APP - The Well Behaved Zimmerman TRIAL Thread


on indefiniate mod break
I would like to do something different with this thread.

I would like to talk in this thread SPECIFICALLY about the trial itself.

I would like to do this in a fair, impartial manner, divorced from the events itself and instead analyze the trial progress as it relates to STRATEGY for both sides.

What NOT to post: "zimmerman did this feb 2012, he did this and that and this, trayvon did this and that"

What we should post:
"lawyers made this argument, they called this witness, the judge said this ruling. the jury will interpret things this way"

Try and divorce emotion as much as possible from this thread and just talk about the progress of the trial itself.


Whenever something objective happens in the trial "judge makes x ruling, lawyer calls x witness" Preface the statement by "Statement of Fact." Afterwards, if you wish to give your opinion on the statement of fact, type "Statement of Opinion." This is so everyone can be in the correct frame of mind when posting and we don't muddle the waters by some people calling something a fact when it isn't. Leave statements of facts for something that no side will dispute in any way.


Live Stream of the trial is here:


APP Rules:

No racism, sexism, homophobia, general bigotry

2. No insults directed at specific individuals
3. No trolling
4. No flaming
5. No "Message Board Wars," please check personal vendettas at the door
6. No thread de-railment. Please stay on topic.

Statements of Fact:

George Zimmermans parents are being kept out of the courtroom because they are on the prosecutions witness list. Witness's cannot be in the courtroom until their testimony is complete

Zimmermans lawyers argued that this presents a biased setting for the jury, as trayvon's parents are present even though they may be called to testify

The judge ruled that the supreme court has decided that the victims family has an absolute right to be in the courtroom, unless defense can show some prejudice to the client.

Defense argued the scene of one sides parents being present and the others sides parents not being present is prejudicial

Judge disagreed.

In a brief aside, Zimmermans lawyer asked for the State to declare why Zimmermans parents were on the witness list.

Judge said if they do that, the defense will have to respond to any request from the State about any defense witnesses.

Defense Declined
Statement of Opinion

Prosecution is playing dirty by blocking zimmermans parents from being in the courtroom by adding them to the witness list. They probably have no intention of calling them to the stand.
Above it shows the dude and 007 banned, but I did not ban them from the thread. There must be something automatic going on in the background, or it might be because they are banned from APP and now banned members from APP are added automatically? I don't know.
Fact: The defense is disjointed and unorganized, both in opening statements and cross-examination.

Fact: The state is much better, in both opening statements and examination.

Fact: This shit's on every local station down here. I'm tired of it already.

Fact: Look for me tomorrow!
Fact: The defense is disjointed and unorganized, both in opening statements and cross-examination.

Fact: The state is much better, in both opening statements and examination.

Fact: This shit's on every local station down here. I'm tired of it already.

Fact: Look for me tomorrow!

howey I am serious, please do not troll my thread.

It's not a fact the state is much better. Personally I think defense crushed on the cross of sean noffek
Sean Noffke - 911 Dispatcher

Cross examination (paraphrased):

Defense: Cause for concern over zimmerman asking if trayvon is black?

Sean: no

cause for concern over the caller?


Any Anger, any animosity?


What did you take to mean he's a black male? Cause for concern?


Re: zimmerman getting out of the car after being asked twice to trayvons whereabouts:

"I can see why he may have interpreted "which way he is running" other than what I intended"


Cause for concern zimmerman is out of the car after these events?



Any concern he doesn't want to give out his address when trayvon might be around?


Any concern that he wants to meet at the mailboxes?


Is cursing something you hear on many of the calls you take on?


Any concern about saying "these assholes they always get away?"


None whatsoever?

no sir.
howey I am serious, please do not troll my thread.

It's not a fact the state is much better. Personally I think defense crushed on the cross of sean noffek

That's not trolling. That's my opinion. Which I just heard shared on the local TV station. (Other than the boring part)
Above it shows the dude and 007 banned, but I did not ban them from the thread. There must be something automatic going on in the background, or it might be because they are banned from APP and now banned members from APP are added automatically? I don't know.
It's automatically added because they're banned from the forum itself.
I think West's statement was dead on:

"Travyon Martin armed himself with the concrete sidewalk and used it to smash George Zimmerman's head," said West. "No different than if he picked up a brick or smashed his head against a wall. That is a deadly weapon."
My cursory run down of the trial today:

States Opening:

  • Didn't see, but most people thought it was good. Not trying to avoid commenting on it, but don't have much to say as I didn't see it at all.
Defense Opening
  • The joke was pretty dumb and cringe worthy... I wouldn't go so far as to say damaging... just not a good choice. I think the defense did a good job getting into the nitty gritty and breaking things down
  • Then we had the first aside when the jury was out of the room which I alluded to above, about zimmermans parents not be allowed in the courtroom.
  • First witness I didn't see, trayvons cousin.
  • Second witness was boilerplate and neither side really said anything too significant, it was more about just setting the scene
  • Third witness, Sean Nofkee I thought defense did an excellent job. I personally think the defense won that round. The defense got him to admit for pretty much 20-30 questions that zimmerman didn't seem irate, mad, frustrated, out of the ordinary, admitted that his request to zimmerman could be interpreted in different ways. Not unusual to have calls about suspicious persons. The prosecution on the other hand pretty much just got him to outline the events, I assume the State thought the tape would speak for itself, but the defense rebuffed a lot of that on cross.

Tomorrow the court will be taking 30 minutes to address whether the state can allow prior zimmerman calls to be entered into evidence. Defense obviously arguing against this saying it has no merit on the case. State argues it will show a pattern of spite and ill will. Judge wants case law from both sides on this issue and the judge herself wants to hear extended arguments.
Ok. That's reasonable.

Here's some facts.

Drudge headline:




The first linking to an AP story:

Opinion: That wasn't very flattering, was it?

Zimmerman's parents barred from courtroom...

my purpose of hi-lighting facts is to outline specifics of what is going on at the trial, not what random websites are saying. You are basically saying "fact: this is someones opinion"

I basically want to be outlining procedure and objective events for those not following as closely. keep opinions separate
my purpose of hi-lighting facts is to outline specifics of what is going on at the trial, not what random websites are saying. You are basically saying "fact: this is someones opinion"

I basically want to be outlining procedure and objective events for those not following as closely. keep opinions separate

Why? You can't!
Any chance there'll be mass rioting if Zimmerman is found Not Guilty?

:village: :blowup: :village:

Do you have any idea of how offensive this is? Here is a newsflash for you dweeb - people get away with murdering black people all the time, when is the last time you saw a "mass riot"? How old are you, were you even alive during the King riots? If so I bet you were in your diapers. Please give it a rest.
Why? You can't!

please do not troll this thread. I have been very forceful elsewhere on JPP, this thread is a break from that. I want to have a thread with more structure Do you have any problem with how I have been in this thread so far?