APP - The Well Behaved Zimmerman TRIAL Thread

Statements of Fact:

George Zimmermans parents are being kept out of the courtroom because they are on the prosecutions witness list. Witness's cannot be in the courtroom until their testimony is complete

Zimmermans lawyers argued that this presents a biased setting for the jury, as trayvon's parents are present even though they may be called to testify

The judge ruled that the supreme court has decided that the victims family has an absolute right to be in the courtroom, unless defense can show some prejudice to the client.

Defense argued the scene of one sides parents being present and the others sides parents not being present is prejudicial

Judge disagreed.

In a brief aside, Zimmermans lawyer asked for the State to declare why Zimmermans parents were on the witness list.

Judge said if they do that, the defense will have to respond to any request from the State about any defense witnesses.

Defense Declined

the judge is correct under the law and i bet the defense's lawyers teeth hurt from biting that piece of wood
Statement of Opinion

Prosecution is playing dirty by blocking zimmermans parents from being in the courtroom by adding them to the witness list. They probably have no intention of calling them to the stand.

proof of this have you? i suspect that the prosecution will call them and ask them very few and specific questions that will not open the door for the defense to question them very much.
proof of this have you? i suspect that the prosecution will call them and ask them very few and specific questions that will not open the door for the defense to question them very much.

i dont have proof, i specifically labeled it my opinion. see this is why I was really clear about differentiating between facts and opinions in this thread, because I know it can get out of hand quickly, even when it's printed in black and white.
Do you have any idea of how offensive this is? Here is a newsflash for you dweeb - people get away with murdering black people all the time, when is the last time you saw a "mass riot"? How old are you, were you even alive during the King riots? If so I bet you were in your diapers. Please give it a rest.

remember the oj trials?

ps i was living in la during the race riots
Sanford doesn't have a large enough of a popualtion for there to be riots. I won't worry either way. I've already stated that Trayvon's parents wish for justice, no matter what the findings. (fact)

what is truth...what is justice? i wonder if either will obtain during this trial
i dont have proof, i specifically labeled it my opinion. see this is why I was really clear about differentiating between facts and opinions in this thread, because I know it can get out of hand quickly, even when it's printed in black and white.

from what i have read so far, too many posts have strayed from the op
It was the question of whether the prior Zimmerman 911 calls could be played. I wasn't there yet but since they did play them I guess the judge ruled favorably. Opinion: I think when they did it woke up the defense because were a bit more aggressive afterwards.


I don't know what I heard yesterday but it wasn't the previous tapes since the judge just announced they can be used.

Oh, and an alternate juror (male) has been released for reasons not to do with the trial.

Here goes another day...
states witness admits she doesn't know what happened, made her mind up based on the pictures shown in the media
defense: only basis for your comparison is because comparison of pictures of a 12 year old child? correct?

witness: yes.
re: calls

defense: oct 2011 police were dispatched and they found those zimmerman was calling about correct?

witness: yes.

2-2-12 event were you aware the person identified by zimmerman was arrested for burglary and lived in that sub division?

no i am not aware.

you have listened to thousands of these calls?


any concerns a concerned citizen made 5 calls over 6 months?

.. can't answer that without research