The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)

I think today is a good day to resurrect The Victory Friends thread

Every single person on this thread was steadfast that there was never any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia. And today validated that position.

President Trump was wrong about one thing. I have not gotten tired of all of this winning

It's official!

whattttt up friends

I am waiting for the dust to settle a bit cause I hate just screaming into thin air. Nothing new today I didn't already know.
whattttt up friends

I am waiting for the dust to settle a bit cause I hate just screaming into thin air. Nothing new today I didn't already know.

As usual, the left are going to act like they've now got PROOF and they can prove it by just connecting dots.

It's like them tracing a drawing of a rabbit, leaving the ears off and declaring it's a cat.

whattttt up friends

I am waiting for the dust to settle a bit cause I hate just screaming into thin air. Nothing new today I didn't already know.

There is nothing wrong with screaming into thin air my friend

Of course there is nothing new. Every single one of us knew what was in this report. Fuck they could have saved millions. They could have given me $5 million and could have given you the same report

I don't know if I am able to be impressed or horrified over how liberals wont admit to being wrong.

I think it's a testament to how powerful and influential the deep state media is.
I don't know if I am able to be impressed or horrified over how liberals wont admit to being wrong.

I think it's a testament to how powerful and influential the deep state media is.

It's just that they're scared and lashing out; because they never thought they would lose the election in 2016 and they're desperately trying to get a win, no matter what.

They are actually worried that they're finally being exposed, for what they've tried so hard to hide, and that the middle class, minorities, and others are finally going to realize that the left were trying to sell them snake oil in the guise of actually caring about the voters.
I don't know if I am able to be impressed or horrified over how liberals wont admit to being wrong.

I think it's a testament to how powerful and influential the deep state media is.

Just like this forum. Has any liberal here ever admitted that they were wrong?
Now this shit is really gonna get real

Trump through Barr is about to turn his fire on the fuckers who tried to take him down with bogus accusations.

I guarantee that as we speak deep staters are turning on deep staters. This will unravel quickly

The Steele Dossier has been completely debunked by Mueller

That means that Comey et al used bogus, unverified information to spy on Americans.

How far will these fucks go to protect Obama? I don’t think very far. The desire to preserve oneself is too great.

At some point we should catalogue all the bullshit that JPP leftists peddled. You can’t be too hard on them. They really believed Mueller would take down Trump, just like they thought Ballsy Ford would take down Kavanaugh and just as they thought Stormy would take down Trump and just as they thought Crooked Hillary would win
No it is a testament to how powerful cognitive dissonance is

i can't imagine what it's like to be lied to for 2 years in such a stunning fashion. They are having a mental break from reality, there is no way they'll be able to admit to themselves what idiots they were. it's honestly sad.

I don't view liberals as adversaries anymore or even political "foes". I view them as enemies. They are domestic terrorists that hate america. There can never be any compromise with these pieces of shit.