Statements of Fact:
George Zimmermans parents are being kept out of the courtroom because they are on the prosecutions witness list. Witness's cannot be in the courtroom until their testimony is complete
Zimmermans lawyers argued that this presents a biased setting for the jury, as trayvon's parents are present even though they may be called to testify
The judge ruled that the supreme court has decided that the victims family has an absolute right to be in the courtroom, unless defense can show some prejudice to the client.
Defense argued the scene of one sides parents being present and the others sides parents not being present is prejudicial
Judge disagreed.
In a brief aside, Zimmermans lawyer asked for the State to declare why Zimmermans parents were on the witness list.
Judge said if they do that, the defense will have to respond to any request from the State about any defense witnesses.
Defense Declined
the judge is correct under the law and i bet the defense's lawyers teeth hurt from biting that piece of wood