you want . That is an option. However, even if they did, it would not be Fascism.

Who's going to pay for it?
Who did that? Medicare for all will just be a better policy for you. You can choose to keep the terrible overpriced system we have if you want . That is an option. However, even if they did, it would not be Fascism.

Get a job, buy your own damn health insurance.