The Victory Friends (Update: All MAGAbros welcome!)

men... we were right again. Once again liberals, and the massive media complex end up looking like fucking idiots. We are geniuses.

It is almost becoming too easy

I feel like we should start spotting them points it something

It is like they have all gone full Deshtard

And not surprisingly they are going to continue to “resist”. They believe in their heart of hearts Trump colluded and obstructed.

They are hell bent on getting him re-elected. And next time I hope he loses the popular vote by 10 million yet still wins the Electoral College
We may have won this one, but we can never let down our guard. Dems are pissed and will try every conceivable thing to undermine our president. Bank on it, their hatred has become even stronger today.
We may have won this one, but we can never let down our guard. Dems are pissed and will try every conceivable thing to undermine our president. Bank on it, their hatred has become even stronger today.

It’s not demalquedacrats I worry about. It’s Trans Rightys pretending to be conservatives siding with leftists
It’s not demalquedacrats I worry about. It’s Trans Rightys pretending to be conservatives siding with leftists

This is huge. I have completely abandoned the traditional political identifiers of the past, and have gone to just the two sides of the political war. Lefties and righties. Commies like Paul Ryan who claim to be righties are now just "lefties" to me now. It only takes a few moments to figure out which side of the war people are fighting for, and there are only two sides. Lefties and righties.
This is huge. I have completely abandoned the traditional political identifiers of the past, and have gone to just the two sides of the political war. Lefties and righties. Commies like Paul Ryan who claim to be righties are now just "lefties" to me now. It only takes a few moments to figure out which side of the war people are fighting for, and there are only two sides. Lefties and righties.

This is what people are missing. Especially the NeverTrumpers
It’s Trans Rightys pretending to be conservatives siding with leftists

Speaking of this, Fox news was recently left to the Murdoch mega lefty sons, who are destroying Fox news as we speak. They have Paul Ryan on their board, and they recently shut down Jeanine Pirro. Fox News has been fatally compromised, so we must start searching out new sources of news.
Speaking of this, Fox news was recently left to the Murdoch mega lefty sons, who are destroying Fox news as we speak. They have Paul Ryan on their board, and they recently shut down Jeanine Pirro. Fox News has been fatally compromised, so we must start searching out new sources of news.

I was way ahead of that curve
Remember when JPP leftists gave themselves carpal tunnel syndrome worrying that President Trump would fire Mueller?

Good times

What is really funny is that Frankie Fuckwad decides to “leave” JPP just as Mueller reports Trump is innocent. Great timing

Francis couldn't even admit that he was a Democrat.
anonymoose has joined our awesome group
